[Night Elf-RP] The Umbral Order 🌙 Recruiting

“Loyalty to the Night Elves, across the surface of Azeroth.”

An expeditionary order, seeking to extend the interest of the Night Elves beyond the borders of their homeland to equally maintain their bonds with the Alliance, as well as see to the Groves and other encampments belonging to the Night Elves throughout Azeroth.

See more information in the tabs for our goal, setup and recruitment!

General Information

Being a travel-based guild, the Guild will be able to attend campaigns as well as events, or make own events, across all of Azeroth. We accept all classes, as long as your chosen race is Kaldorei or Highborne - apart from Death Knights.

We are led by an officer team of three, whom all hold a governing hand within the guild. By that note, there is not one specific GM, rather a leading officer team.

We will host events Tuesday and Sunday, with smaller events possibly being posted between these days, if wished. With this, we equally expect a level of activity from the player.

Our ranks are as following;

  • Councillor

  • Dungeon Master [OOC-rank]

  • Chosen

  • Adherent

  • Prospect

The Dungeonmaster rank is reserved for those who wish to host events or campaigns mainly, within the guild, while equally being a part of the guild. They will be in charge of hosting events, helping others plan events and perhaps even help new DM’ers explore and develop their ability!

A DM system with its origination within the Shadowleaf Watcher guild will soon enough be put into use, with the addition of class-specific traits to choose from, to better the DM and roll-experience.

Background Story

We Night Elves have always bonded together, with family spread across our homeland - wrecked and tormented by disaster after disaster. And now, with the war, even more ruin has befallen our home. We cannot sit idle and wait, we have to prepare ourselves and even the smallest of actions can add to the bigger picture.

With the burning of the Teldrassil it became apparent that threats to the Night Elves have to be faced before they appear in our very homes. There is a need for an expeditionary order both able and willing to face these threats wherever they may spawn.

In the wake of this realisation three elves were tasked to create such an order and name it The Umbral Order. They have been charged to seek out and eliminate threats to the safety and security of the Night Elves, and their allies.

Our bond with the Alliance can not be neglected in this time. Neither can our Groves or settlements spread across Azeroth. So we ask you, our kin, to stand with us, as we seek to traverse Azeroth in hope of securing a future we so nearly lost.


For recruitment, seek out one of the Councillors IC. Feel free to whisper Aseriya, Rynthiel or Skeldardis OOCly if you have further questions.

If you wish to join the Guild, the first step is to fill out an application within our Discord channel. Once approved, you will, through following RP, have the rank Prospect. During this time, we will be more strict with activity. Once having reached ‘Adherent’, we will be less strict with such.

To move from ‘Prospect’ to ‘Adherent’ you will need to go through an IC trial that is specifically created for your character. This will be hosted by one of the officers.

We hope to see some of you in game soon.

Bandu Thoribas!


Should I dare asking whats the stance towards in character nelf engineers?


Sounds pretty cool! With some different approaches from other Night elf guilds.
Wish you best of luck out there. :slight_smile:


As long as they share a desire to see the mentioned goal reached, they will be very much welcome!


Good luck with this!


First of all, lovely to see another night elf guild emerge!

However, this concept feels very broad. In the current night elf scene, there’s already plenty of take-all guilds. And, to be blunt, it is not really what the scene needs - it would benefit much more from smaller, niche guilds that work together, rather than all-encompassing umbrellas.

As it stands, I think the concept is incredibly barebones. You’re an expeditionary order of night elves, and you might want to think how this shows in your work. Why do you take Demon Hunters but no Death Knights? Why are the ranks as they are and what do they mean? What makes <The Umbral Order> distinct?

All in all, I think the concept could work - but it can benefit from a lot of work to help further flesh it out.


What makes The Umbral Order stand out from an IC perspective is that it won’t have the same heavy focus on the traditional Kaldorei lands as many other guilds do but rather we will try to visit as much of the world as possible to give a good variation.

Small niche guilds are great (I’m in one myself) and there are several of them if you lift some stones. There are also the large all-encompassing umbrellas. Our aim is somewhere in between where we will have enough activity to sustain plenty of casual roleplay even when there is no planned roleplay but not so large that the members grow anonymous.

But I believe our main feature doesn’t lie in an intricate fleshed out backstory (which will be improved upon) or any new unheard concept. Rather I believe the strength will lie in creating a place for good roleplay and doing so well without burning out any officers. In that we’ve ensured to start out with four experienced “dungeon masters” right from the start.

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I read 3 paragraphs but to be honest it still seems you didn’t tell us much…

Ok so you won’t have a focus on kaldorei lands and want to roam around. Fair enough.
Also cool that you don’t want to be niche but also don’t want to be an umbrella (Which I’m pretty sure means that you want to be a normal guild?)
The only thing I actually gathered from your post is that you have a stronger team to create and manage events in oposition to just, for example, a single guild leader to take all the responsibility. This of course does have a nice ring to it since its the plight of many guilds when they have too few officers to help out the GM and then if the GM goes absent for whatever reason then some guilds sadly die soon after.

But considering this is an ic guild and not just a regular ooc one, you still seem to lack some details which actually inform the reader about what this guild is about and who they are.
A bit more concisive information can go a long way when you’re showcasing something new and it does feel that it is lacking on that department.

Hope nonetheless that this guild of yours flourishes to provide nice rp wherever they go an more importantly that they spread the great mark of nelfdom to the other reaches of Azeroth.

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Let me start by saying thank you both for your input and advice, and for your well wishes with the guild’s future!

You’re correct that as guild ideas and backstories go, this is more bareboned than most, but that was a conscious decision due to the fact we wanted a lot of freedom to explore a lot of unique stories in various places across Azeroth, instead of tying ourselves down to one strict overarching narrative and history that will potentially chain us when we create the personal guild ‘campaigns’. The straightforward idea of protecting Night Elf interests/lands and society worldwide gives us an almost unlimited amount of material to play with and execute, and it’s our diverse storytelling that we want to be the selling point of the guild.

This is why the “theme” of the guild is as simple as a travelling Order that will serve Night Elf interests wherever they appear on Azeroth.

I hope this answers some of your inquiries.


I’m not the type to give feedback or critique when it isn’t asked for, so I shall not. I do like that this isn’t drowning in text, I will say that. Good luck, most new guilds need it!

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Seems really interesting!


When will one of your officers be online? I’d like to chat more. This guild seems like a good potential fit for my wife and I


I just came online!

Usually we’re online after 18:00 server time and on weekends starting afternoons - like most roleplayers :slight_smile:

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The discord is now completely up and running! For anyone interested in joining, here is a link —> https://discord.gg/vxYzqXr

Upon joining, and being welcomed of course, there will be a short application to fill out that asks some basic questions and a place that allows you to ask us any questions you may have too. :smile:


Thank you Kump, your trust level is highly useful!

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First event going off this Saturday!


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