No Dungeon Finder in Wrath Classic

Woah. Stop here.

Maybe flying is bad for WPvP but not for social interaction and the game level design is build around flying mount anyway.

Meanwhile you can clearly do all of the content without Dungeon Finder.

I managed to level all the classes on a mid pop server throught dungeons.

blizzard like always don’t use brain or love more money over satisfaction of their customers , no free migration from server, no marge low population servers, it is impossible to do hc, pgus, until you will w8 for +30 min (and often you just waste time tring to make, party, raid happen) AND IT IS NOT FUN! At first they created this problem @ lunch of classic and giving us 3 realms then they make tons of realms and now we are having 2 mega servers and rest are dead orclose to dead like my mograine and i will not pay for 8x 70 transfer!! So if they will not fix this problem then cancel subscription and BB

ps. most of us have 30++ have wives, kids, bills to pay and full time jobs. And when i have bit of time to play i don’t wanna waste it for spamming LFG with 0 effect


LFD doesn’t really solve any of your issues.

You’ll still have to wait as a DPS/Healer + LFD tend to make people behave badly and leaving/kicking at the first mistake + nothing prevent you to play while looking for/creating a group.

IMO, either they plan to make the “Oh ok sorry we’ve listened to you and we are adding LFD” either they plan to fix servers issues during the TBC → WOTLK transition.

It’s terrible news, and I hope they change this, and add Dungeon finder later on.


That’s not true.

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I’m glad they are not adding in dungeon finder from the start. Maybe they will towards the end as it was originally but who knows. I think this is a good decision.


They gave off the idea it wouldn’t be in WotLK classic as a whole right? Not in some later phase like it originally was. Just not at all.
Because if they do plan on releasing it later like it was originally released, then what was the point of that woman’s remark about it?

Finding a group isnt hard its quite easy actually, here is what you do

  1. make a macro
  2. /w random paladin “hey are you a tank?”
  3. /r “no”
  4. repeat until you get a yes

that doesn’t mean you’ve been social or had a social experience, right now its highly liekly you can form a group with 4 random strangers, fly/get summon do a dungeon and say very little.

rdf doesnt make you social or anti social, it does stop you spamming chat looking for a tank

if you want to be social in a dungeon its up to the players to create that.


It’s not entirely untrue. The random dungeon finder didn’t care for lockouts so you could run the same heroic multiple times per day.
Obviously not endlessly, but more than once, a lot more if you were lucky with what dungeon it put you in.

No additional money from small servers. Celebras and other Low Servers still have free Servertransfers to mass servers open. For me this looks like they want to add good PR by killing the “evil” Dungeon Finder in WotLK when in reality you do not even need one for most of the players as they already play on a server that would have been already locked in WotLK back then.

How are you able to judge if something is feasible or not? I am playing on a low pop realm with around 300 players weekly logged left. From my own experience I can say that the LFG is empty for HOURS. On the opening day of ZA I tried to join a random group. We were 5 people and searched for another 5 for 1.5 hour straight. Then we gave up.
If it absolutely doesn’t matter what ini you want to go you may have luck finding a group or 2 over the day. However, if you are targeting a specific instance then you are solely luck dependent. And if you don’t believe me you can sure join me - Patchwerk Alliance - Make a level 1 alt and check the chat for yourself.

As much as you don’t care about my problems I sure don’t care about yours. And your problems are not more meaningful because you THINK they are backed up by some kind of ominous “majority”. So please stop acting like your approach would be “social” driven. You want the game to be shaped like YOU want - nothing more nothing less. What happens to people that you don’t interact with is not in your interest - Basically the definition of “anti-social”.

I guess you are playing on a server with >4k+ players left, ofc you don’t understand how dire the situation is on dying realms. Our actions are not out of a feeling for “conveinience” otherwise we would have left our server long gone.

WPvP is a form of social interaction. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong to the interactions possibilties in the game. If they would build bridges to TK you could also do all the content without flying. It is a conveinience feature as much as DF would be.

