Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

May want to read again then. He outright said in the post I replied to that lorewise it was taken back. He never refuted this when I questioned it, the proof is right there in front of you.

Yes, plenty of examples given in this very thread. Just have to take off the nelf-o-vision goggles to see them.

At the risk of being called a Nelf-hater yet again, this is what i’ve been seeing since my return to read the latest on this hot mess.



Afaik those missions were never canon. Though I have to search for the quote.

I am literally dying to see you prove this.

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Everything shown in game is canon unless stated otherwise, there has never been a quote to say they are non canon.

Why does this have to be such a pity party though? You can say you’re not happy with the current direction without denying primary sources, lol. Why is it important to compare with others who’s sadder?


They will also never affect anything in game.

I could swear I read a quote somewhere that not all missions are canon but I have to look around for it.

Why would skirmishes and military reports not be canon?

Of course, think about it from a business stand point. What better way to pretend there is a world wide war without actually spending resources on showing it?

This thread, in my eyes:


Metaljaw: Well, the Forsaken have it pretty badly.

Malfurion: No, you are doing great, look at all that Northrend representation. Also, Forsaken are evil and were always evil, amen.

Araphant: Gilneas is in shambles.

Призраклеса: You have 3 outposts and that caravan, you are doing great, you built mighty cities.

Rangy: Tauren are suffering terribly since vanilla.

Elaria: No, tauren are doing great.

3 months later

Night elves: By Elune, why are people joking about us?


Sorry, I am thinking about it from a consumer standpoint.

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I am waiting for your source. You made a claim, prove it.

That’s where you are going wrong unfortunately. Blizzard are using mission tables as a way to tell the story, it’s irrelevant if you agree with it or not :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok so lets shut down the forums. it is irrelevant, you heard him guys! Everybody go home!

Calm down the hysterics please, I know that is hard for Night Elf posters but that couldn’t be further from the point I am trying to make if you tried.

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Well, i’d certainly be worried if the Mission Tables aren’t canon. I mean, you set up outposts, find azerite, communicate with the Zandalari/Kul Tiran navy through it…

I’d be worried if all of those were actually toy boats just to briefly entertain the army…

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Sorry but I am not “Night Elf poster” but a human being :wink:

And I am not hysterical, just making a bit fun of your argument.

No you are upset because you assume I am sticking up for the business practice rather than explaining why it is what it is. Go take a few deep breaths, listen to some Nightsong and come back.

Oh and actually prove your claim while you are at it passive aggressive emoji

“It’s better to have lore now lost, than never to have lore at all”

  • Gelbin Mekkatorque, 2019.

You couldn’t be more wrong.