Night elves did not get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

If you expected a thread full of people who agree with you, you came to the wrong place. I am sure there are Nelf Discords in which you’d feel straight at home. But here, your opinion is challenged.

And, as has been argued a MILLION times by now, people DID give you a chance, heck, the nelves were defended for a very long time (and I still do think that Teldrassil was the worst thing that happened in a long time), but our own problems were downplayed by the same people who expect to be taken seriously.

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The ones in charge of building in the Black Empire were the aqir, insectoids whose main attribute was their resilience. The Empire, and therefore the cities within it were built prior to the titans’ intervention.

The only instance of trolls intervening is when they accidentally awakened the aqir. IIRC, those were Gurubashi, and they successfully drove the aqir all the way back to Ahn’Qiraj, where they lay dormant for millennia, becoming the qiraji under the influence of the imprisoned C’Thun. A couple millennia later, the night elves did the same damn thing, and Fandral, with the help of the dragonflights, managed to drive them back to Ahn’Qiraj, at which point the dragonflights opted to seal the city due to the strange magic it emanated and the endless numbers of qiraji and silithids coming from it.

So yeah, no Azerothian races there. What little direct involvement there was took place long past the Old Gods being imprisoned, and the Black Empire was built long before that.

No, they have legends. It has also been confirmed by the devs that the trolls did NOT predate the arrival of the titans on Azeroth.

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