Ninja Looters

Dear Blizzard Customer Support,
While Running Wailing Caverns i came across a Ninja Looter in my party.
He Rolled Need on a Tank ring with Armour and +defense Blue BoE.
Party setup 2Warriors 1Priest 1Mage and 1Rogue.
Eventhough 5people rolled need only 2 actually need it
. Me and the other warrior. i actively tanked that dungeon together with a guild mate who took over when he saw i had a bit of a problem holding aggro with everyone being 20+ and me 18. So we lost the ring to the rogue. I called him out about it in group since he didn’t equip the ring after a considerable amount of time. Also gave him the option to give it to me which i actively intended to use. Also said i’d equip it in front of him. Which then didn’t convince him. I informed/warned his guild officer and i got multiple whispers saying “Pepega” from guildmembers of his. He also tried intimidating me by saying he’d post stuff on redit. Now The question is as followed. What is a good way to Discourage such bad behaviour?


Whats the name of Him and his guild?
I’d like to avoid such people all together.



But not against any rules.


Lool rip BoE

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Unfortunantly there’s no way to avoid it, people sometimes just straight up suck.

Just remember the name and avoid him and his juvenile guild.


isn’t the etiquette around BOEs is that everyone greeds unless someone needs then everyone needs?


BoE will often be sold on AH, so imo it’s up for grabs for anyone.


Ninja looting is part of the game and very fun, it adds a layer of danger and extra social interaction to the game. If you do not like it, you can try playing the easy mode baby game BFA.


Put him on your ignore list and also his guild if they support such behavior.


If a blue BoE drops, everyone should have equal chance imo, in 95% of cases it will be put on the AH anyway.


Yeah when it comes to high level stuff thats why its common to see items reserved, people going to roll need otherwise

Lol classic

Kill or be killed. Welcome to Classic. Suck it up buttercup.


Welcome to the classic experience Ninga looters and Guild leaders =D


Fortunately we could keep a megathread list of ninja looters and their guilds trolling about it. Just put one up and ask everyone to provide screenshots.

I’ve an actual solution for your tears. Remember the nice people you quest with. Talk to them. Invite them to dungeons.

Not everyone is a good person so if you’re inviting randoms for dungeons, remember you’re doing it because its convenient.


not gonna lie, I actually bought it up until this sentence

I remember a while ago I talked to a GM about a Master Looter (in a raid) ninjaing an item.

They basically told me “That’s what Master Looter means.”, so I would assume they have the same stance on group loot (anyone can roll on anything, not only BOE as long as that’s the loot method selected).

However, the GM did say something along the lines of “But, if they state unequivocally in chat that they will distribute loot based on /roll and if they go back on that promise, you can report them.”

So basically either do dungeons with trusted people, or try to get everyone to agree to Master Looter, then have the actual Master Looter agree to your “clause”. You can make a macro for that.

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Not much wrong with this sentence tho.

I think he means it’s too humorous to be likely