I just did my 8th bountiful delve without any Delver’s Journey experience reward at the end. I tried running bountiful delves (T8-T11s) with 3-4 different characters, and none of those runs rewarded any experience.
Did you complete the “delve quests” in Dormogal (there r new ones in season2)?
Update: reset did not fix this issue. I still cannot get any Delver’s Journey experience this week.
I have same problem. My progress has been stuck at 16995/42000 since last week
Same for me, doing only Tier 8-11 Bontiful Delves and the progressbar is stuck.
Same here stuck at level 68.
Since last week also stuck at 16907/42000 delve level 4, seems they dont want us to reach lvl5 so we can buy extra keys Brann is lvl 69 and still levels but not the Delve progress. Made a bug report
I stucked at 4th brick too.
I think it is timegated as always.
I really dont know why is so many thing behind timegates…
Same problem here stuck at tier 4, strange there is no info on it being timegated, they just don’t want us to be able to buy the extra keys yet.
Yeah… 19665/42000 - 1335 missing to Keys. By the time those will be buyable the keys are worthless to any of my chars lol
Also having the same issue
Why is the journey stuck when there are still 19 eligible bountiful delves to earn progress from in the week?
Have been able to earn some progress by looting nemesis chests alone but it also looks like I’ve been scammed of some points even while using the key on the main chest.
Next week is delves bonus event and I am already dreading this won’t get fixed in time.
Hi all,
There are no known issues with this, though there are indeed some limitations on how quickly you can progress on your delver’s journey.
More info here:
What other limitation or contributing factor for how quick the player can progress through the journey are you talking about?
- level of difficulty
- fully cleared nemesis packs for nemesis chest
- main bountiful chest bonus; limitation of 4 bountiful delves per day and number of available keys with which to open said chest, for an additional journey bonus
From Wednesday through Friday, I have not received a total of 250 (journey) x12 (runs) = 3000 journey points in total from nemesis chests alone, from tier 11 clears.
I have to ask if you play the game and how familiar with the topic are you.
You’ve ignored the fresh thread I’ve opened today in favor of a topic hidden somewhere near the bottom of the page. Try reading though it, it explains the problem in more detail.
Need I remind you that next week is Bonus Delve Event and it would be very disappointing if we failed to communicate the problem correctly at you. A bonus 25% of rewards to ZERO would still result with NOTHING AT ALL.
What exactly these limitations are? My journey 's progress stopped last week and since weekly reset I’ve got zero journey’s progress although I am running T11 bountiful delves and clear all nemesis packs on several characters. So why my progress wasn’t affected by weekly reset?
Weekly reset also failed to reset activities relating to the acquisition of Delve Keys. On some characters, some of the weekly repeatable quests are completely unavailable or if they are able to be picked up, they did not award you any delve keys this week. Basically thought luck if you had completed something the previous week, because this week there will be no main reward for you.
For example the light event in Hallowfall, I got no keys from it this week and also some quests were missing in Dornogal. I could see them on some characters but not all and there is no consistency to it based on which one I had played the previous week.
The Theatre Troupe event did not reset at 5AM Wednesday but several hours later. I did not receive a key from the weekly quest either once it had finally become available.
It’s a complete mess any no one even wants to acknowledge any of the problems despite numerous reports spanning back to the start of season 1.
After you explain everything that is wrong with the game and other people agree with you to confirm the fact, Blue will come and say “that there are no known issues with this.” I have just written 10 paragraphs going into detail. What more can we do? Should I also include links to tens of threads mentioning the same thing?
Unbelievable. Trying to convince us that it’s actually a real person replying, but then why does it not seem that way? You just brush of every complaint like you’re not even in the mood to deal with your customers.