Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

This whole thread:


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Those are some creepy eyes for a druid, matey!

I did them in honour of Araphant.

They’re so dark he can’t see when I’m staring at his butt.


Anub’arak voice

I see you like nerds ^^


I just have a thing for Serbian HMPs.

It’s a niche.

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so is this thread dead yet?

You can also skip the entire lore and read it on the Wiki, why pay for the game?

Guys I was referring post Cata/Wolfheart the entire land was restored, it belonged to the Night Elves, they pushed the Horde out and limited them to Azshara. Currently and during War of Thorns the lands are contested and invaded by Horde.

That implies that the game is only worth paying for for the story you get to experience. Which is a very absurd statement.

some people play for story/lore elements. The main argument was how the players can chose to see the events of the destruction of Undercity, while you don’t even have that option for Teldrassil.

I agree, blizzard should have kept WoT in the game.

Regarding WIKI:

1). Any person can update them.
2). What can Wiki tell you, if for example in game Horde Forsakens have murder all civilians in Astranaar city during War of the Thorns, while in Book they all were evacuated.

Wiki will choose one side of a story, while there are 2 to argue on forums.

Yes. This one:

So, in the War of the Thorns, before BfA was released, Teldrassil was destroyed. It was already transformed in to ashes.
Alliance and Horde still were doing daylie quests there for one more week, but Lor’danel was in orcs hands. Alliance had a quest to save wounded Nelf archers there, but city was in Orcs hands.

Untill 8.1 where we found out that forsakens have destroyed Lor’danel.

In other words, this quest cannot be cannon. Because Lor’danel was not in Alliance hands when BfA came to life, and we get table missions. And also Teldrassil was already burned down to ashes.

The quest you linked outright says they are “Teldrassian survivors” so not sure what you are on about tbh. I don’t seem to remember all nelf presence suddenly vanishing before Tyrande returned either, her return merely escalated the fighting. So yeah, sorry, seems pretty canon to me.

So WoWhead is lying is it? Interesting claim, I look forward to your solid counter source then.

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To bring something up, you said that Night elves were said to be evolved trolls, and this is a WoW retcon and great injustice.

I am currently reading the Wacraft III:Reign of Chaos manual from January 2002, where that claim was first made…

So, you were wrong?

Another unrelated observation. A lot of people mention the War of the Ancients novel as something which shows night elven strength, and how in-game, it was somehow always lacking.

Why do those people neglect, in their desire for “night elves independent and best”, to mention that the book pretty much shows and clearly states how night elves can not stand alone, and how xenophobia and isolation is weakness?


Oh please Blood elves have been going Extint since warcraft 3 yet there is plent of us around.

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Thought about it for a couple of days and while playing Classic I got flashbacks, thing that makes me most annoyed about Night Elf treatment is why only Demon Hunters got the ability to use Moonglaives like the Huntress and Sentinels have.
It’s an iconic weapon and back in Vanilla there used to be urban legends that you could get this weapon by playing a NElf to max level and do all sorts of random crap.
I think this is the true reason NElves should complain.


Just check, in what conditions is Lor’danel is in game. The city that was lost before BfA came out.

Wowhead is a resource which was made by fans of the WoW. Not by Blizzard employees.
Again, there are many things that were different between the books and in game. Especially about War of the Thorns. 2 sides of the story.

Blizzard, company that made this game did not gave answer which story is the right one. So tell my how some fan made resource can gave the real answer?

So you need to know both, game and book, until Blizzard will confirm that one of the things is more accurate…

No. First of all, Blizzard did not told that they were trolls. They told this:

***In time, a primitive tribe of nocturnal humanoids cautiously made their way
to the edges of the mesmerizing, enchanted lake. The feral, nomadic
humanoids, drawn by the Well’s strange energies, built crude homes upon
its tranquil shores.

Later that manual even was marked as not canon. Only whit release of WoW Magazine, Blizzard told that Night Elves were created from Dark Trolls. After that forum were drown in to holy-wars and trollings for a couple of mounts.

This book is about 3 young friends Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan. Young not experienced friends that in the darkest hours had to lead their nation, reunite the world on the war, and lead them against Burning Legion.
As a result of their successful moves, Burning Legion (the force that had no loses before, the force that already conquire thousands of the worlds) have lost, and the world was saved.

This book showed Tyrande and Malfurion as wise competent leaders. Illidan a little bit different, but I do not want to start another Illidans Holy Wars, but still he was shown also competent, and one of the greatest heroes of the universe (Naaru words).

They definitely suffered losses before. The aldrachi opposed an equal if not bigger resistance, so much so that it warranted Sargeras himself to intervene.

Also, is Lord Ravencrest a joke to you?


And yet we have an in game source, something that you -know- is canon, stating that is was used during the time between 8.0-8.1. It doesn’t have to be in perfect condition you know. This is Blizzard we are talking about, you can’t rely on perceived inconsistency to consider something non canon, otherwise we might as well just say everything is non canon, lol.

Well good thing Blizzard employees have already confirmed in the past that what you see in game is canon unless stated otherwise. Regardless, please provide me a source from Blizzard that says the mission tables are not canon as I am not interested in debating opinions on the matter.


I don’t really see a difference, to be honest. The idea was present since 2002, in the oh so delightful WCIII night elven fans constantly talk about.

It only lacked the precise label of “troll”.

I mean, what? Being called a nocturnal feral primitive savage which evolved from the Well is cool, but troll is bad? I genuinely don’t get it.

The entire idea of Kaldorei origin is literally copy-pasted from 2002, with only the label of troll added.

And you had Dark Trolls helping you in Hyjal…

When? I want to see something which insist it isn’t canon. I also find it rather indicative, not to mention amusing, that you claim this isn’t canon, while your peers lament over other things being made non-canon.

Apparently, whining over lost canon only counts if the canon suited you.

This book shows Kaldorei suffering heinous losses over their inability to ask for the help of other races while being massacred, as Rhonin calls them buffoons and Jarod shrugs apologetically.

Illidan is shown as borderline-psychotic, Malfurion as inexperienced. Not to mention that neither of them was the head of the night elven host.


I am a Night Elf fan and I kinda like the Troll origin. What is so bad about it? Humans evolved too and yet we do not feel “humiliated” because we are evolved apes.