Yes,I know about that, but I was referring to pre-Cata, the Night Elves and Horde spent like 8 years killing each other with no agreement or trade.
She was a very close friend of Malfurion sad what happened to her.
Yes,I know about that, but I was referring to pre-Cata, the Night Elves and Horde spent like 8 years killing each other with no agreement or trade.
She was a very close friend of Malfurion sad what happened to her.
what’s wrong with that? night elves have always been proud and self-righteous; having them kill an entire village of trolls simply for telling a truth the nelves don’t like is perfectly in character.
night elf players don’t want their race to be shining paragons of goodness and morality. they just want them to be consistent and hew to the lore, rather than become yet another tolkein expy.
Look man, I told you before that you should be getting a city in the near future. I’m playing a Forsaken if you didn’t notice. I want a new city as well. And for the love of God, the orcs did not become stronger after their defeat. Where the hell does it say that?!
There are 3 major things that you have forgot.
1). In case of Lordaeron Blizzard told that the story of that City is not over yet. In case of Teldrassil Blizzard told that the wound will be left as a reminder of that war. This humiliation will be for ever.
2). Blizzard told that they are not planning to add any new capital cities, to spend effort on that.
3). Blizzard already told that Night Elves are fine…
Regarding orcs, in Good War and Elegy there was told that orcish army was so big that there was no end of it till the horizon. While Nelf army was small. In fact orcs had bigger and stronger army after defeat than Nelf after a victory.
There were no classes in Warcraft III, there were normal and hero units. There were race specific units for all factions, each class was given to some races in this game, but somehow the nelfs are insulted, yet no one else is. Not to mention the fact that almost each druid race takes lessons from Nelfs.
Somehow that’s a punch, cause while anyone else has to share what might have been an iconic class in silence, the nelfs get insulted. Come on…
Druids were Night Elves units only, and Night Elves Heroes only. Night Elves were shown as the only casters of the Life realm. It was their unique thing!
And why you have throw away my words about Classic Alfa, and Nelfs former capital city?
Regarding others. Maybe It’s you the one who “should do some research before running your mouth”(с) ?
Because when Blizzard gave paladins to Blood Elves, forum was drown in to thousands of Holy Wars. When Taurens became paladins there was also Holy Wars but smaller. Even now when trolls became paladins there were a couple of hate treads…
First of all, there’s no good race except the Anduin Race, everyone has their own interests. I have no clue where you get these impressions that the nelfs were good. They were not. They had no problem shooting you before talking to you. You said yourself they were savage and I think you should research the meaning of that word cause it sounds like you deluded yourself into believing something that was NEVER REAL. Also consider that nelfs and belfs had history together and while the nelf sabotage attempts were stupid, it didn’t just come out of nowhere.
Yes they were savage race, closed to the open world, which shoot first ask questions later. But after losing immortality Tyrande order her people to open to the world. During classic, Night Elves were introduced to the world as wise, good, nature guardians. Who became angry only when somebody invade their homes.
But in BC suddenly they decided to invade Blood Elves territories, without a real reasons, even knowing that they got their own things to do.
And by the way, you might also want to recall how many times we killed Kael’thas during that expansion and for what reasons.
There is major difference between Kael’thas and Blood Elves, and Illidan and Night Elves.
In case of a Blood Elves, Blizzard show them incompetent and a little bit evil. They were Arcane addicted, and could kill anyone because of the hunger.
Their prince became evil because of that hunger.
But later Blizzard rehabilitated them. Blood Elves managed to reunited and lead a battle against second attempt of Legion to invade Azeroth. They manage to defeat legion. They retake all their lands. And finally they were cured by restoring their SunWell. In next addon that race was a lead race in Dalaran, that was lead invasion in to Nord.
So Balance. Incompetent evil at start, competent good at the end.
In Night Elves case, Blizzard just shown Night Elves evil and incompetent (because their steals attacks was a joke). And no rehabilitation later.
Frostmourne was part of his transition, Arthas was arrogant and obsessive and that led him to Frostmourne, maybe you should do some research before running your mouth.