I managed to level all the classes on a mid pop server throught dungeons.

And what point do you try to make? Mid-Pop can be a wide range between of 2k-6k player on a server. Also it doesn’t tell you anything about the actual player distribution - 50/50, 75/25 or even 100/0?


Then is a server management issue which could be solved.

They asked about server balance/population issue in their latest Wrath survey. IMO they are gonna deal with this.

I’d be highly surprised if they do something outside of free transfers. Like actually merging realms etc.

I guess they’ll do it during the TBC->WOTLK transition

Like players from X/Y/Z servers will only have the choice to transfer to A for Wrath.
So, no merge needed.

I gave them 1.5 years to fix the balance and they refuse to do it. They determine server health on the overall number of players not faction specific. Look at Gehennas 18k Hordes and 100 Alliance players. Are these 100 Alliance players allowed to leave? No - They are held hostage by the majority faction despite not profiting the slightest from that. Our situation is exactly the same, but on a smaller scale.

We have given them enough credit to actually do something. They constantly screwed it up. The last free character transfers we had 700 Alliance players left. Got no server transfer because 2200 hordes and thus more than 2.5k overall players still played on our server. Meanwhile Lucifron with 2.4k 100% horde players got the free transfer. It is irrational how they plan those transfers - They have no long-term plan and that is why all is going to downhill.

How long shall we wait for them to be actually admitting that they can’t fix the server balance anymore? That they screwed up big-time by bloating certain servers with implementations like layering. Every week we wait for a response to our situation. Since 2021 We had no more than 1k logged players on alliance side - That was when the first free character transfers were introduced - And they did nothing - Both rounds. You come to a point were you realise they won’t do anything proactively and you await the tools that connect you to healthier realms (connected AH and Group finding). We don’t need to see dozens of players online in Shatt. But we would like to do at least a fraction of what’s possible on bigger realm. For example gold is much more valuable on our server (due to the lack of GDKP, Bots etc) and still most items cost 2x-3x more, if available at all. You can check it for yourself through “nexushub” (e.g. Haste Pots: EU - Average: 10g; Patchwerk (A) - 20g Min Buyout; Super Mana Pots: EU - Average: 2,6g, Patchwerk (A): 4,55g, Mana Oils not even available). We are completely cut off the market and as much as you hate it we somehow rely on those changes because Blizzard remains dead silent.


I don’t know why they aren’t really merging servers too.

The only “issue” i could see is nicknames.

idk about that

it is simply, we are still playing and paying for the game, so they don’t care until Bli$$ard get the dollars

Or Celebras. First we got the RP Servers way to late, when realmstructures already formed.
Then we got the Transfer away loosing many interested Roleplayers because they see no future there. And now we do not even get Realmfinder so we can at least get characters for dungeons without needing to beg a guildmember to drag us threw it.

You’re asking me why I don’t want to kill my own server community because your server is literally dead. Self explanatory don’t you think why I don’t want mine dead?

Yes, you’re on a server with 300 people.

Don’t ask me to burn down my villiage because yours failed spectacularly thanks to Blizzards mismanagement then expect me not to respond in kind. I don’t know why you’re trying to imply something rather than addressing what I’m really saying but it’s probably because you don’t actually have an argument besides “My server is dead!” in which case that’s something Blizzard needs to resolve. LFD was literally not in WOTLK until the very end of the expansion, when I’m talking from any perspective it’s either from opinions formed my own personal experiences or the thoughts of the actual devs that designed that expansion. Go ask Kevin Jordan what he thinks of LFD you won’t get the answer you’re looking for.

You’re sat there accusing me of the very thing you’re doing yourself, LFD has always been a controversial feature. Always.

It’s literally a system based on convenience, if you weren’t on a dead server the issue wouldn’t persist. I know exactly what the situation is like because I was forced to move from Zandalar Tribe to Earthshaker after the realm transfers opened up.