No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

No the guy above me for some reason its not showing who i reply too .

Don’t care, I agree there are too many conveniences in the game already.
Probably a very unpopular view, but it’s my 10g worth… Incidentally will that be the the cost of a Mage port again now? :slight_smile:

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We can be unpopular together :wink:

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One of those moments where i wanna bite you :wink:

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Depends if the mage has enough intellect to port someone to CoT. Probably not, though…
Also I find fascinating that usually people complaining about the abundance of conveniences wouldn’t touch some more challenging content with a 10 ft pole. Tedious =/= difficult.


There is an easy fix, don’t use them:

  • No burden for you
  • No arm for us

It’s for sure a mistake. My fear they are focusing only on capitals let the other cities go in ruin. Think about the beauty silermoon, the majestic ironforge, the mighty Thunderbluff… All thse gems are now almost dead. And this shifting of the portals will bring more ppl in capitals.
I go there just with my mage to change POV. But my other chars avoid them. There’s no reason to go there.
Connection with other world? capital
teleport? capital
Call to arms to the warchief\king? capital
In alliance the darkmoon fairie is in elwynn (hordeside is in TB).
With Darn and UC destroyed, the boat\zeppelin working there, are out of order now.
So? It’s just an excuse to let the other cities ruin for good. imho.


Which means: don’t touch the portals. They are good as they are. You wanna play old school and ask 20 mages in capital to make you a portal? It’s totally fine. Not everyone of us want that.

It’s like taking new content back to vanilla. Maybe they should also reduce combat fluency so horribly it resembles vanilla playstyle to match the portal removal? Would be an “awesome” combo.

Oh, they also musn’t forget about randomizing quests again as it was in vanilla so they don’t fall in any noticeable questline if they want to prolong the game artificially and make us pay twice as much for the progress we can make in normal time now.

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Throwing in new point of view here, put on your tinfoil hat before you read onward.

What if they removed portals from places that will be destroyed/removed/radically changed from/in game in future? Because Azeroth is dying and all that…


Old Dalaran shouldnt exists “in theory”. New dalaran is in the past “technically”

It doesn’t. Let me toss in a simple example.

When I first started this game, I got RaF-summoned to Mulgore, and once we quested through to TB, there was this questgiver there, sending us with a locket to Sepulcher. I was like - wait, where in the world is that? Eventually, I asked in Trade and was told it’s in Eastern Kingdoms. THAT, the need to discover, and then to travel on my own two feet all the way there, made the world feel like WORLD. NOT all the subsequent tedious repetitions. Nowadays, looking at how crooked the dev thinking is, I’d get a portal while on the relevant quest, but then be forced to waste time to fly over while afking every time I want to revisit. GG, devs.

Apparently 2 raids with pets and transmog I haven’t collected, an entire faction and a plethora of instances isn’t enough anymore. Again, I’ve an example.

Ever since legion gave us a Karazhan portal, I’ve made significant forays into… Molten Core and UBRS, for pets and transmog. Even got me a Thunderfury along the way. Why? Because old content is always a filler. However, accessibility made the real difference. For Horde, Karazhan port is the best, quick way to get there, even while waiting for my raid to form or my 5-man team to converge. Now… faced with need to beg who knows how long for mage portal to Stonard, or chain-portalling and flying over from Uldum to Caverns of Time, I will just do as I used to… I will simply shrug, turn game off while leaving Discord on, and go read or watch something until they yell at me to log. Guess what, they keep yelling at me to log into FFXIV more and more, recently. GG devs.

I can’t help but sum it up with a short: “travel time IS NOT GAMEPLAY”. It is, when the path is traveled for the first time. Repetitions just get boring, tedious, and drive players away. Same as raising the bar on trivial content too far, and then topping ridiculous health pools with snares, slows and stuns so that, God forbid, someone wouldn’t succeed just running past the nuisance.

And here we are. We’re heroes of Azeroth, we fought and defeated Old Gods and demons… and now we struggle, using all our powers fighting a … random quillrat. Who is going to kill us by the way, because it will respawn on top of us, with 2-3 friends, right when we kill them, and will repeat the process until we die and pay the oh-so-sweet 65g repair bill to help keep inflation in check. GG devs.

