No flying in Shadowland AGAIN

I honestly wouldnt mind if they just got rid of flying alltogether or only allow it in certain areas.



I don’t agree at all, not being able to fly for a good portion of the exp allows us to explore the world, allows for better wPvP, makes the world dangerous (initially) . If we got flying we could just ‘nope the f out’ when it gets tough. Personally I wouldn’t mind it if they got rid of flying completely, or possibly for the current xpac but I have no issue with pathfinder or the delay in releasing part 2 it seems to be a good middle ground.

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Buy the expansion. Just do not preorder it. Simple as that.

But people should generally not preorder stuff in digital age, its not like they can run out of physical copies like it was 15 years ago.

But I get it, people want “free goodies” (even though those fancy pets nad mounts and flags are completey worthless).

Nor they are free.

It’s either Pathfinder or no flying at all.

Blizzard doesn’t want flying. Players do. Pathfinder is the compromise between that.

It feels like some in this thread are being paid by Blizzard to say that they like Pathfinder. Going to ask you this: Have you entirely forgot how flying used to be unlocked before this achievement?

The pathfinder achievement is there to serve two purposes; To make people stay subscribed in hope that in one day they might release flying, and to ”experience the content”. The first point is to obviously make money, while the second one is exaggerated greatly as we have seen the content already while leveling- doing the same ”collect X items for this world quest” a hundred times is not what it means to experience it.


Shoo. :expressionless:

Ofcourse, someone obviously can only like something if they are paid for it. Don’t forget to put on your tinfoil hat today.

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Nah pathfinder doesnt have to go, it kinda ‘forces’ you to play through the zones of the expansion, which is good imo.
I would like to see pt 2 made available a but earlier though

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I rememebr yeah.

Worlds Died 100x Faster then they do currently lol, no ones being paid for blizzard… u seem incapable of accepting Theres a Portion of Players who maybe Dont like FIying?

it Slaughtered World PvP?.. it Slaughtered actual Interaction with other Players throughout ur journey in the World… and made Open world Content feel like a Single player game… with people just leaping down to kill 5 mobs and Fly off… it Removes all Danger from the open world Gameplay.

stop acting like ur opinon is 100% of the population. because it isnt.


other Players using flight Kills all these things FOR YOU without u actively using it… weather u run or not, if everyones Flying the game will feel just as Solo, PvP can only occur if ur all on the ground… not just 1 player. and the game will still feel single player when everyone else uses it… its NOT a argument… and its completely Invalid to solving any of the above issues.

this gives us all our Desires for one half of the expansion each, which Resolves the problem as Much as it humanly can.

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I dont wanna be mean, because everyone is entitled to their opinion, but lets say they, hypothetically replace warmode with flying mode and no flying mode. How many players would you come across in the no flying mode? Probably just you and maybe someone else once a day, thats how small the portion of players is…
I can understand where you come from, but at the end of the day it is stil a choice

Of course. You should see my new PC. It has a built-in skipRNG function. :wink:

The purpose of Pathfinder is to be a compromise between what Blizzard wants and what players want.

I personally am ok with pathfinder the bits I’m not happy about is usually part 2 with insignificant reps to grind around 8 months in then you can fly.
main story area and main reps I’m fine with.


not sure why people keep thinking every expansion that this will be different

Flying system as it is, is fine for the most part. Maybe part 2 could be out a little earlier, but other than that? It’s OK. By the time you can fly you’ve seen everything the expansion has to offer ground wise.

As to some of the weird posts about making it buyable by gold and other stuff:


Pathfinder and eventually unlocking flying is actually created to make the world more lively. Would be weird if everyone just flies from quest to quest, without fighting your way through some NPC and such. In my opinion, flying “destroys” the world. But after walking around for such a long time, it is nice to have towards the end of an expansion. The only remark that I have is that flying should not be allowed in warmode.

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Maybe some options.
i mean, they want pathfinder to be a grind? ok. but give options instead of forcing people into WQ for rep.
I don’t know, maybe a sort of championing system, win X arena/BG while wearing the faction X tabard.
Or complete X assaults with warmode on instead of 100 Wq.

Things like that, options and choiches to suits a wider playstyle range

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It wouldn’t be so much of a grind if Blizzard increased the minimum rep reward up from the 75 rep reward for WQs to the 250 rep it was during legion.


edited post.