[Night Elf & Worgen-RP] Blessings of War - Public Event

Pre-Trial of the Twin Bears: 10:00 PM, Realm Time, Saturday

After the Trial of the Great Stag, pairs that have signed up for the Trial of the Twin Bears will be expected to gather by the Shrine of Ursoc in Steelclaw Vale.

Participants must carve their names into the base of the statue, side by side, and then join hands to share their most shameful secret with each other. A successful trial will be one where there is a clear, accepting bond, where there is no hesitation in sharing these secrets, and where there is a clear lack of indifference; participants should show a closeness and care for each other, as Ursoc and Ursol would have, regardless of personal variances.

Participants should stay at the shrine to complete any discussion about the secrets shared – including any disputes. Ursoc will need to witness them to conclude whether or not a pair has passed the trial, and those who leave the shrine to discuss the secrets away from Ursoc’s ears will fail the trial. That isn’t to say that participants cannot mention the secrets away from the statue – but they cannot simply leave the statue to argue in private to portray a better image of themselves.

One pair will go up to the shrine at a time. Other pairs waiting for their turn at the shrine must keep a good distance away, and not spy in on any conversation.

Participants can assume that they have been told where to go, by means of written notice or by word of mouth. As this will occur after the Trial of the Great Stag, participants who cannot make it or stay up past a certain time can send me an in-game mail (or message me on Paraselene or Isalye) during the Trial of the Great Stag or beforehand. We can then arrange a time on Sunday for the trial to take place instead, but you must let me know! Those who go up to the Shrine first will be first-come, first-served, unless someone has told me they need to go up earlier.

I will be listening to decide which participants pass, and which do not, though I will be hidden away and OOC. Those who have passed will find that their names remain on the shrine, while those who haven’t will find that their names have disappeared. Make sure to give the post about the trial another read.

On Sunday at 8:00 PM RT, the paired fights will occur separately to the pre-trial.


I had a great time on my Nelf just standing and watching the event from the sidelines, looking forward to seeing how the next trials will unfold!

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Thanks for an interesting event tonight! Great to see at least one Nightblade was blessed tonight. Looking forward to the rest of the trials! ^^


It was a great, and fun night for sure, last night.

This night my draenei rangari will be taking a look, as she has a great interest in night elven culture (even if they worship the wrong things :stuck_out_tongue: )


A very sweet and heartfelt event!

Thank you to the organizers and those who attended. ^^


By Sunday’s dusk, the names of the pairs written into Ursoc’s shrine have changed, with some having vanished completely. Now, only three pairs are present on the old, blessed oak that Ursoc stands upon, and seem deeper carved than ever before:

                   Elarythe Shadespire - Nythalia Farbranch
                                 Zenys - Ylvessine
                       Solonis A'moora - Bramblefur

Those few pairs have been judged worthy, and will stand to fight in the Trial of the Twin Bears ahead.

OOC: The trial will be starting at 8:00 PM RT at Steelclaw Vale - https://imgur.com/a/WaSVaFP


Big thanks for the event tonight! A great fight with some excellent banter and superb commentary from the spectators! I enjoyed the whole tactical element of suddenly needing to fight two other teams!


A variety of smaller birds deliver pamphlets to various settlements in Val’sharah: the Tempe of Elune, Lorlathil and various other settlements. They address the pilgrims of Aviana and spectators.

Pilgrims of Aviana,

Tomorrow, we commence the Trial of Aviana. It is important that you arrive on time, lest you miss the pilgrimage to the top of Highmountain’s Peak. Gather at Sundersong Glade near dusk.

Ensure that you carry NO weaponry on you of any sort. Any that refuse to give up their weaponry will be turned away and excluded.

Know, too, that Aviana is unforgiving. The weak do not survive, like how weak nestlings fall from their nest. The Mistress of Birds and her children adhere to life’s unforgiving cycle, which only sees the strong survive. As such, the weak need not apply. Heed this if you decide to take part in her trial.

— Mythundis, disciple of Aviana

Map: https://imgur.com/a/npRPpzp
Some information regarding tomorrow’s trial of Aviana! Again, 20:00 RT, starts from Sundersong Glade in northern Val’sharah. From there, we’ll move to the Highmountain Peak!

Some screenshots from tonight’s Twin Bear trial, with credits to Elarythe:


One grumpy Death Knight later

Thanks for having me, guys! As Thenell moved to Northrend to join the RP PVP campaign, you are free from me from now on. I am sure you are glad. :stuck_out_tongue: Nevertheless, I wish to tell you that the trials were quite impressive! Good luck to all participants in the future rituals.

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I feel bad about missing the sideline banter on the Bears trial, but happens I suppose! Those screenshots are on point :ok_hand:

Due to a most inconvenient World Quest, the starting area will be moved slightly. Instead of Sundersong Glade, we’ll now gather at Ashamane’s Gate, which is slightly to the north on the map!


OMG! This is my moment of fame!

I’m in one of these pictures <3


Looks amazing! Wish i could be there :slight_smile:


With day 5 done, the Blessings of War have officially been concluded! After trials of various Wild Gods and a final service to Elune, participants have returned through portal to Ashenvale and Darkshore, or have chosen to stay in Val’sharah.

I did not host this by myself; ZENYS, AREO and PARASELENE were also of great help. They deserve all the praise in the world. Thank you!

Most of all, we hoped people enjoyed their chosen trials. Much work and effort were put into them, and we hope it bore fruit. I want to give a shoutout to ELARYTHE for performing a service on the fifth day!

Whatever feedback you may have is most welcome down below. Questions or comments are welcome, too!


Thanks once again for the great time! It’s been fantastic to see various elements of the Kalimdor community come together for some fun and bloody games in Val’sharah. Props to the organisers for making it possible and thanks to everyone who attended and made it as lively as it was!

You’re absolutely welcome! I’m glad to have sent people off in style, and thanks for letting me step up :smiley:


Thank you to everyone involved for this absolutely amazing initiative! I look forward to whatever you have planned next, and seeing everyone the Darkwood met in Val’sharah sometime soon!


Thanks for putting the event together guys. All of the trials were unique and fun, and it was really nice to visit Val’Sharah again.


Late to give my feedback but here goes!

Thank you very much for hosting this event. It was really really really fun. The series of events allowed a lot of interaction and opportunity for roleplay wether one was a participant or not. The trial I was part of, the trial of aviana, was organized in a way that it had structure but allowed for so much personal freedom along the narrative as well as a healthy amount of interaction. Another thing to note is that the events allowed for character development.

I haven’t been to so many events but this one has been my favorite so far.