No french CM - so we will ask here for french RP-Server

Bah oui, tant qu’on leur dit rien au CM ils peuvent rien te dire de leur propre gré vu que eux ils ne gèrent pas ça? Et j’imagine que Blizzard trouve ça inutile sinon ça serait déjà fait. De toute façon vu la commu FR cancer j’ai du mal à croire que les gens vont faire du RP mis à part une petite partie de la communauté.

Enfin soit bonne chance à vous :slight_smile:

Ben disons que à part être sur le forum, faire un poste qui à plus de 1200 réponses à ce jour,des multiposte qui ont été lock (et dont un de nos comparse nain s’est fait bannir 6 jours du forum pour ça…)
j’ai pas trop de solutions autres que celle là :frowning:
Ils semblerait que les Allemands se soient fait aider par leur CM …

Tout n’est pas à jeter dans la commu FR :stuck_out_tongue: , justement s’ils ont déjà sur leur serveur, cette partie pourra déjà être “chez elle” même si Auberdine est loin d’être la communauté la plus toxique des 4 serveur francophones!

Merci :wink:

English les punaises !


We had a very negative response from our Frenchspeaking MvP
Nevertheless, i won’t give up

Yesterday, I had a look at the population on all European realms and also on the Russian realms

We are the only one with 3 high pop and one full realm
All others have at least 1 or 2 “low pop” realms , and only one “complete”
So I think that we could have at least one PvE or RP-PvE to unclog our Frenchspeaking realms!



Four days is a long time
So I’m back
Still waiting for our beautifull RP Realm

No, Activision, the answer received by our little green mans last week, didn’t convinced me :slight_smile:
See you soon :wink:

1 Like

Please ! We need our RP serv !

I’m falling in love with my trowel on french topic, and our dwarves are drunk…

Doomsayer inc


dies in next turn



Let’s start with The Beatles



Here we go again :slight_smile:
Still up and still waiting for our frenchspeaking RP Realm :slight_smile:


Hello there!
(… General Kenobi…)
I hope i’m not too late on the (not) hype train, but i’ve came here to support the RP-PVE-FR serv.
I’m not really a classic player, so i guess my voice don’t count that much, but i feel sad for those people that can’t play like they want to do.
I’m not even that much of a RP player. I’d like to, really, but i just don’t feel like being in one of those big guilds; having planning, council of war, all of that…
I generally RP alone, in my personal little box (… Or is it bold of me to assume that doing RP with the NPC in my Garrisson was RPing? I don’t really know, but i got fun the few time i did it, alone or with friends; or even suddenly doing it in Stormwind)
To be honest, i just got lost on the French section of the forum (and i saw things… Things that could scare you out of your mind… Like… people writing in GREEN! Wait, there is one there too! :scream:), and ended here.
And i’m sad, because if i can understand the reaction of the players that are not playing RP, i was surprised to see that even from RP player, there was no point in it.
It was not “No possibility”, but “No Point”.
I find it pretty harsh to say it like that, because the point is in the gameplay itself
Like many of us, i started playing the game in English (Ok, because i was a dumbass that couldn’t read correctly the language when he chosed it) and i was lost in it.
It was a new game, a new world, and i couldn’t even understand the starting quest
So, what’s my point?
When you play RP (for the few times i did it with a player, that is), you play like it’s the real world. You’re not playing, you are your toon. You need to comprehend the world you’re in, because you’re supposed to. You’re not some orphans that got out of the orphanage for a week just to see the blood of others guys in Alterac Valley (… Wait…), you’re an adventurers, with his own story, maybe you have your own trauma, maybe you’re happy in your life. Maybe you’re a Scarlet Crusader that escaped from Lordaeron, after all i personally met a LOT OF THEM WHAT THE HELL
But you need to know where you are, where you are headed, how you’re gonna call this freaking monster, understand the sluggy explanation of your Forsaken new friends that just want to serve the Banshee (… Or so you imagine, you couldn’t understand really well what he was trying to say with his missing lower Jaw, and you can’t read…)
You need to be able to freely get what others are saying.
Without it being a painful experience, that is :man_shrugging:
(… Ok maybe that was a dumb explanation, but i guess you got me)
For many of the people i know, i’m someone that is “at least” not bad in English, if not good.
I guess the blood that’s getting out of your eyes is a proof that i’m not that good. :stuck_out_tongue:
What i’m trying to say in a rather poor english, is that most are worst than me. If i smiled at the idea of a tribe that only speak French “because we’re SO much better than you and your strange language that’s not da speakin of da’ Loa!”, on the other hand i thinked back to my friends, that were writing “cane you gete mi to the capitale plz?”, not because they were trolling, but because they’re freaking bad at it…
I was like “Ho… that would be funny to watch… But not to play”
And that’s exactly why i’m sad. It would be sad for them, and sad for you. Imagine trying to RP with someone that seems a good guy (I mean, he’s Roleplaying a Bronze Beard, what could possibly go wrong!) and lose an eye right after the greetings, that you had to wait like 30 seconds because he had to check how to say it without killing you with a critical hit on your mind (I should have know that a Priest Bronze Beard was up to no good!)
So, yeah. Maybe they’re going to be few on this Server.
Maybe not. I mean, i was from the like that were saying “… Nah, i can’t imagine a Classic that is working even for half a year”, so i’m not really the best in divination class from the Troll (but da Mojo one, i’m crazy good!)
I’m standing here the same opinion from back then: “I don’t think it will work, but eh. What if?”
The french classic realm are more or less… Lively, i’d say.
The three PVP one are quite normal, and the PVE one is having queue at high hour
I guess people would go on a RP for the players, for the base, for the pleasure to be with people that would speak nicely (… Ok, let’s say “with less acronyms” for a better understanding), for…
But at least, there will be less queue on the main realm, Auberdine. Those people would be able to play with each other, understand each other…
Kill each other happily with a roll of dice. (Seriously, i was talking with a guy and you’re RPing like that? :man_shrugging: )

So yeah, maybe that was a rather long post full of crap, just for saying "yes, please, a RP realm for French baguette please! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ", and i guess it’s not totally wrong.
But i was loss on the forum, and i founded it sad to see it like that :man_shrugging:

TL;DR: Those people just want to have fun, exactly like anyone else on this forum section before Classic was announced. And exactly like before, it’s sad to see that some can’t apprehend that (moreover after what you did to get Classic :stuck_out_tongue: )

( PS: And now that i’ve readed further, i can see that… Pratically everyone is saying “it would be cool, but i have my doubt you’ll get it”. All of these efforts for nothing.
Eh, i guess it would at least be an up)


Rp is glorious, the lovely french deserve an rp server too you beasts, support from uk :stuck_out_tongue: don’t give up!


We managed to reference our topic on google with a random word (trowel), we want a blue answer!


Still here , wishing all of you a merry christmas and still waiting for our Frenchspeaking RP realm :slight_smile:


Hey Santa, you forgot our rp realm !


Yes indeed he forgot, but we’re still here.

Here below a very nice french band. They sing in english but are a big exception… :slight_smile:

Very good noise, to show you we’re still awaken, waiting for our precious serveur!

That video got banned fast. It is not available for me in Austria.

French culture has sunken into the depths. it’s a dead country.

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