No Dungeon Finder in Wrath Classic

Good news for some (me included)

Latest news around this case :

Mage boosting :

Retail premade group finder :


Great news for dead realms


I guess they plan to deal with servers population/balance for Wrath if they do that.

That is a freakin death sentence for small servers. How willingly stupid must Blizzard be to overlook that. We already have servers with 25k+ player - They already have the dungeon finder experience. HOW HOW shall player on small servers find groups if they can’t access the group finding abilities of other servers. Blizzard killed all the small servers with that announcement. Utterly stupid and corporate greed at its finest.


Love this change! Althought sad about the removal of arena teams. But no dungeon finder is perhaps the best change they could’ve made!


actually its a double edged news. for actual activity its a mistake

hmm i’m not sure about this. Current high pop servers are way more populated than back in WoTLK so at least on medium + servers dungeons won’t be a problem.

I don’t like this, this is gonna suck for everyone stuck on smaller servers. But hey more transfer $$ for Blizz I guess, so that’s good.


I don’t understand. To become a game developer You need to have some kind of knowledge, and wisdom or wahtever.

Why noone at Blizzard thought about making dungeon finder that works ON YOUR REALM ONLY. Just automatize assembling group. Throw out teleporting, throw out cross-realm and just make it only assemble pt in Your realm bounds. Is it just that hard to think of ?

Jesus, so frustrating some of the decisions or fault ideas. Would work same as of now just removing the onboxious /4 spam


LFD didn’t get introduced until late Wotlk, and will most likely get introduced in classic Wotlk at a later phase.

Before LFD was introduced originally you could only do each HC dungeons once per day, and when LFD got introduced you could spam HC dungeons “endlessly”. This meant people would gear out from HC dungeons and get all badge-gear way too fast.

I’m glad LFD is not going to be in classic Wotlk from the start, and will be equally happy it’s introduced at a later phase.


Not to mention that some dungeons were never done anymore because people would skip them or leave the grp when they popped up. Now they will be in the rotation of the daily HC and will remain relevant.


That is so dumb from Blizzard. I play on Firemaw 35k player at the moment, maybe over 50k in WotLK because all will join Firemaw without the Dungon Finder.

You cant read any Shiit in the LFG channel because they are hunderts of posts every minute. You must spam long time to find a tank or healer.


Maybe they’ll work on improving the TBC group finder tool for Wrath.

Very good news! People actually having to put some effort to make “things easier” for them like making friends and connections with other players is beneficial to the game. Don’t cave in to the reddit LFR babies. LFR and LFD don’t belong in classic.


LFD was in LK and therefore should be in LK classic.


Ah yes, whispering “inv” to some group in LFG makes me feel really social! Thing is If I want to be social, I will be. If I don’t feel like talking to people and just wanna get the dungeon done with, I’ll do that too. LFD doesn’t change this. Why are you defending this excuse to not have to put in the work to make LFD function properly. It was in Wrath it should be in Wrath Classic.


Stupid comment filled with complete ignorance for small communities. This game also exists outside the realm of Firemaw and Gehennas (Horde). Have you ever played on a close to dead server? We rarely see any group searchings throughout the day. DF would help us survive by connecting us to other realms. Otherwise we are FORCED to transfer because we cannot self sustain anymore. And I think that in the end is the plan of Blizzard - Drying out those servers who survived until now.


Automating systems that encourge players not to bother to interact with each other because they no longer need to is bad for the games community. Period. The game from the ground up was built to faciliate co-operation and when you remove that it ceases to exist.

The majority shouldn’t suffer because of dead servers, my own server died and we reluctantly took the free transfer. Server population is something that’s on the devs to solve, throwing out the games core design to do that is ridiculous.


When there is no player interaction in the first place, then the whole argument is falling apart. We can discuss when Blizzards start to actively balance around small communities. Until then those servers rely on connected communities.

And what do you think the majority suffers from and what they actually suffer from might also be 2 different things. We could also discuss that Flying is bad for social interaction? Do you want to remove it?
It is an inherently flawed logic to make anything dependent on the “majority”. The majority brought us same faction BGs, which also increased the server imbalance.


You’re speaking in absolutes, pretending finding a group is impossible when its not on a populated realm or that forming your own group is any way challenging under normal server conditions. If people can’t be bothered, that’s not my problem and it shouldn’t mean that game gets stripped down to accomdate lazy, anti-social players. I don’t play world of warcraft to treat other people like the ghosts from dark souls, if I wanted that I would play a single player game I wouldn’t be playing an MMO and the whole reason people argued for Classic was to get Classic. These arguments have been hashed out time again and when players are willing to dismiss the literal design lead that points out the flaws in systems like LFR/LFD I can’t help but scoff. Retail is available to you if you want all the convenience of not having to interact with people.