No Dungeon Finder in Wrath Classic

Blizzard is what it is , they think only how to make more money in short term. This is an other smart ideea for them to make ppl pay to play more. To force people to pay the transfers to a higher pop realm .

but wotlk was designed with DF in mind… At least in the later stages. So yes, I am fine with no DF in the start, but it should come during some of the WOTLK phases…

ICC was out for a year, there was no new content it’s not a secret that Wrath’s end was a drawn out.

Essentially we’re both saying here is “No u”. We obviously aren’t going to agree, you want LFD because it’s beneficial for you on a dead server and I don’t want it because mine’s perfectly healthy.

LFD will definitely affect your worth as an individual in the dungeon just like player size will on a server, I don’t think that’s even a point of contention if we’re being honest. At the end of the day it trivializes the need to even find a person because you’ve implemented a system where they can be easily replaced, in an instant, at the press of a button for a system that does it all for you while you stand around and wait. It’ll also be cross realm, so that means you have every server including the foreign language servers for the system to choose from. You’ve gone from your servers population (provided it’s healthy) to the entire population of the EU.

You’re not wrong, especially in the case of servers like Firemaw where you effectively have like three servers worth of people all online at any give time. I don’t think that’s the case for every server though, it’s not for Earthshaker and especially it wasn’t on Zandalar Tribe. We actually had a pretty active RP community until the TBC in general started to lose players and people got fed up of the monotany of phase 2 raiding. My server still has those aspects, they aren’t anything compared to the original vanilla but they do exist to some extent which is why I want to preserve it.

If i wanna do dungeons that mean dungeons not quests, if you wanna eat pizza you order a chicken?

Yes they plan to do something but the problem is that they did nothing for a over a year, so i don’t believe them

i have 8x 70 (i can play on any role) i play on server that have 3,5k and i have still problems to dungeons that i need, and on some time it is impossible to do anything, and your best tip is…? make your own group, dame why i didn’t figure it by myself but… w8 from where i will get this other players ???

Maybe you will tell me to sacrifice raiding time for doing dungeons? morning and late night it is my time to do activities like that.

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Same, BUT they should have told us THIS… Not that it won’t be in WOTLK at all… Also, they could have put limitations on HC… Like in retail, u cant queue for random mythic. They could have made it so you couldn’t queue for random HC either. The LFD could be used for normals, and classic/tbc dungeons for leveling purpose.

and LFD could cure 2 cancers of classic TBC

  1. Cut reservation proceder
  2. Selling tanking/heal service
  1. Remove brainless /lfg spam
  2. Help u do other activities while group is formed in the background (so You dont have to stare the chat or lfg addon)

I’d probably unsub if I have to endure this sh!tstorm LFG channel spam any longer. There are like 10 messages every second, can’t even click on a name to whisper have to scroll back, the party is already full rinse and repeat. I hate it.

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Worst decision Blizzard has ever made in my own personal opinion. LFG Finder was part of the original Wrath of the Lichking expansion. Although near the end but still part off it. What wasn’t in the game was creating level 55 death knights without owning at least a minimum level 55 on your account to make one. My server Razergore is dead. Lucky if you have 50 players online unless people raid log. Our Auction House is none existing. You can’t buy anything anymore and finding groups to level an alt or doing a quick daily heroic is also impossible to do. So we are forced to pay for a transfer because Blizzard are dragging their feet in giving the last few a free transfer. Getting dungeon finder which is cross server would have maybe brought some life into a dead server. But hey we will get free cosmetics that again were not part of wrath and every gold seller/ botter can just go and buy a level 70 straight away. Some off us just simply don’t want the social aspect some days and just spam dungeons get the job done and leave :man_facepalming:

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My current experience without DF in TBC is “min bid 1000g” for raids outside of my guild, DST reserved, spending hours to find a dungeon party where most of the times unwanted items are for the tank and there is no social interaction between the players apart from a “gg” at the end or a “water plz” if a mage is around.

Yeah I bet no DF will help to improve this since it killed the social part of the game which is already dead.

At the end of WoTLK I used to log in every day, quest and farm while waiting to join a dungeon. In TBC I only log to raid with my guild.

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Yes, halfways through, not at launch.

What utter arrogance!

Does anyone know what effect this has on PvP? Will I still have to sign up in the major cities or will there be an instance finder tool for battlegrounds?
Thanks in advance

Theoretically it should have no effect as queue from anywhere whas implemented with 3.1.
But as in modern interface the BG queuer is in same window as RDF it could mean they will not even implemented it either.

I hope all the people spamming here about “social interactions” and “#nochanges” will go spam threads about arena teams being removed in wotlk …

Now you can just inv anyone into group and spam arenas without marrying them after 15 years of sharing your every daily thought …

You know you can use ingame manual.lfg and addon to find players right?

Not having LFD is #SomeChanges.

They should probably Add LFD about a year into WOTLK, just like in the original game.

I think that is also what they intend to do.

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Make your own raid then without any gold trading hands?

You gotta pay dem transfers. $$$