And now, to keep hamsters away from alternatives to endless grind, you take away our portals which help us get back to old content fast, when we have a whim to. GG, really GG devs.


During Cata I started to ignore (not using the function but did like I didn’t see their whispers or say) when people asked for a portal to Dalaran for the CoT entrance. I couldn’t log on without being bombarded with portal request so I moved back to the Exodar (least populated). Bring back the portals!

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I don’t understand why instead of removing portal to unique locations, they don’t make things around those location even more worth to take the portals.
How come QW didn’t become world wide at some point so that everyone would be spread out around the world depending of their point of interest?

Makes sense. GW2 has this for years. It will probably be implemented in WoW by 2029 after Stormwind reaches 35 portals and the devs finally realize then have to radically change their view.


At this rate of alienating players for various reasons, best case scenario WoW will be in some form of f2p maintenance mode by 2029 .

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Or more likely only available on phones ^^.

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Instead of this half baked new portal room Blizzard should give us a cross faction “Steam” chamber, where we could peacefully browse through games we would rather be playing.
Maybe have it on a timer so we can browse for 50 minutes in “Sanctuary” mode, until an edgy looking goblin shuffles in, headbutts a gong and suddenly it flips to “Arena” mode, all in PvP for 20 minutes where we fight to the death for free DLCs and Closed Beta Keys.


Funny how players have more imagination for content than the actual dev team, who doesn’t see beyond how to stretch time to have thin content last longer.


About this portals and ppl keep on saying use your rings .cloaks and so on. Thoose *things are not toys or accountbound. You cant use them on alts. You cant buy them if you havent played for reputations for ages. If you havent played for a long time its gonna take you very long time to get thoose exalted things. its NOT a celution.

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Blizzard artificially making travel time take longer at all costs isn’t a good thing. Does it “only” take 2-5 minutes longer per character to get to a particular area? Sure. That’s not the point, though.

The point is that every time I sit on a gryphon, I will alt tab out of the game and do something else. I usually forget I was even playing WoW and come back seeing I’ve been logged out and don’t bother getting back on. Travel time is like ads in between a movie; when the movie isn’t particularly interesting and you have no engagement with it, you change to another channel and don’t bother getting back since you forgot you were even watching a movie. When I’m on WoW I’m here to play a game, not to afk on a flightpath. I can afk without paying you 15 euro per month too.

Ground mounts feel like a punishment. You’re slow, you get stuck behind every twig, pebble and bush and have to run around mountains. Getting in combat is dreadful since you know that the enemy will follow you for 3 zones straight and you won’t be able to mount back up unless you kill the mob (and when you do start engaging the mob they will most likely evade and run back, just to spite you). Lets not even speak about daze, since why is that still in the game, really? Or those fun corpse runs in zones where you have flying unlocked but ghosts can’t fly.

I’m all for unlocking flying with Pathfinder, but it’s been 7 months since release. I know these 2 tiny islands, Blizzard. You should have added Pathfinder Part 2 with 8.1.

You say your only metric is “fun”. Did you actually ask anyone about how much more “fun” WoW would be if there were fewer portals? Was removing portals an important decision when you keep getting criticised for lack of actual content? Maybe you could have spent that time on getting worgen and goblins out sooner? Make a new hairstyle? Maybe create a fourth skin colour for nightborne?

It honestly feels like you Blizzard devs are from a different planet. You guys have zero respect for my play time. Everything you do seems to be about dragging one or another mundane task out so it can take up more and more of my time.

Flying is fun. Portals are fun. When I use them, I’m playing WoW. When I sit on a gryphon, I’m not even looking at the game. Give me a jump or sprint button I can use while on my mount, a rocket boost on my flying mounts, a rocket surf board for those puddles in Nazmir. Those are things that let me PLAY WOW and not afk out. Let players engage.

All you devs: go play Guild Wars 2. There are no flight paths, only instant teleports. The mounts are amazing. Gliding is unlocked once and then a base part of all your characters. It feels fun and natural to go through the world in GW2. It doesn’t take much to get the same fun into WoW. Removing portals is not the way.