[Night Elf RP/A-RP] Loyal to the End - RP-PvE Campaign

You may! I will add you to the list and you may join the discord for that ^^

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Very much appreciated! :smiley:

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Admittedly late to the game, but I’m intrigued and happy to be placed on the wait list if I may! ^^

Name : Ryldor (Terrorblade)
Guild or Individual : Individual
Number of participants : One

Druid Mithralles has fully replaced Monk Mithralles, now to quickly level up to max!

Except for my forum name hasn’t been updated yet it seems :roll_eyes:


This thread still exists friends!

For those who are interested in campfire roleplay (and don’t mind bieng on a waiting list!)


Vague rumours have started spreading in towns and settlements in the woods adjacent to Felwood. Rumours heard in Winterspring, Moonglade, Sentinel outposts through Ashenvale and perhaps reaching places like Astranaar too. Traders meandering along the roads mention sightings of unusually brave herbivores in the tainted woods, and that an eerie sensation and silence have settled in through areas close to the bordering regions of Felwood itself. Not that it is uncommon for Felwood - it is an area unfavoured by many after all. Be it beasts, or Kaldorei.

Someone mentions that they absolutely saw what could only be a rabid wolf stalking after them on the road, but whether this was true or not, no one could be particularly sure of. After all - some talk of some traders might perhaps be a bit too bold.

While some of the trader’s stories seem to only emerge after being cheered on by a few bottles of wine, some mention that some of the treants seem to be acting a little odd as well, as though something is drawing them towards Felwood. But who knows? Perhaps these are just the words of a half drunken traveller reading too much into things.

Or perhaps they speak the truth…?

Next week we kick of madness our server campaign! With only one week left to go, there are now rumours spreading criss-cross Kalimdor. Feel free to use these as an RP-hook or simply a little something to get going with anything pre-campaign. Maybe there will be plenty more to come in the following days…

Furthermore, we still hope to see many more of our signed up attendees joining the Discord! It will make it a little easier for us to coordinate events and similar as we go. Waitlist signups are still welcome, as well as social sign ups.

We are looking forward to seeing the community come together again soon! ^^


Can’t wait! Luckily it falls in the same week as my vacation aswell!


There is more talk on the road, and the sound of it might well be considered increasingly disturbing. The words of some scouts tied to sentinel cadres operating from Moonglade suggests that the strange sightings have increased in severity - now not only limited to seeing rabid beasts, but also reporting flat out being attacked by them. Felwood is reported to be even more unsafe, but the scouts there seem to struggle with pinning down the cause of the entire ordeal. Another unconfirmed rumour states that one Moonglade sentinel cadre is short of one scout - one sister not having returned from her patrols. Her whereabouts remain unknown.

Meanwhile, worrying reports from Moonglade have been spreading - a denizen of Nighthaven seems to have passed away in a rapid fashion from some kind of novel ailment. The everynight talk amongst local healers in various settlements seems to be tainted by a concerned mood, and many wonder if this is merely yet another sign of the decline of the Kaldorei after the fall of Nordrassil, or if this is something else entirely. What stands increasingly clear is how something seems to be truly amiss towards the north. What will come out of the rumours however, is still unclear. Only time will tell what more information will surface…

More rumours are spreading across Kalimdor, and by the situation, it sounds increasingly dire. Who knows what will happen next?

The campaign is approaching quickly! With that, we still wish to urge those who have signed up to join the discord, so to make event coordination a little bit easier on us ^^ You will find the link in the first post! It is not too late to sign up for the waitlist or as a social either!

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I can’t show up before the 20th, but I would like to be placed on the waitlist if still possible.

Name : Dalathria Silverleaf
Guild or Individual : Individual
Number of participants : One



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After some rotations in our sign-ups, we wish for the waitlisted people to know that you are now signed up to the campaign proper! The circus starts in four days, and we are already happy to have you ^^

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Hello! Is it too late to join in? :>
No problem if not!

Name: Relyn
Guild or Individual: Individual
Number of participants: One

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Hello! It is never too late! I will add you to the waitlist for now!

