It’s called Another Unnecessary Nelf Tear Bait Thread as far as I’m concerned. You wanna count how many of those are up right now? How about the non-related threads where nelfs spill their tears, go ahead, check it out.
They post when it is related, you guys are posting tears/whining on Night Elf tears’ threads as well.
Honestly you have a bigger chance of being noticed if you have a thread of 500 replies than 3 with 30-50
I’d rather not support spam, thanks.
No, I don’t think so. But since you got me started, let’s be frank, nelf players make all these separate threads with the same old stuff, never actually offering any viable solutions to the causes of their distress. And note, making such threads is not a bad thing, making about 3 a day however, with the same theme, no viable or concrete solutions, tends to attract attention, just not the type you fellas seem to want.
I don’t get it. If it was anyone else talking about the same things, only concerning any other race, then I might get it, but as far as nelfs are concerned I have no clue what you guys are really after when every damned thing Blizzard did involving nelfs is an insult to you. I see no viable solutions for improvement, I see no attempts to make things works, just tears. Only tears.
Let’s take this tread. It nitpicks ANOTHER NELF RELATED story which has become some kind of ritualistic act by this point following ANY story involving nelfs. Offers no solution, requests non-specific compensation. Cry and ask for stuff.
So at this point I’m not sure what NOT an insult to nelfs, I’m not sure what kind of “compensation” you want, what I am inclined to believe is that a lot of you seem to have a thing for acting like every Nelf story is an insult.
Guess what? Everyone gets crapped on from time to time and they just stand up and brush that scat off. Where are the forsaken threads since their race has a very probable chance of getting their whole race “reinvented” by force. What about the orcs after WoD?
If it were up to me I’d 86 nelfs from the proverbial story bar, because whatever happens that involves nelfs there is one constant and that is that nelfs are insulted and must be compensated in some way.
I understand why many people feel this way, and it’s fine to be engaged and compassionate about a story and the way it develops, but we need to draw a line here.
I too was quite horrified about the Burning of Teldrassil and many of the lore decisions that were made in the aftermath, such as raising Night Elves into Dark Rangers, etc. My favourite race is also, surprise surprise, Night Elves. So I know where it’s coming from, and from one person to another: the Night Elves aren’t the only one’s who have suffered and been screwed over in the game and the story. There’s only so many times people can scream about this before it becomes old news, and quite frankly, annoying.
That’s not really true, because here we are and already gave the person more than 20 replies. You don’t get noticed in a thread with 200 replies because the most don’t want to read that all and just read the start or end.
And how many of those were actually replies complaining about another thread? If you don’t care to read a big thread, then people should really consider how important this issue is to them.
To an extent, that’s true, however, if we look at WoW’s history itself, the night elves lost by far the most people and territory. Humans lost quite a lot, but they had by far the most territory and population to begin with, and are still going strong. Gnomes and Blood elves were screwed over earlier, yes, and worgen had their introduction to WoW with one gigantic loss. But from any race’s introduction to now, no other race has as many losses.
On the contrary, the forsaken had victory after victory from the very beginning, nearly tripling the zones under their control since vanilla (and by the way, using the dirtiest methods, never being called out, until now I guess?) and exactly one loss, if that valkyr thing with Sylvanas and Genn in Stormheim even counts.
That doesn’t seem right. What did they exactly lose in WoW’s history? Mind expanding?
This sounds about as inaccurate. (Much like the Human and Gnome problems and how you handwave them, but let’s focus on the obvious mirror within the current setting for the sake of parity).
I would also want some clarification regarding whether you are talking “meta” losses or story ones.
I’m not saying Night elves have not lost things throughout years, but reading this comment of yours, I think you are grossly distorting things (don’t know if intentionally or not).
That doesn’t seem right. What did they exactly lose in WoW’s history? Mind expanding?
Azshara, for starters, then Stonetalon Peak, also half of Ashenvale in Cataclysm, and now with BFA also Darkshore taken and Teldrassil destroyed.
This sounds about as inaccurate.
In vanilla, the forsaken basically had Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest, and one settlement in a still mostly human-controlled Hillsbrad. In Cataclysm, their reach extended to Western Plaguelands, all of Hillsbrad, and up to Arathi Highlands and even The Hinterlands. Basically almost the whole northern half of EK, minus the top northeast corner.
I don’t know what you mean by “meta” losses, the story happens and the phasing of the areas since Cataclysm reflects that.