Arthas wanted to revenge for his people and to stop the scourge. He was thinking that Malganus is a leader of a scourge. He wanted to pay any price to kill Malganus and to stop the scourge.
That how he got in to a trap. Arthas soul was the first soul that was captured by Frostmourne. Special artifact that was made to capture souls. Only after that he became evil…
Gul’dan was also arrogant, vengeful and power hungry, that’s why the elements didn’t grant him power, but the Legion sure loved him.
Gul’dan became evil because all his life was a pain.
For eff sake, stop throwing around crap like this. They weren’t trying to genocide them, they were sabotaging them. The Nelfs didn’t go “HEY LET’S KILL ALL THE DAMNED BELFS” as far as I know.
And they weren’t arcane haters, not all, just Maiev who was kind of crazy, but they were wary of what mages could do since they had experience with that given that whole mess 10k years back IN WHICH THE BELFS WERE INVOLVED.
Blood Elves were Arcane addicts. In starting quests there was told that without the Arcane they will transform in to monsters and die. But for now they can survive by using magic pylons.
And Night Elves were trying to destroy those pylons. Which means to kill Blood Elves race. And that was main reason why Blood Elves joined Horde instead of Alliance!
And no, Night Elves had totally no reasons to became invaders. In fact that story was so WET, that Blizzard forgot to mention it in Chronicles, and also in Good War. Writer even apologies after in interview for that.
In other words Night Elves were used as punching bags just to throw Blood Elves in to Horde, and that it.
So bloody what? They came from trolls just as belfs came from Nelfs. What’s the problem? Blizzard wasn’t taking sides, they were telling a damned story wich does not matter that much since the Nelf culture has separated itself from troll culture to the degree where even they couldn’t believe they were once the same trolls. Only you could take this as an insult. Humans are weak vrykul, for example. How many humans are insulted by that?
What the one where belfs place troll stuff in the nelf camp? Leave aside the fact that belfs were once nelfs too, which would also make them trolls?
If nelfs were all like you, devoid of any humor and on the lookout for things to be offended about, I bet the belfs would have gotten a real laugh.
You missing a point. For Night Elves that was important. It’s their religion! Their faith! They could even kill for that since classic.
Staghelm has a compelling story about the loss of his child and his obsession to getting his child back which eventually drove him insane. You can get the details out of the Stormrage novel which gives you Broll Bearmantle with the initial loss of Staghelm. But since one of your characters who was a racial hero (I think you meant) for two years longer than Garrosh, it’s somehow another punch in your nelf face?
It seems to me like they could give you the moon and the stars and you’d still find something to be insulted about.And by the way, Garrosh went from smart ruthless leader to full blown racist tyrant from one expansion to the next, having Horde players spend half of MoP doing his bidding and the next half fighting him, no space in between. You might want to consider that little detail.
Again, Staghelm got his story when he is evil, just before Cata. After 6 years being Nigh Elves race leader and protector!
For Night Elves that was the same punch as Garrosh for the orcs.
The nelfs didn’t look incompetent, that’s just you looking for more Blizzard punches.
Again, even from that book you are taking some parts, losing the main picture. The key thing in that book was a WOLF. The WOLF from Tyrandes dream.
What that book tells, why that book was written? To create new Alliance Hero from Tyrandes dream. New High King!
Before Cata, there were many threads where Night Elves fans were saying that Night Elves are strong. That they can be as separate faction. Thread where people were arguing.
But in that book Blizzard showed that Horde can defeat Night Elves with ease. And only new Alliance King can save them.
Blizzard used Night Elves, to rise new Alliance king. They were used as punching bags, to show human potential.
And most important that story made Night Elves fans to shut up about Night Elves powers. And people like now are saying words like this - “nelfs may not be as awesome”.
And yes, Horde have lost that battle. But after that lose, they end it up controlling 50 % of Ashenvale forest. Completing the goal they came for - Cutting Lumber.
