Ninja Looters

Much easier if everybody simply needs when a blue BoE drops.

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Yes, but you can call them ninjas. In this situation I don’t agree that they ninjaed it. It’s not a clear-cut situation.

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It’s like using money as toilet paper, it’s just not simply what it’s designed for ¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

I don’t think it means just because it hasn’t been mentioned that people should completely avoid common sense :open_mouth:

I had those discussions and a lot of people think that boe items should be rolled amongst everyone, rather than those who will equip them. So I’m not sure if it’s a common sense.

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I guess it depends if you’re using the common sense of greedy people or common sense of socially healthy people :smile:

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There was a blue post including loot~

Scams and Loot Disputes

Scamming other players is a violation of our World of Warcraft game policies. We will investigate any reports of scamming that we receive and take the appropriate action, removing gains and penalizing those who violate this policy as needed. It’s important to note that Game Masters will not restore any gold or items that may have been lost.

World of Warcraft loot systems empower players to manage loot directly. For this reason, Blizzard support will not redistribute loot in the event of a dispute between players.

If you’re playing with a new group, it’s advised to always be clear on the loot rules before proceeding . Discuss the plans for distributing loot with the raid leader before you become locked into a raid. This will provide you with an opportunity to make an informed decision on whether you want to decline the invitation or leave the group. Multiple loot methods are available in WoW Classic, and we encourage you to group with others you trust, especially when using Master Loot.

In some extreme cases, Game Masters may deem it appropriate to penalize a raid leader who fails to adhere to clearly established looting rules. Please keep in mind that looting rules like “Main Spec > Off Spec” are not enforceable qualifiers.

As dungeon loot is group loot I guess it’s not something they’d even get involved in.

Presumably this is where server reputations come into play.


Alot of times boe and especially boe epics is all need, to many times ive seen so called needers needing the item and theno using it anyway. Imo boe is always all need in pugs.

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Im afraid I dont get that. Do you mean the roll system isnt being used the way it was designed to be? The roll system is pretty open-ended so to say, and players over time have come up with typical ways to use it. In my experience, most groups will simply all need on blue BoEs.

It’s intended use is to need on things you specifically need, hence the name.

Very well, all greed then, but the custom has been to Need instead to avoid someone ninja-ing it. Dont take the roll options too literally.

Gotta feel alive when you experience something like that. Life isn’t easy, neither is WoW Classic. When you’re struck down, you fight back. You don’t get to be held in the hands like a baby on retail, you make your own way.

Sucks, but at the same time lovely. An actual MMORPG.

i dont see any problem i neve equip boe , boe should always be sold on auction house it is waste of gold to not sell it anyway better item will be popped in less than a day , ppl who buy that will buy for faster leveling if they want alt

Yep. All I’m saying that custom shouldn’t have been necessary to begin with.

OP what are you even on about? BoE items were always all need, especially epics, even in actual vanilla. You have to view them not as BoP item that you consider or not consider using. They are a gold pinata, you can spend the gold on yourself (equip the BoE) or take the gold (sell it on ah). It has always been this way as far as I remember. And your group seems to get it too (they all rolled need), you are the only one who whines about it, and you rightfully got a ridicule from the guild for running to them trying to tell on a member who exhibited a normal, standard behavior. You are lucky if you didn’t end up on THEIR blacklist.
You are the one in the wrong. Deal with it.

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Nope. Coming from a toxic realm community, then maybe!

I played on The Venture Co. and Sporeggar, both RP-PVP servers with supposedly “mature” community. Rolling need on BoE was a standard behavior. There was even a saying - “Everyone needs gold”.

Idk the RP servers have never been the more mature ones.

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Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Im just saying in a generally objective look at what most people see as mature.

Well the thing is that I doubt that anybody will feel the “classic penalty” for ninjaing before people start to get to higher levels.
The higher the level of the community, the more the rules set’s in (and the words spread swiftly in settled community) And eventually it will become the norm.

Also I suspect that it has something to do with that people have jumped from server to server, maybe multiple times. And if they do not plan on staying, stuff like this happens.

It might not be exactly as in classic, but I am sure that something will develope.

Playing myself back then, I remembered it was Etiquette (spells?) that you could only roll need on something you actually needed. Gear for your class etc. If a class specific item dropped it went automaticly to the person of that class.

I remember that I was flamed for needing gems once, and was taught that you have to share your proffession and skill level of it, in order for it to be ok to need on crafting items lol

Again I am not expecting that it will be like that again, the memories just suddonly came back to me by this topic