Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Yeah, 10000 years ago. Whereas all the human losses happened in the last 20 years.

Most races suffer through that, Kaldorei just have it arguably the worst when it comes to neutral stuff.
The story suffers too, especially in BfA when close Order Hall allies suddenly turn into bloodthirsty beasts who want to butcher the other side. The Faction War just comes off as so forced by now.


Using this logic the draenei lost two worlds, nice try. :smiley:

Also, I thought we were counting in-game zones?

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Dalaran and Silver Hand/remnants of Lordaeron being neutral is the same, if not even worse.

It’s hard to consider the Silver Hand/remnants of Lordaeron as a human organization, since there are literal orcs and tauren in it. The same goes for Dalaran.

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Not if I want to understand the story, while as Night Elf I am forced to play without context, I don’t even have a choice that is my point.

It can be argued they have it worse, yeah. Though Silver Hand only was neutral for one expansion. Malfurion was Neutral for 90% of WoW. Cenarion Circle still is (ok good reason because Azeroth is dying…which by the way has become totally irrelevant in the story)
Alliance in generally suffered the most by it. Which is a result of them having the most canon characters and organization carried over from the games.

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The Silver Hand/Argent Crusade has been neutral since Classic. The Silver Hand right now is affiliated with the Alliance and fights in Stromgarde, but they are not the Argent Crusade. They do not have holdings in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands.


No it was an Alliance organization till WOTLK (well more of a non-entity) and went back to it till Legion.

It was not. In Classic you already had some Horde races in it, like Leonid Barthalomew or that tauren dude. The Alliance had no presence in Lordaeron before Thassarian’s expedition to Andorhal in Cataclysm.

You are confusing the Argent Crusade with the Silver Hand.

We did get some representation in Northrend, just not what you have in mind. Even if it wasn’t much, like an entire area dedicated to the Forsaken culture, it was something and personally I appreciated the attention.
So yeah, that’s why when you start talking about neutrality when Blizzard adds a damned zone with the exact nelf culture as the playable nelf race’s culture, with the same names, the only difference being that they didn’t go nuts on the Horde, who were there to help, just like they did in Warcraft III, it’s an insult to you.

Now I agree that neutral factions are not that great and I’d rather do without them, but still, you got more than most other races, even if it involved neutrality. That’s not only not good enough for you, but you use it as some kind of insult to your nelf pride.

I already clarified that. The Silver Hand is an Alliance Paladin order much like the Blood Knights and Sunwalkers of the Horde. Like them, the Silver Hand has no holdings in the Plaguelands. Hearthsglen, the Holy Light’s Chapel, Stratholme… They belong to the Argent Crusade, which has been neutral since its birth in Wrath of the Lich King. Before Wrath of the Lich King, the Silver Hand also had no actual presence in those zones aside from the small ruined chapel.

I have no idea why you bring that up. We talked about Alliance organizations that turned Neutral. The Silver Hand did that later. That is all we talked about.

and this is stated nowhere.

But even if we assume that is was like that. The lands are already destroyed and most night elves dead, how would it make up?


Because we were talking about the impact that that organization had in the zones that humans controlled.

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This was Malfurion’s words though, ask him for the source.

Pretty sure most lands are not in a great shape post Cata but that doesn’t stop the races from still trying, does it? Also doesn’t stop many races who are “”“near extinction”“” either. So again I ask, why is this evil Blizzard punching the Night Elves in particular again as if the other races are getting a fantastic deal?


I did not post a wall of text. I posted a short, concise summary which handled 4 races. Your wall of text, which is at least thrice as long, speaks only about the night elves. Do you understand how utterly ridiculous this is? Not to mention how ironic and indicative.

You are basically illustrating my point with every post you make.

Now, for the second part of the picture:

Then you spend the entire post explaining how night elves suffer the most, downplaying Forsaken and Gilnean and Tauren suffering.

Do you understand what a walking parody of your own argument you are?

Oh, and to top it all off, you do this:

Do you know what the essence of a debate is? It is the willingness to hear the other side’s argument. You spent your entire time here downplaying what other races are going through, so you can portray the night elves as ultra-victims.

Honestly, if you want to see puerile, look in the mirror.

For you, Gilneas is fine, because they are welcomed in Darnassus. According to this logic, night elves are perfect. Were they not welcomed in Stormwind?

I am glad we both agree how night elves have it dandy.

Forsaken lose elements of their culture to retcons and get butchered? Doesn’t matter, in your opinion, they were always evil.

Yet you whine about how night elves suffer from retcons.

How can you act like this? Like, honestly, explain to me, I am honestly shocked that someone can be so delusional and blind to his own behavior.

And to top it all off, you will behave in this manner, then call me childish. Like, I don’t even know what to say.


He never said that ? Just because there are a few night elves in Darkshore trying to fight off the horde doesn’t mean that they got their lands back. Darkshore is still 50/50, Ashenvale is purely horde and so is Azshara. It’s funny too because the Night Elves gave Azshara to the horde with the condition that horde would retreat from Ashenvale as a sign of friendliness. They could’ve dismantled the horde there after garrosh was defeated, but instead they even gave them Azshara.
Now that Azshara is completely harvested by the horde they broke that deal, took the rest of the Night Elves’ lands and as the grand finale, they genocided them.

Has any other race lost as much as the Night Elves in WoW ? And the thing that really makes it that they lost all of it to a playable faction and then blizzard says that they got their revenge even though every 3 year old could tell that they did not get anything.


So the table missions indicating how night elves hold 50% of Ashenvale are not canon?