While Night Elves finished this story with a couple of lost villages. With a fail to do their goal - kicking Horde out.
And most important, they lost in a Classic Battle, on Warsong. Silwerwing sentinels were defeated.
Please show me where they revealed that fact. I’m really curious to see it.
-They just use Tyrande as Punching Bag, to show off High King…
Well, I agree on that. But just a reminder, that was also a slap to Alliance. We came there, we lost our soldiers, and left without revenge.
Especially since she wasn’t vital to the story of that expansion and the next one too.
Actually she was playing key rolls for Alliance in Draenor. And she was the reason why Night Elves have lost Wardens main base, from where Illidan was stolen.
While Blood Elves got a major hero who is now lead Warfront.
And I agree about Dark Wardens. Blizzard just have seen how much pain Cordana bring to Nelf fans, so they use that Hype and add more Wardans traitors.
Actually the demon hunters didn’t kill and steal nelf souls. That was just Illidan and his other forces since he was holding the demon hunters back.
Also how exactly does she forgive them? She gives them a weapon and says “go fight the demons that overrun us” not “go be free and bask in forgiveness”. The Demon Hunters were instrumental in defeating the Legion. If Maiev does not agree she can try to lock them back up, but to be honest, if I were one of the guys who fought the Legion next to the Demon Hunters, I’d have something to say about that.
Again, you are missing the key point. Demon hunters became our heroes in that addon, and Night Elves souls left without revenge. Like they are not important at all.
Probably the same thing will be with Sylvanas. We will left her alive because we will need her, and dead Night Elves will be not important, forgotten.
I remember people were upset cause Tyrande went something like “DIRTY HORDE HELP ME OR I KILL YOU” and the Horde character went “YES MY QUEEN”. People simply asked for another response, more appropriate option. Blizzard changed the whole dialogue.
I don’t remember anyone saying Tyrande was ruined for making a pertinent choice instead of jumping head-first into an obvious trap.
There was thousands threads about all those tears, and about defeating by a shadow.
And rightly so. She didn’t act very diplomatic, did she? Which is totally in line with her character. You might want to accept that she’s not that great of a character, even if she’s a nelf.
Again, you are missing the point. The point is that Blizzard just used Tyrande AGAIN, as punching bag, just to add another race to the Horde!
And no, there was no real reason in Tyrandes words, because SHE IS THE ONE who took Highborns before that!
No race is treated exactly as any other race down to every detail. Each race is created differently, has a certain presence across the world and in the lore. The nelfs have had a lot of both. Ask the orcs who have had ZERO POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT as a race since WoD. Ask the Zandalari, who not only have been losing constantly BEFORE they became a playable race but keep on losing. Ask the Dark Iron dwarves who have been villains for the better part of the game.
You might have reasons to complain, as I said, everyone has those, but certainly not more than those of the above mentioned races, some of which have known only loss and some have very little lore development next to nelfs.
And yet again, you are missing the point. Non of those races were used as punching bags to develop others. Some of them had a punch, but latter rehabilitation. Some of them had a punch even in 2 addons.
While Night Elves being punched every single addon without rehabilitation. They being used as punching bags many times to develop other races and heroes. They were shown incompetent for so many times, but without rehabilitation like other races!
and I like to think that Blizzard will restore them cause if they don’t that means they won’t “restore” the Forsaken either.
For God’s sake the current story which involves the loss of Teldrassil isn’t even complete and you are crying that Blizz isn’t restoring you already?
I have already told about that. That in Cata we heard the same words like - “Hey, wait, Blizzard will make it up to Night Elves”. But no they didn’t.
In fact Blizzard ALREADY told that Night Elves had they revenge. In their eyes Night Elves already restored, already are fine.
No, that’s just you and other vocal few around here and I hope to God that people who are reading these threads don’t confuse the other fans with teary-eyed vocal players like you.
Did you try to open the link on the US forum from topic starter post, before saying that there are only “few” of fans like that?
In fact there are not only Night Elves fans who complains about Night Elves.