And yes, I know the point of the horde winning everything (except Taurajo) in Cataclysm was so we have parity between how many areas each faction controls.
I don’t think that qualifies them to be the race that has “lost by far the most in WoW”.
Both Stonetalon and Ashenvale were contested territory (both ingame and in the story), since Classic, by Tauren and orcs respectively. And remain that way to this day (Ashenvale was even completely reclaimed after SoO).
Azshara never had a sizeable Night elf population to begin with.
And Teldrassil might be the first and most relevant loss they had…which puts them at both the Gnome and Blood elf cases, level.
And regarding the Forsaken example…they have gained hardly anything of relevance.
Specially given recent story and how pretty much everything they have is now contested territory.
Western Plaguelands was already mostly under their control. Nathanos lived there.
In short, I don’t think that Night elves, of all people, are having it that bad when compared to a whole set of other races that are at the brink of extinction, refugees from other planets, or displaced nomads.
They have issues of course, but so does pretty much everyone else.
Don’t know what else to write except that I agree with you.
I just want these kinds of threads to stop, since it doesn’t bring anything new to the table. It’s been discussed countless times already and it’s not really going anywhere. As of right now, the developers seem pretty content with leaving the Night Elves to one victory at Darkshore and call it a day.
Let me cry over night elves which are already reclaiming Darkshore and half of Ashenvale (mission table). Feel my hot Gilnean tears mingling, as my favorite kingdom wasn’t even reclaimed in a war the Alliance had won.
But no one ever lost as much as the night elves. You can not even understand the concept of loss unless you are a night elf.
Ps. I do understand this sounds a bit rude, but I beg your indulgence, as I am getting so very, very tired.
Honestly you will probably need to take it to Twitter or some social media outlets if you want change if I think about it. Posting here won’t change stuff.
M8, you have obviously no clue how these forums works. You get less to no attention in such threads while getting much more replies in your own one. It was obvious that people will start to complain about this one because it’s just another nelf wine thread. The most people skip the most because it’s mostly unnecessary to read anyway.
Many times I have heard this. But I’m founds that Unfair! Lets check WoW game history:
1). Classic.
In War 3 we have left Night Elves as wise old race, that was strong enough to be as separate faction.
In WoW first thing we found out, that there are only few Night Elves left in this world. Like the race is dying. But why only Night Elves are dying, not other races which had the same battle?
Second thing we found out that half of our race is neutral, and does not cares about us.
Also we found that we are not the only one who cares about nature and there are other races that can be druids, that are living in our old capital city.
We have lost our unique thing - Druids.
2). BC.
Burning Crusades begins with adding Blood Elves to the Horde. The reason why, was that Night Elves where trying to kill that race. But there was no reason in it, and still even in books Blizzard do not mention that situation. Even in “Good War” book writer forgot about that…
Another punch was that the main villain in that addon was Night Elf Illidan, who suddenly become evil…
3). WOTLK.
In that addon Blizzard decided to hit in to Night Elf unique culture. They made mages again as part of Night Elves race. Also by the end of addon we have found out that Night Elves religion is a lie. They were not created by the Elune, they were just a dark trolls who were transformed by magical well.
Also in this addon we found out that one of our leaders Fendral is actually evil. He almost manage to destroy Azeroth, and even Horde had to help Night Elves to defeat him.
4). Cata.
Addon begins with 2 invasions. First is Deathwing who have destroyed Night Elves city of Auberdine. Night Elves park in Stormwind. Night Elves city in Feralas. Also Ashenvale. Hyjal and Darkshores have transformed in to ruins.
Second invasion was from the Horde. Night Elves have lost half of Ashenvale, and some parts of Darkshores. Night Elves also have lost an army in Azshara. Big Night Elves army was butchered by goblins like they were some kind of rookies. While Azshara location was transformed in to Horde flag physically on the map.
Most important is that all those loses were not restored. Night Elves dead bodies still lies all over Ashenvale forest. Why there is no Horde soldiers dead bodies there, or anywhere ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Also humiliation was the laugh from Blood Elves about rookie Night Elves mages. Another one, that we have failed to stop a bomb, and lost a city with druids, because we could not stop a balloon… A balloon!
Another one is that our heroes like Malfurion have ignored our race in that war, staying neutral.
And most biggest humiliation was in the book. Garrosh managed to crush Nigh Elves army. Tyrande was shown incompetent. She with her experience was almost killed by rookie Horde archer.
