No Changes Classic Players are most toxic players in the player base

you guys offer nothing but toxicity. remeber first classic wow all degenaracy farming black lotus’s by leaving a dead noobie. botting selling gold. GDKP Ninja looting ur-goro devilsaur degenaracy world boss spawns and never have chance to kill them cause raids constantly camping 24 hours

If was for me I make sure you I would make sure NO DEGENERACY would happen on classic wow server. ninja looting permanate account ban your credit card info is banned you can never play wow classic any version of wow or blizzard games again

if blizzard cant take legal action against people abuse there terms then remove there products from those regions

Its all your @ no changes players fault no one gets play the game as it should be who buys who bots who runs gdkp ruins whole expansion in classic because of it . who plays only alliance makes every server in eu faction dominated servers in classic era

Not blizzard that stuffs on you completely you instead of playing game how its so post to you have find ways to scam items from players

so yah if blizzard makes world bossesdungeons like onyxia then I DONT See that as bad change screw you increases spawns of black lotus and devilsuar. note its cause players abused the game and gdkp is banned and ninja looters can get account banned

moment blizzard adds something awesome like duel spec no debuff limit these losers these toxic classic andys wont shut up cause god help if they make things better for ppl you troll

I have played era since 04. I can tell from the getgo where the downfall was and understand the “toxic” behavior. They already have aniversary and sod, let the experimental state stay there.

People just want the solid first version and let it be that way. Nostalrius was a great example that a vast majority like no changes.


As long as blizzard leave ret Paladin as joke spec in classic (as it should be) everything is forgivable

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The most toxic thing here is your english. You open one idiotic thread after another.


This is almost poetic. You take a sentence and swith some of the words and leave others out - and get this.

I have no clue what you are trying to say here,


A complicated way to say that you are bad at the game :joy:


Alright alright - Here is my ranking of top 5 moments from this. Please read slowly and twice if necessary, and do not forget to add to it!

#5 - degenaracy → The whole point of the post can be summarized in the fight against degeneracy
#4 - ur-goro → not sure if it is a mythical, yet to be released, Classic+ zone or that part where the sun never shines
#3 - how its so post to you have find → we all know what happens when things get SO POST
#2 - If was for me I make sure you I would make sure → We all sure AREN’T WE?
#1 - it should be who buys who bots who runs gdkp ruins → LOLOLOLOL

I am all for no changes, but I will have too add to this NEVER CHANGE DESTORYEZ, LOVE THIS COMMUNITY!!!