Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

Apparently tauren “evolved” from Yaungol as well according to Chronicles. It is what it is, think every playable race now is evolved from something except trolls maybe?

It was told that some humanoids came and were transformed by the well. Night Elves believed that Elune sleeping in the well.
When WoW came out, there was Night Elves religion in which it was told that it was Elune that created them. Also trolls version, where it stated that there was no Hand of Elune, just some trolls transformation.
2 versions of a story, and a quest to kill each others for the right version.

Finally Blizzard choose second version in WoW magazine, which made Night Elves religion as a lie.

Game manuals were marked as not canon and removed from pages because to many things were not accurate. That happened ~ in the end of 2010. At the first Blizzard have try to write WoW magazines to rewrite the history and answer questions. But Magazine have failed, and did not became popular.
So Blizzard wrote Chronicles, which is their second attempt to put everything on the write place.

Kaldorei suffering loses not because they warent asking for help, but because Legion was to big. When Kaldorai did ask for help, nothing was changed much. Forces of the World still was suffering heinous losses.

But the main Idea was, that old rulers with old traditions could not accept new world, while young heroes had a different view. When Tyrande started to lead and came to help to Malfurion, that young druid burn down hundreds of demons using lightning and manage to defeat one of the strongest Legion lieutenants Hakkar.
They were shown not just wise rulers, but also as very strong Heroes. In fact it was their plan that saved the world in the end.

As for “Malfurion as inexperienced”, when he was just starting to use Druids skills, he managed to see the future, things that Cenarion could not (demigod of the druids). If not this moment, there would be any Azeroth right now.
He also managed to defeat strongest mage in the universe, mage that even Sargares was respecting.

So maybe in the eyes of a haters, they were shown incompetent. But in my eyes they were shown competent supper mega world heroes.

Who was fist, the egg or a chicken ? (c) =)
Whom where trolls came at first?

I did say on my quote apart from trolls.

He’s right, Ravencrest (which was the main leader of the Rebellion) didn’t want to ask for help to the other races because he was afraid of the conservatists amongst his ranks.

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But the claim was there since 2002. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

That is you telling me something. I want you to prove it. Like, where are they marked as non-canon?

Not really. Kaldorei were so xenophobic that they would rather die, then ask for help. Once the Earthen and the Tauren came, the tides turned and the fight became easier.

They were not rulers. Jarod was leading the host, Stareye and Kur’talos before him. Both of these were xenophobic. Illidan and Malfurion were just portrayed as strong assets, Tyrande wasn’t even that.


That’s because some nelf players are incredibly racist and consider being descendents of a species they deem to be much lower than themselves to be humiliating.


Stepping into nelf territory:

now before you get all riled up, its just a joke :slight_smile:


Trolls seem to be the only truly original race. Though we simply do not know where they come from. Maybe they are just aliens if Blizzard needs a Troll planet.

Nah, they are said to have “evolved from the land’s primitive life-forms”. They were basically animals once. Man, I should be offended!

Imagine evolving from an animal, hah! Losers! I don’t know what I would do if my species had evolved from an animal!


I was created by the Great Horse, the patron of Gilnean Caravans.

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:heart: :heart: :heart:
All Hail the Great Horse!

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So sad.
But what about worgen? The Ruins of Gilneas?

I mean not only kaldorei are injured.

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You are now a friend of the Khan and Gilneas.


‘Jokes’ are used to excuse all kinds of abuse. Night Elf fans have suffered enough thanks. We don’t want or need to deal with you and your damn ‘jokes’. TELDRASSIL WAS NOT A JOKE. Millions of Kaldorei lost their lives on a scale equivalent to the holocaust in WW2.




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Yeah, except the holocaust actually happened and the burning of teldrassil is a piece of fiction in a video game. The fact that you actually have the gall to put these two in the same sentence is the most offensive and immature thing i have read since i have come to the forums.
You ought to take a step back from the rp and think about what you just said.


Yea. Come to Manchester United football pub, make a bad joke about that club, and then tell them that football is just a game. :wink:

Regarding genocide, I agree that we should not talk about such terrible things on game forums. But it’s Blizzard the ones who made a mistake in BfA by passing the border line of the morality. Now its a big question how can they forgive genocide and save their favorite character Sylvanas, so that everybody in a game could be happy. :roll_eyes:

I do not think that trolls were created from animals, because there are no animals that looks close to trolls kind.
But I do think that they were not just created by nature. Because as it appears trolls were the one who was building NZot city.
I personally think that it was Old Gods that created trolls as working power, but after the war against titans they became free.

Yes, and hooligans are a perfect example of why you shouldn’t let your emotions get the better of you. Even if it is about something you are passionate about.
Look, I get that night elf players are extremely upset about the whole situation. But it doesn’t give them the right to say whatever they want and talk down on others who disagree with them.


Blizzard are the ones glorifying genocide. I’m just calling it what it is.

It’s kind of funny cause until the Nelfs were killed in large numbers (still not genocide as far as I understand it), nobody made a fuss about, for example the multitude of quests that involved terminating a tribe or village of unfortunate creatures and preferably traumatizing their children because they were annoying some Horde/Alliance/Neutral farmer and all that for a few coins of gold.

The moral? It’s no big deal until it happens to Nelfs, then it’s a punch and/or a spit aimed at nelfs.

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