No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

Go play Classic


Iā€™m pro-flying and I donā€™t mind pathfinder at all.
I do think they should release it abit sooner than a year into the expansion though.


I know you have an opinion on it mate, but ultimately what you say is because Blizz have been lazy in making flying actually part of the game experience.

I know you think we skip content or WPvP or whatever, but these things can be addressed with removing flying or making it as insanely gated as you suggest :smiley:

What did you expect? Art team did create whole content, bridges, stairs, roads so you can ignore it all and fly where you want? Pathfinder is good idea, it should be put in game max half of year into the expansion though, not like in BFA.


You should quote the entire answer, not the ā€œcut for your need partā€. Ion stated that they are well aware that many people donā€™t like pathfinder, but some do and due to the fact that a chunck of the playerbase wonā€™t be happy either way, they went for the solution more suitable for their game design.

The answer youā€™re gettin in the 3d are proof of this.

Besides this, iā€™m not happy with the current pathfinder either, but since itā€™s staying, we may very well be propositive in the hope theyā€™ll do something about it, like cutting the exalted rep requirement and tie the pathfinder to the completition of the quest campaing, or something less grindy than gated rep.


tbh, the Actual Faction rep grinds arent the problem.

I had Pathfinder 1 within 2 weeks of BFAā€¦ the Quests Litterally leave u quite far into honored alone then a few WQs and maybe a Emisssary quest and ur done.

the problem was they waited 6 months to release part 2.

they wont ever allow u to immediately get it. part 2 wont see release til 9.1.5 or 9.2 tbh. i personally dont rly understand why players care so much, these days they put so many flight points on maps its rare u have to run any distance realistically. sure to begin with. but to begin with u wouldnt have unlocked it reguardless so its 0 difference.

theres a Playerbase that hates flying, theres a Playerbase that Loves flying, this is the perfect comprimise to appease both sides of the Community by dividing the expansion into 2 halves, rather then just telling one side of the community to F*** it self.

as Ion said, Either option will Agriviate one side of the Community. therefore the Easiest solution is the one that suits the Game Design best. which with Warmode New Lands etc etcā€¦ Ground running is just better game design wise.

imho I dont rly know why pathfinder 2 is Neededā€¦ why dont they just Unlock it on the patch without a further Grind :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™d love to boycott because of the not flying thing, but Iā€™ve already pre-orderedā€¦ sorry.

Man wtfā€¦flying is just part of the game, itā€™s not the whole game.

Meh, Iā€™ll just be better prepared for pathfinder part 2 this time.

You are right, I would just want them to work more around those reputations. That grind is good for some reputations and for some are not, at least if they could add tabards for those that are least popular to farmā€¦

I like how theyā€™re doing it for the past few expansions. While the ā€œgrindā€ can feel long and tedious, it actually feels very rewarding when you finally unlock it.


Which is the total truth, pathfinder isnā€™t a grind, it happens organically for anyone but the most casual of players. I like the system, if I had to do something different and forced that was outside the rest of the game to get it then Iā€™d feel differently. Both Legion and BfA pathfinders ā€˜happenedā€™ whilst doing content. I feel so many of my fellow posters are playing the wrong type of game most of the time.


I hope you guys dont buy the expansion pack, I really dont want to play with you.
Boycott the Expansion! More Power to you!

Flying is fine the way is. with one change.

If flying is introduced in a patch with a zone that is as aids as Nazjatar i will be pissed. Damn I got flying and never set foot in that god forsaken zone ever again

Yes because killing 3 rares one day and opening 6 boxes another day for few weeks is exciting and fun game play. And I shouldnā€™t need random alliance-gnomes permission to fly in zuldazar.

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What would you suggest for an mmo-RPG? Youā€™ve always had daily (often repeatable) tasks. That is the staple of the modern mmo. As others have said if classic is there as well if you want something more old school

I agree, it is completely stupid.
They should just remove flying alltogether, get rid of all this pointless whining.

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I suggest areas like suramar - that also had story - even when slightly time gated, did not feel as drag. :slight_smile:

In other words I suggest even running simulator alike illusion that theres reason of me going to the area.

Pathfinder is a garbage system that should have never been implemented in this game.

As a normal player, i unlocked pathfinder PART 1 in less than one month after the release of BFA before unlocking pathfinder PART 2 a week after the release of patch 8.2. 10 months of waiting : howā€™s that acceptable when the only sh*t you can do is end-less grinding AP through the same World Quests all day while hearing the same quotes whenever I come close to them AND camping rares all day aswell maybe raging cuz players nuked them before I could get there. Woohoo I guess. Not to mention I never went again on Nazjatar nor Mechagon anymore after this.

Whereā€™s the fun, these are just chores. This is the best way to make a player hates and quits the game. I read so many pointless arguments such as ā€œto make the players explore and take their time appreciating the areasā€™ designsā€. Not even close baby, flying should help us doing these sh*tty quests as fast as possible this is why earning it after thereā€™s nothing to do anymore is idiotic.

At the very least, if they donā€™t want to get rid of the pathfinder system, then they should make it earneable from day 1 and not timegating it to make players wait and re-sub for it.

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How dare you have to play through the content before you can just fly above everything, and skip all the hard work the art team and devs put into the zones. Just so you can do your daily rubbish faster and log off.

Immersion is a huge part of an RPG. Having access to flying automatically makes the world feel 100x smaller.