Think it’s better to just link my comment instead of repeating it: Rearranging and Removing Portals - #592 by Destruct-runetotem
Yes the world isn’t bigger it’s just takes more time to get to farm places we have been soloing since Cata/MoP/WoD. It’s just to get us to spend more time doing the stuff we always did.
The only workaround that works for me is having my paladin go to Shattrath for free eleport to CoT (the rest never did reps). Same for Karazhan as she is the only one with Karazhan ring etc. Shame, this is a shame, farming Stratholme was so quick on DH, rogue and monk but not gonna bother mages for a portal. Winterveil and Love is in the Air dailies are now bad to get to as Alliance aswell. For my Hordie? Yeah… Karazhan is suddenly very far away! But atleast the portal Pandaria is easier to get to as Horde (all raids are in the northern half) than Alliance (screw you, we could have done shrines but screw you! - devs).
Seems this mage will be the main pet farmer for Pandaria followed by my Hordie!