‘The Felled Tree’ - A Place of Discourse & Controversy
Next Topic: A crisis of faith - are Kaldorei turning their back on Mother Moon?
Next Date: 13th of March; 8 PM realm time
Location: Outskirts of Astranaar - https://imgur.com/a/ycNTkGT
Organiser: Selenelion (OOC: Arborist)
List of Speakers (4/6)
Current Intro: TBA
The War of Thorns has left two proud peoples in tatters; wounded and decimated. In exchange for their dead young, the kaldorei and the people of Gilneas have been rewarded with nought but a farcical peace.
Faith in the Alliance crumbles. The Cenarion Circle has remained neutral. In the wake of recent political and physical turmoil, opinions have polarised and turned cruel.
The Hand of Cenarius wishes to give both these peoples a forum where they can make their voices heard; an opportunity to exorcise hatred and make clear opinions and stances – perhaps convincing others to take up new beliefs. The run-down refugee, the devout priestess, the rough druid and the stalwart sentinel; all of them will be welcome to stand upon ‘The Felled Tree’. This eponymous forum, always conducted near kaldorei settlements on a fallen tree, holds clear symbolic as well as literal meaning.
While this forum is meant for Kaldorei and Gilneans foremost, other races may also be allowed an opportunity to speak upon the tree. Speeches of every kind will be allowed here – even if controversial or offensive – as long as they are relevant to the topic and the forum’s time has not reached its close. Extensively advertised, notices have been pinned to boards in Stormwind and across different kaldorei lands, making the next forum’s topic, location and organiser easy to find.
Speeches will follow after a brief introductory event decided by the organisers. This can include short plays, themed gladiatorial fights, ceremonial and religious rites, or anything else enough to stir discourse and discussion. Once the introduction concludes, speakers will take turns upon the tree, sharing their thoughts and feelings on the topic presented. These speakers will be confronted by questions from the crowd afterwards – though heckles are not disallowed and therefore should be expected.
- No physical violence is permitted.
- The present speaker will only have a limited amount of time to share their point. The amount of time given depends on the amount of people that wish to speak on the day.
- The speaker must address each of the public’s questions and points once his time has concluded. Not doing so may result in the organisers denying the speaker’s next request to speak at the forum.
- The crowd is allowed to voice its disagreement during and after the speech as long as it doesn’t disrupt later proceedings. The organisers are of the opinion that good speeches and thoughtful arguments will be respected with silence by the crowd. Conversely, ill-spoken and poorly opinions will be recipient to raucous.
Very nicely written! I’ll sign up on this character (which you know the IC name of already!!)
I wasn’t aware of previous forum meetings until I checked Mythundis’ thread which had a link to yours. It will be good to once again cross the vengeful kind of night elves - and to have the chance of participating into Hand of Cenarius content. Signing up for a speaker position as Solavel Feralscar.
This looks very interesting, I will definitely be there!
Very based and Elunepilled.
A reminder that this’ll happen on the 7th of February and that there’s still plenty of places for many speakers. If you’d like to speak on the topic of the kaldorei’s position within the Alliance, do not hesitate to sign yourself up!
The Court of Dawn will come. Most likely have about 15 to 20 members with us, might be more. If that’s relevant information. I will speak on behalf of the court on this character i’m replying with. Ceane Dawnwind.
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A really interesting initiative, looks as though it will be a heated evening. Regrettably the Handmaiden’s won’t be able to attend as we have prior commitments on the 7th, but I’m very interested to see how the debates from this night trickle down through rumour and word of mouth in the Kalimdor community. Best of luck to you for the event.
The Dirge of Teldrassil will attend this meeting, and Vashava Nethersong will be speaking. We look forward to an evening of interesting debate!
I shall do my best to come around!
Depends on my work schedule, obviously! But I love this kinds of events so I will do my best to be there! 
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Wonderful. This looks like great fun.
With Isalye bowing out of her speaker position, I’ll be taking a spot! And, to remind people, sign-ups are still open - don’t hesitate if you’d like to speak on the topic of kaldorei and their position within the Alliance.
Looking forward to seeing people present on the 7th of February!
I’d love to say a word or two if there’s still room for more speakers.
Added you to the list. Also there is still one free spot on it! I’m secretly hoping for a Gilnean speaker, as we have none so far. We’re leaving the limit at 6/6 this first time, just to make sure we don’t have to rush people.
Additionally, the very brief IC introduction play will involve a reenactment of a conversation between Tyrande and Anduin, the former asking for aid to reconquer the night elves’ homelands.
Naturally it will have the typical unbiased & rational touch all the Hand of Cenarius plays have 
I might drop by on my Worgen and see what’s up
If time allows, I’ll definitely pop by with The Moonfury!
Seems I am luckily free on the 7th so I will be a able to attend. Providing if everything goes smoothly RL.
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Are there any open spots to talk about our lord and saviour, N’zoth?
I might swing by on some alt to observe. Good luck with this!
The topic is fairly vague so if your character manages to tie it in just enough, I can imagine there is! However, this will be at the very least a monthly thing, so a more fitting topic might show up at a later point in time.
That being said, one spot is still open.
A reminder that this is tonight and that there’s still one spot open. We’ll start off with a small “play” before jumping into speaking and discussion – it’ll be a fun evening for all, I’m sure!