Holy crap, what the hell did you want? You single handedly put the Horde on the defensive and had Blightcaller running and one of Sylvanas’ lives removed? Like I said, odds are you’ll get another city.
Not the Horde! There are forsakens + goblins (with not all heroes involved) against Nelfs + Worgens (with all heroes involved). 2 vs 2. But one side also with a help of the God.
And both forces are even! Don you feel the absurd?
Humiliations and memes about burning Teldrassil? Give me a break. You took god damned memes personal?
No, but they made to insult NE fans. Blizzard gave a reason for that. In fact on US forums there was even one moderator who was trolling Night Elves fans about that. Some people were calling to report that moderator, but he did not even get punished for trolling.
I am sorry but you are missing the point. All the sht you refer to are simply “overestimations” on your side not cannon lore.
In previous lore and expansions the Aspects were untouchable, the Legion was undefeated and if the name Sargeras came anywhere near you , you would die!! It was considered impossible to defeat the Legion.
It was considered night elves were created by Elune , it was considered BY NIGHTELVES that they were chosen.
It was considered by Geen Greymane and Gilneas that the wall would protect them from anything.
The story didnt give a punch to all the above examples, they simply mythbusted them.
Same with nelfs man. FFS just an arrogant race who feel entitled to everything doesnt make them entitled to anything
Just a supper small another example. Blizzard have updated Brewfest party. Now totally all races of the Alliance are represented there.
That includes all allied races. Even Void elves have a store there.
The only race is missing, the only race has no store and not a single npc there - Night Elves . . .
I can’t seem to find the worgen one, can you point it out to me?
The Night Elves didn’t get their revenge because they’re literally becoming instruments of revenge.
The fact that this is breathing in actual personality back into the Night Elves after how flat and boring they’ve been for years is a thing to celebrate. If it gets Night Elves back into trees shooting arrows at unsuspecting orcs, I don’t care about one satisfying act of localized revenge, I just want Night Elves to be ruthless and go all out as they’re trying to do.
The night elves did not get their revenge upon the Brewfest, this is a spit upon the night elves, Blizzard haters!
Night elves are not represented in a fun holiday for fun!!! DESTROY CAPITALISM NOW!
How is it our fault if your race, amonst many things, is also garbage at brewery?
Okay wow, you’re really sinking so low as to insult a genocided people who have suffered nothing but punch after punch by Blizzard since they were introduced in WC3? All Blizzard ever does it spit on night elf players, killing our immortality, world trees, lore and people all for the benefit of privileged Human Male Paladins like you. I’m so sick of you HMP’s mocking the night elves every time something bad happens to us and quite frankly it’s unacceptable. And yes, us not getting a brewfest stall is a punch to the face. Apparently there are so few of us left that we have to outsource our products to a ‘crack squad’ of void elves, the antithesis of all that is night elf second only to HMP’s. This is why subscribers are tanking and people are flocking to Classic, because of how Blizzard treats the night elves like garbage, especially post cata. It’s not funny, so take your human male paladin privilege and human potential elsewhere. Going through the indignity of following an 18 year old human boy is bad enough as it is without scrubs like you rubbing it in.
I am dying. Thank you. Thank you for making my point for me!
Down with the Human Male Paladin privilege! Tear down the patriarchy! You show them, girl!
What about void elves mocking the night elves? Is that one more acceptable to you?
So is worgen and forsaken not having stalls also a punch in the face to them?
Keep laughing it up HMP scum. Meanwhile our lore continues to get butchered by Blizzard with undead night elves and this new night warrior thing that they’ll no doubt use to turn Tyrande evil. Well done, you’ve become a bully. As if Night Elf fans haven’t gone through enough mental anguish as it is. Most of us have serious depression right now.
Am gonna let you die in the Keystone.
This is terrible… what next? Forgetting to bubble when you’re being focused down?
Don’t forget the Crab and the Night Elves.
It’s a punch to the Night Elves by Blizzard that they got crabb’ed!
Or playing a match with broken counterspell, and winning at the end.