No german CM - so we will ask here for german RP-Server

I am very sorry, but our german CM is gone - was fired I think - and we don’t have an answer about german speaking RP-Servers yet.
So please CM in here, could you give us news?


Dude, the german CM gave some news 4 days ago…
There are still no plans for a german RP-server, even an english CM won’t give you other news.

He didn’t said: No there won’t be german RP-Server, he said still no plans, but as we all knew Blizzard constantly changes plans


right. and the answer was: at the moment there are no plans. but - a “moment” lasts only some seconds. to be clear: ion promised an “authentic” classic-feeling. but without german roleplay-servers classic is NOT authentic for us. so we will ask for our authentic classic-feeling until we get a definite answer: do we get german roleplay-servers or not. as soon as we have this answer, we will stop asking and “do what a man must do”.

sadly we have no cm, so we need to ask here now. i wish it wouldnt be necessary, believe me.


Ion promised authentic classic feeling yes, it doesnt mean that they are going to do german RP server. it has nothing to do with it, its about all of us.

Goto english RP servers, im sure you guys learn english in there too. I dont think they should waste resources to something that is not needed so mutch.

English RP realm playerbase is medium, which is not really that mutch. german RP server playerbase would be close to non, therefore it would be waste of resources


i tried eu-rp-servers. it is not working for me. no sudden roleplay no matter where i am. my english is good enough to buy something to eat - but far away from beeing good enough for roleplay. and i do not want to “roleplay” with a dictionary beneath my game to understand, what people are talking about. that ist not a “game-feeling” this is a “school-feeling” and after a long day of hard work i dont like to go to school. i just want to play and relax and have fun and roleplay in my own language as it was in vanilla too.


they wont make a german rp server for 5people


not for 5 thats true. but what about 500? or 1000? or 1500 (thats btw vanilla-max-cap). lots of german roleplayers stopped their abos now. but they told, that they will come back as soon as there are german rp-servers. so why should blizz not give it a try? lots of german (also non-rp) players told us, that they would like to play on a rp-server too, when they could get a german one.


Probs too little demand for it. And giving it a try means they must stick with that realm indefinitely, even if it turns dead. It’s impossible to give everyone the unique vanilla feel

But you can always try setting up a small survey or so and spread it along the german community and post it to forums etc?

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They said “Classic Servers will run as long (normal) WoW run even there are two guys only anymore.” too so why not? Servertechnologie is not fixed anymore but Cloudbased so those few diehards will not make such costs.


doesn’t cost them anything, theyre more concerned about splitting the population further than already.

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Could someone explain to me the difference between roleplaying in English and roleplaying in German? And what are the implications of these differences between roleplaying in English and roleplaying in German for roleplaying in Swahili?

We already had several threads with thousands of posts from hundreds of people begging for a german RP-Server since well before 27.08.

Except 1 PVP-Server, all german servers are FULL, with at least 2 layers, daily queues and no sign of significant decrease in population.

When WoW launched in Germany, there were 2 RP-Servers to boot, with several following because of the high demand. RP-Servers in Retail make for 17% of all 87 DE-Servers compared to 10% of 112 EN-Servers. The german video game market is equal to the UK.

At this moment, when I look at the in-game RP-Channel on Hydraxian Waterlords horde, there are 6 people. Same channel on Everlook, a normal german PvE-Server, has 20 people.

There is a very valid, big need for german RP-Servers, period.


its not allowed to post surveys in the forum, i already tried this - and the post got closed and i got banned for some hours. so its really hard to find a way to get all roleplay-interested germans together to tell blizz, that we really want a german rp-server. i know some people personally that would instant play classic, if there were de-rp-servers, but they dont play on normal servers or on en-rp-servers. so i miss some of my friends in the game only because there are no de-rp-servers and that ist really sad for me.


German RP servers were like ghost towns back in 2005-2007.

I doubt they’ll be more crowded today than they were back then.

They’d essentially be setting up a server barely anyone would play on.

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It has not to be more of a type. One RP-PvE would be enough. But an RP-PvP too would do good too because with it the PvP Servers would be relieved because most people would not transfer to normal low populance servers but on a RP Server they would transfer asap. RP Servers would actively help Blizzard to balance population. In the DACHL Region PvP Servers are more wanted then PvE Servers and this is the problem. Because on PvP Servers there is faction lock it would be problematic only to bring a RP-PvP Server. Most RPlers want not make RP on one faction. If there would be not faction lock on the RP-PvP nearly all of the RPlers would take it. We have much less problems with Open PvP then with faction lock.


But without German RP servers, Classic can’t be and feel authentic.
Authentic means as it was then and there were German RP servers.

If Ion promises an authentic classic feeling, then it should also be authentic for everyone - not only for Americans and Britons or other English-speaking players.
We’re not second-class players who have to line up behind others, not players whose money you want, but to whom you don’t want to give what others got.
And since we no longer have a German CM to pass on our request to Blizzard, we write here and ask to get what we were promised.


English is the world language… it’s time that the germans embraced it.

And all germans are welcome on Hydraxian Waterlords.

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There are more native german speakers then englisch speakers in europe. Even in many eastern europe countries german has a higher weight as second language then english.


So you want a german RP server?

And then the french wants their own RP server as well so you end up with three small RP servers, english, german and french when you could have a single big one for everyone to play on.

Has the European Union taught you nothing?