[Night Elf RP] Sentinel September - Ashenvale

And with that, Sentinel September has come to an end! That doesn’t mean that the RP will end, only that the organised events that have been open to the public from our end may be fewer and further in between for now. Huge thanks to everyone who have tagged along to the various events and populated Astranaar and Ashenvale! It’s been a great month with lots of awesome RP! And special thanks to those who have hosted events during Sentinel September: Kathene, Ialluen, Telariel, Aariam, Telderan and Sheradel!

For now we will take it a bit easy and recharge our batteries before we join [Night Elf RP/A-RP] Loyal to the End - RP-PvE Campaign later in October! I hope to see some of you there! :crescent_moon:


Thanks for all the fun, everyone! It’s been great hanging out with all of you.


Huge thanks to everyone who participated in a great month of RP! I had a great time meeting so many new and old faces and fighting and training alongside them! We’ve chased falling stars, fought orcish ambushes, honoured the spirits of the wild, fought back mysterious corruption in the wildlife, landed spinning glaive throws from the back of flying hippogryphs, and lots more! That’s the Sentinel life!

Special congratulations to Makhalann, who won tonight’s sparring contest, and Aelyndris, the champion of the saber racing event!

It has been great fun to organise and participate in all of this, and I hope we’ll continue to see Ashenvale alive with Kaldorei rp!


Thanks to all of you for the amazing work you did hosting those events, always very well organized and enjoyable!


Thank you all for a wonderful month, full of interesting events, and character progression!
I hope you all will do something like this, again sometime in the future <3

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