No change to Gushing Wounds

New PvP balance changes, no change to Gushing Wound stacking, where 30-40 % of your damage is procced.

“we want players to feel like they do the damage, not random effects” - Ion, probably

10/10 Blizz


I was in arena months ago where enemy fury warrior’s 78% damage was gushing wound and rest other stuff.

They nerfed it a bit but this time people stacked 8x gushing wound nothing changed.

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All corruption can be nerfed in PvP. Not all specs take benefit from GW.

You do realize tho that gushing wound is a spell of fury warriors, or?

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Actually azerite trait. And no1 whine about that FW pre 8.3 most of DPS was about this trait and gettiku, not class mechanic, but AFK dps.

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Yeah still, nobody does 80% damage with Gushing corruption unless you just autoattack and let it procc.

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Corruption is fiesta.

They have it from azerite trait. Unless you are farming m+17 all the time , you never get the procs you want. I always gambled my chance for azerite armors.

I know people with 9x gushing wound on fury warrior.

And when you look at their procs , they proc every other time they are not rare proc.

I stacked haste corruptions. Deep wounds is my highest damage with 55% (arms)

Gushing just contributes so much more damage than any other source in the game. When it deals 2/3 of your char’s dmg sometimes it’s just wrong.

Imo :slight_smile:

I always look at what enemy used on the counter after arena’s.

My boomie friend from community never use gushing wound or any damage corruption. He is using stat corruptions for fast counter. 15-19million damage on randoms. 22m+ damage on rbg.

I never stacked gushing wound on my warrior either. I once had versality then switched to haste corruptions when I saw blizo is using them.

But in my opinion corruption is pve stuff. they should have been passive on arena and rbg.

Nah, it’s only 30-40% most of the time, Blizzard balancing team made sure it wasn’t 2/3, we good.


Since everyone can buy gushing wounds from corruption vendors, they are not a big problem anymore if everyone has them. At least the games are faster when people don’t stack versa like idiots

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And what do you suggest? Nerfing Gushing wound so that destro gets passively buffed and everyone goes versa again?


I think haste amps are worse. They allow players to completely ignore the whole fakecasting mechanisms and just force things that they shouldn’t be able to purely down to their haste.

Well I mean, ineffable truth is equally broken so :S GW is just the most obvious because its the only one that shows on the meter. Doing 2second gpies or doing 2-3 bolts on coil or having insanely fast greater heals are all terrible design.

I dunno, corruptions are just a disaster

40% of total damage done is 2/3 of your char’s dmg :slight_smile:
33% is half of your char’s dmg.


Tbh the biggest issue I have with gush is that even if you put someone in CC they are doing 20k-30k dps on you from just having procced gushing.

Your words tricked poor me.

I approve, then.

its been said multiple times… Corruptions should have not been allowed in rated pvp. This way there could have been some actual class balance and a decent pvp season. Now its too late and its such a big mess… its immposible to fix it. Just addapt to it and play and try to have some fun. I would gladly trade off my gushing corruptions to instead have my own abilities do some dmg but… it is what it is. The point where gushing wound feels broken is when u put in the hands of the rogues and demon hunters… those already have super strong survivability and dmg ,so they dont sacrifice anything for that extra gushing wounds. While some other classes need it just to stay competitive dps wise and risk playin less defensively.

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Kara what is this mogg bro i love it
Bulking up

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Legion S7 elite. It’s alpha af.

I have that one 2 i realised