No flying in 8.1.5, but some portal removal

That example depends on the circumstance. If people took a bus which goes across the whole town, regional buses then sure. Not going to expect them to walk there.

In this case. I personally believe that removal of some portals forces some people to…waste 2-3 more mins?
Thats like taking a bus for 1-2 stops while the walking time is like 10 mins. I am sorry but now THATS lazy :smiley:

OK I’ll try to say it a different way, there are quest lines that take you to that part of Dalaran that do not involve using the portals, just like the Pillars which are stored down there.

I don’t care that people are lazy, equally I don’t care that some portals are going.

Trying to work out why they’d remove the Ironforge portal. Maybe it’s just me, but I always use IF in preference to SW because it’s more compact and all the big city stuff you need is much closer together. It also hasn’t been messed about with. The only reason I go to SW is to put WM on.

I wouldn’t really call people lazy, but they have gotten used to the convenience of the portals.
Haven’t some of them been in game for many many years?

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One of the blueposts suggested that might have been an error.

For the part that was brought up about things like Ironforge being removed from the BfA portal rooms, I don’t think that’s intentional and should be changed in future build.


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I’ve also noticed that with a few of the portal locations, they’re on one side of a landmass.
Azsuna, Honeydew, ect. This would be an annoyance if you wanted to get to the otherside of the continent, IE Stormheim, Townlong, etc.

I am likely going to have a lot of free time on my alts once these portals are removed in all fairness.
It takes me roughly 5 minutes on a FP to Strath (longer than it takes to complete the dungeon).
Doing this on multiple alts isn’t really worth it when the travel time outweights the play time.

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This isn’t Blizz’s first time of removing portals. I also remember when all the portals came with Dalaran and how some mages weren’t too happy. Is it really so bad to have to travel a little bit in a game?

The portal system in both capitals is a mess. They are spread out in various places. I can see why they are having a cleanup.


For me personally flying to a location isn’t really meaningful gameplay.
I feel like i’d rather get to my destination faster to do what i actually want to do so i can do more of it.

But i guess this isn’t as big of a problem for people who have already farmed everything and only do end game for the most part?
I’m kinda scared when i’m already having trouble even finding/remembering the right portal to do stuff and always have to google how to get anywhere :sweat_smile:

I’m gonna be so lost after this lol.

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Well they used to move them to new dalaran from old one, not totally remove some, alltough my mind might play tricks on this one.

Well, just adding my voice to the chorus of protestations. I really don’t understand that move to reduce player options when traveling.

WoW is already a game where players spend way way too much time waiting : for a mob to spawn, for a queue to complete, for a fly to finish. Adding more waiting is definitely not a good thing. Waiting in general is not fun and tends to break immersion too because you’ll inevitably end up doing something else (outside the game) while you wait out those long minutes.


A cool feature would be to give mages a portal book with 8 empty location that they can mark by themselves. This would give mages a better option. Just give the person entering it a warning if the target side is outside a guarded zone. I think of the grandfather of all MMORPGs an old game called Ultima Online which had a similar system.

We still need a basic network between all the old main hubs and the main faction city. Like Shattrath, Dalaran, S2M…

They didn’t set a pattern and I guess that’s why it’s hard for people to accept the removal now. But it wasn’t like they transitioned from old Dala to new. There were a few expansions in between.

I honestly don’t remember exactly when they went but they did remove them, there was Cata in between which used different portals. Then we had MoP with Shrine and it’s many connections. I was suprised at the end of MoP they didn’t remove a load of those portals. Then we had WoD and then we had Legion with New Dala.

Now it’s BfA and it’s portal overload in various locations so they are trimming down. I can see the logic in that. If they get enough feedback and feel it’s justified they may put some back in.

I also don’t know if the Legion artifact questlines will not just proc one off portals for various locations, or whether people will have to travel via other means.

Let’s face it, this portal decision taken by Blizzard is a total ClusterFlock.
They must be facepalming their little hands off right now.
Why on Azeroth would you want to annoy the playerbase with such a pointless change when they are already leaving in droves, and/or complaining bitterly about pruning and class balance?
The whole thing smacks of chaos.
I’m calling corporate meltdown and I predict a riot.


I can’t wait till classic launches to see the reactions of the people for the traveling, when they discover how long will take them to travel for example as the alliance on the foot to Maraudon or just with an basic ground mount or when they will need to get to the Scarlet monastery how they will need first to take the flight path to the Southshore and travel there all the way to SM on the foot, or how getting to Feralas to check is there world boss up might take a long time for them. While that could have been fun for the people which had a lot of time to spend in the game, my guess is how when experiencing those kind of things people will start to appreciate more the convenience which portals gave to them.


It does make me smile that so many are really looking forward to Classic yet seem to have no idea about how many QoL improvements we take for granted in the main game.

Going to be a culture shock for some I think :slight_smile:


Classic is different thing all together. There those portals were not present at all so nothing is removed from you. Also world is much smaller and needs to move are totally different from what is in current live version of the game.


In vanilla ( classic ) to get anywhere it took way longer than it does now.

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You don’t have to tell me that, i have been there and know exactly what it is. Can’t wait for classic and playing again the way wow was on its second best (tbc was tad better in my books still)! And still i am not happy about removing portals from current live game, mindblowing isn’t it?


Updated info

Hey man this is just your opinion and nothing else, and my is how a lot of people will not like it because they got used to all the QOL improvements in the current game which classic will lack. TBC was different thing from classic and in it you could fly basically from the start of the expansion.