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Thank you!

With the passing nights, an urgent missive is sent and circulated around Kalimdor. It looks to be quite official in nature.

"In’elah, kin, allies and whomever else might be reached by this;

This missive seeks to confirm the recent rumours spreading in northern Kalimdor. A difficult situation has been building in the area of northern Felwood through the last few weeks. Whilst Felwood is already a crime against the ebb and flow of nature, there is something else currently tipping the scales out of balance even further. An affliction, a malady that we have yet to discern the nature of has taken hold of the already tainted woods. It seems to not only have grabbed hold of the fauna of Felwood, but also the flora. And we believe it is through foraging this flora that the contagion, whatever it is, has spread to civilians of Nighthaven. Our healers are at a loss in the face of this novel adversary - and time is running out. For some, it is already too late.

The Cenarion Circle and defenders based in Moonglade have been monitoring the situation, but it has now reached a tipping point where we require aid in order to turn the tide before it is too late. Animals are growing rabid, attacking both scouts and civilians indiscriminately. Several Sentinel scouts have gone missing and are presumed dead. Many civilians are struck by a contagion which we can make little sense of and are struggling and failing to treat. Outposts throughout Felwood have gone quiet - the last one lost being Talonbranch Glade. We no longer dare to send scouts further into Felwood without more thorough investigation and reinforcements, as it stands clear that this is no trivial adversary. Whatever hides in the fel-cursed boughs and groves of Felwood is not of the wilds, nor of any benevolent nature. It cannot be. The time has come to uproot this threat by blades and claws, and whatever further measures are needed. No threat towards the Kaldorei or the wilds will be left to simmer any further.

Denizens of Kalimdor - this is a call to action! We ask for able-bodied kin and allies of the Kaldorei to come to our aid. Sentinels, adventurers, menders, scouts, rangers - your aid and skill is needed! Without action, the situation at hand will without a doubt spiral further. Make your way to Moonglade with all due haste. A briefing on the situation will be held at the eighth bell in three nights’ time, on the 18th of Bael’asta, the tenth month. Arriving forces will be asked to gather at the Hunter’s Hall in Nighthaven for the briefing. Whatever is known by then will be shared with all in attendance.

We wish to stress - travel to Nighthaven with utmost caution. If possible, fly overhead or travel by portal. We do not suggest anyone, experienced traveller or not, traverse Felwood by foot at this time. The situation is far, far too dire for as much to be safe.

Waywatcher guide you on your path here, and may the light of Elune keep you safe. We pray for your rapid and safe arrival to Moonglade.

By the quill on behalf of the Cenarion Circle and this initiative;

Keeper Idron Darkblossom
Cenarion Circle

Watcher Ash’ana Duskstar
Cenarion Wardens

Grand Priestess Onóra Stormglaive
Army of the Black Moon Huntress

Zelvarane the Firebrand
Sorceress of the Prismatic Spire"

The stage has been set! Loyal to the End will kick off at 20:00 in Nighthaven in Moonglade at the 18:th of October! We start at the Hunter’s Hall! NPC’s could however be found in the area from sunday and onwards.

We will keep the waitlist open until Sunday! Those of you who are signed and not on discord, time to join in on the fun! For socials, we will keep the campaign open as we go.

Let’s bring a great campaign to the kalimdor community again - together!

Tor ilisar’thera’nal!


As we spoke of on Discord, I’d love to change from character, Squirrel, to character Thyreena for the campaign instead.
Looking forward to it a bunch!

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By the light of the moon, I wish to attend this campaign!

Name: Nelaaria
Guild or Individual: Individual
Number of participants: 1

I will definitely be attending if there’s room!

Name: Telathas Moonrage
Guild or Individual: Verdant Coven
Number of Participants: One

Nelaaria and Telathas! You have been added to the wait list! You are of course welcome to come casual around the campaign still! ^^

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I hope it isn’t too late, but I am interested in tagging along if there’s space!

Name: Braum Thunderclaw
Guild/Individual: Verdant Coven
Number of Participants: Me and Tel. (For now)