No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

Irony at its best you win the interwebs.

how is it? why do you think people want the portals? so they can get to the old content they have to repeatedly farm! it shows you just dont get it :\

and when such items are up to 15 years old, yeah, why should the drop rate not be higher? blizz introduced the wardrobe feature in legion but gave no love to how hard it would be to get certain items. and not even just rare items. i have collected every boss dropped item in DS accross all 10 classes that can do it, but STILL my shaman is missing 3 pieces of tier gear.

do you get that? i have collected EVERY weapon, EVERY cloth piece, EVERY leather piece, EVERY mail piece, EVERY plate piece, EVERY tier piece for NINE classes. but it will NOT drop the 3 pieces i need for shaman.

why do you and players like you who are always defending blizzards actions ALWAYS conflate “i want everything now and 100%” with, “i’ve farmed this a few hundred times, i should be entitled to the item by now”.

and im sorry, if you think a player clearing the same instance several hundred, or even thousand times does not entitle them to a particular item, then you are just incapable of empathy for the situation. SoO takes about an hour to run. how many hours played will be done if you have cleared it several hundred times. do you really, REALLY think that that player is not entitled to an item in a game after putting that much effort in? REALLY?

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so the portals to legion directly takes the horde to the faction quartermaster, rep hub but alliance to the middle of a hostile naga tower. oh okay then…

oh also


a nice circular room directly accessible on same level as the horde faction capital staging idle zone


a portal room inside a portal room in a tower that has a circular serpentine staircase with extra glowy npcs , a quarter away from alliance main idle zone

so horde instead of having the FAIR location of their portal room in the CRAG to be on the same level of INCONVENIENCE as ALLIANCE have to go through to get a portal, they get a HUGE quality of LIFE Improvement while alliance get the boot??

i think you should play more mail classes or check the justice badge vendor, they sell some items from ds for gold ;p

If you want classic just wait for it it’s just months way.
Now just let us take our portals, and if you don’t like it, just go by foot.


Given how driven you are in collecting just about everything in the game, you should honestly be able to understand the reason why things are the way they are.

If it doesn’t drop, they’re not entitled to it.

That’s a cold, hard rule of MMORPGs.

That’s not up to me. That’s Blizzard’s design choices. :slight_smile: I just happen to like them.

Don’t derail this wholesome thread with your drama mongering, please.

But there’s a difference between having a portal to a nearby hub that serves as an anchor to various places of interest (Shattrath, Dalaran, Boralus), and then having a portal that takes you to the doorstep of a single place of interest (Caverns of Time, Karazhan).

The former is okay and makes sense. The latter is excessive.


I also love to explore, espacially areas in the EK and Kalimdor and no one is tellling that they are not doing great job in the terms of art and zone design.

But these portals were there for many years, many of them of them are not connected to others, so I do not see a problem in being there.

Portals in new Dalaran were problematic, because they were not level-locked, but that’s it.

  • No one is forcing you to use portals, you can always create a group of people and go everywhere even just by foot if you want…

I honestly agree with most of Jito’s points and don’t really want to parrot them. I just like that they’ve done it, as some people will do. I had no problem using the portals when they were available, but I’m not going to moan about a short flight or alternative route to an old location.

Change is a part of what keeps playing a game new and interesting, even if it’s in the removal of some excessive assets.

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Would tell you to grow up too, but you’re a gnome… what about leveling then?


But some of the places were designed with portals from the beginning or have portals for many years, so why change it now?

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Its an hub for 8 get into your head 8 instances its not 1 or 2 its 8 its a very large zone which has alot of quests tied to it for example

Cata daggers/staff
BFA Mag Har Orc questline
Childrens week
I could go on and on naming things outside of the instances for us to go there stop saying its just a single place when it isnt .

Surely a player who has played aslong as you knows there is alot tied to it please stop trying to fob it off like the blue did .

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Oh? I’m sure there’ll be new or other routes you can take- honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I use a lot of different levelling strategies.

I still remember when I had to make the long walk from the Exodar through the Wetlands/etc to eventually get to Stormwind.

God, all of those amusing corpse runs.

That type of thing is a part of a game’s charm though, tbf.

Well Blizzard obviously wants each expansion’s main hub to have a selection of portals to get around to the relevant places. The problem is just that each expansion adds another hub with another selection of portals. That piles up and eventually makes it way too easy to get around because you have so many portals available.
So they have to simplify and consolidate those portals at some point. That’s just the nature of the beast.

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If you find change for the sake of change a factor to keep a game new and interesting, you lack imagination. This particular change was not made having player’s best interest in mind. Reasons may vary, depending how cynical you are between “Let’s get rid of the old portals, would interfere with the new pretty room we made” and " Guys, I think I know how to increase /played even more".

But, yeah, I’m glad Classic will be launched soon. Hopefully will clear some detritus from live forums. And all those with unlimited time resource and having a surge of blood pressure in extremities when they are under the impression a certain activity is difficult (when is really tedious) will have their ideal playground. No flying, portals from mages, slow leveling and aaall the good stuff they craved for.


Though those hubs still have portals to at least SW, from which you can port to nearly anywhere else, when you could before, so that does not change really that much … but removing some of those smaller portals, which were not part of a network, seems like unnecesary thing to do.


Exactly you could teleport to the entrance of CoT, there wasn’t a portal back to Dalaran (any two of them) or Shattrath. You could teleport to it and not back, in retrospect why wasn’t there a NPC in SW and Orgrimmar for a teleport to CoT at the time? Patch 4.3 introduced 1 raid and 3 dungeons, always had to use my Dalaran ring (paladin)/mage teleport > CoT portal > entrance of DS

I think the idea is that all paths lead to Rome…or Stormwind in WoW’s case. And then from there you have a Portal Room that gives you easy access to the different continents – and then you travel from there and to the specific place you want to be through flight paths.

The “smaller portals” are a bit excessive in that regard. If you’re already in Stormwind, then you’re really not that far away from Karazhan.

I think that’s the key point; that the portals serve as a means of getting to the various continents, like Northrend, Outland, Pandaria, and so on.
Flight points are intended as the means of traveling within each continent. So if I’m in Stormwind and I want to go to Karazhan, then a gryphon to Darkshire is the intended means of travel.

Change for the sake of change? I don’t think you’ve read this thread, and you’re only looking at what people deem as the negative aspects of the removal of these particular assets which honestly, were rather excessive and overly convenient.

You don’t get to decide that because you’re not every single member of the WoW playerbase. Some of us like this change, and you do not speak on behalf of us.

You mean like a traditional MMORPG, that had enormous player populations and were the hype of the gaming age back during their reign? God forbid, the game-play must have been absolutely awful.

I like the current state of WoW, and I’m likely going to enjoy going back to vanilla for a spell too.

But what is more engaging game play to you, being afk on a flight path for 3 minutes or doing what you went to Karazhan/CoT/Wherever to do? I can’t speak for others but I play MMOs to interact with the world, not click 2 buttons and then watch my character be flown somewhere.