Also we had to kill our druids that became druids of the flame. And to kill our classic leader Fendral.
And… our unique class Druids was given away to another 2 races.
5). MOP.
At first Night Elves came there to restore immortality. They were shown incompetent and were defeated by Mogu.
Later on Tyrande was show as incompetent in “Little Patient” scenario, where she kneeled to the High King, who teeched her how to fight.
Later on, Night Elves took magic bell to guard it in Darnassus. Night Elves were shown incompetent again, Horde manage to steal the bell from Nelf capital city.
Finally Alliance manage to defeat Garrosh. And what? Did Nigh Elves got revenge for their loses? No, instead Tyrande gave Azshara to the Horde as a gift. And Garrosh escaped.
6). Draenor.
In this addon Night Elves did not took any actions. The only hero from Night Elves there was Cordana Felsong.
And guess what? She is the only one from the heroes who start the addon, who became evil and joined the Legion . . .
7). Legion.
At the beginning the book came out, where Demon Hunters was using Night Elves souls to open a portal. But we have forgive them for that crime. Because of course Night Elves souls are not important…
Later all that story in Valshara. Tyrande and Malfurion were shown incompetent again. They were defeated by a shadow… We had to kill a close friend of our race Ysera.
Later Horde got a new race, with Suramar city. Reason? Of course again Night Elves are responsible.
Also in that addon only one ship with demons manage to defeat all guardians in Hyjal, and defeat Malorne.
8). BFA.
In the beginning our race have lost all their cities and all their lands, becoming a dying race. Our forces were tricked by Sylvanas, shown as incompetent. Our sentinels also were shown as incompetent. They were ambushed by rogues in their own lands. And those stories about crab killing 6 druids. A sea beast killing 6 druids in the forest!!!
Our main heroes Tyrande and Malfurion were shown incompetent again. Our god Elune, and our friends like Cenarion e.t.c did not came to help, they don’t care.
Later on, we got those Undead Night Elves. Our own heroes suddenly without a real reason betray own race, and became Sylvanas dogs.
Sylvanas forced Night Elves to use a dark ritual, she manage to do what Legion did not managed. She have broke a race spirit, forcing to live with one reason - revenge.
Now Night Elves are dying race of refugees, living on the streets of Stormwind like a bums, growing pumpkins on a farm.
Tyrande made a ritual and became a Night Warrior. And? And again Tyrande and Malfurion were shown incompetent. They did not manage to defeat Nathanos, and they did not manage to stop him from rising Nelfs.
Also Night Elves were shown incompetent, because even with the help of the god, they fight with small amount of forsaken forces on the same level. And still there is no info who will win…
And now all those rumors about Nelf Priestess of Elune that will fight for Sylvanas, when even Orcs are against her…
Also another 2 races became druids. Now even humans can.
Yes, other races had their bad moments. But Damn, not in a each single addon like Night Elves!
When other races being punched, later on they are always getting back to their normal state.
While in Night Elves case from a race of strong, wise, unique nature guardians they where transformed in to not unique, dying, broken, incompetent race which has totally nothing, and the only reason they live now is to revenge in any possible way…
So don’t you dare to compare! Don’t you dare to blame Night Elves fans for whining!
You asked what do we want? Lets take for example orcs:
Not so far ago Orcs have lost a war. What happened to orcs race after Garrosh defeat?
Orcs got a new, restored capital city.
Orcs got a new location as a gift, which looks like their racial flag.
Orcs have restored their population. We have children models, also in books there is mentioned that some orcs have like 8 children.
There is not a single orcs city, not a single orcs village or not a single orcs camp in the world which is currently conquer by enemies, or left destroyed.
There are no orcs dead bodies left to rot as a sign.
This is what I want for Night Elves. And I guess they deserve it.
But can you Imagine, that Blizzard will allow this to happen? Can you Imagine that Night Elves will retake and restore all their cities, camps, villages in the world? That they will get children models and Blizzard will mention that Nelfs are restoring their population? That dead bodies that are left to rot in Ashenvale will be removed?
No, this sounds totally impossible. It’s ok for orcs, but sounds totally impossible for Night Elves.
This is the real reason of all of this whining. Reason is that Blizzard clearly are Night Elves haters.
Just for example, can you remember any battle EVER, when Night Elves manage to defeat any of the Horde races in some single battle?
https:/ /
Yes, the first Ashenvale Invasion.
Crops. The farm. Hunger.