No german CM - so we will ask here for german RP-Server

How many people speak German as their native language?

Around 140 million people speak German as their native language or second language. German is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union and the official language in seven countries.

And … in 42 countries there are 7.5 million people who belong to a German-speaking minority.

Any more questions, Lytherion?


Sadly they just don’t want to. Sure, there are some people who can’t speak English well but from what I’ve read in the forums most just refuse to, because “it’s not the same”.
Plus they refuse to join the RP-communities on the PvE realms, also because “it’s not the same”.
I don’t know, to me it just looks like a protest of few people who from time to time allegedly cancelled their subs while others already have fun in the game - with RP.

But what does this have to do with german RP-servers? The german community is much smaller than the english community because almost all countries in EU didn’t get their own servers and have to play on english realms.
Just because there are so many people with German as their native language doesn’t mean they are in WoW.


I wanted here to post a video of a YouTuber that explain it better then myself but as a german speaker it would not reach the target audience so my (rough) translation.

International Servers are in this way not good, that the small well has capacity. If you put different speakers in the well, the small well get effictivly even smaller because they reach only one of those different communities. Open Interaction would be dead too, because if you want to speak to someone it may be, that you not reach one of those you want to reach. Then you have the problems that there are people who do not want to speak on those servers openly because of the fear, that they will be the target of a drama scene. And last but not least the name problem of the dungeons. In Classic we got the original english names back because we wanted them. But this open the problems there when asking groups. Because if you ask for UBRS it will be unclear if you want now, (only) english speakers or ask like this because of gamerslang. If you ask for “Obere Schwarzfelsspitze” you get clash with those, that only accept Blackrock as Blackrock.

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I replied to him.

Apart from that, I know that there are enough German role players to populate at least one RP-PvE and one RP-PvP server so well that you can play well there.
How do you know that? I played on a private, small, German RP server for a long time, where at the time when most players are online, the number of players was 750 - 800. If you consider that this was just a private server where people didn’t want to play, for example for fear of doing something illegal, then an official Blizzard server should certainly have enough players there to play well.
Also, role-players love servers that have a smaller population, because with fewer players you can play more enjoyable role-playing games.


But how do you know that? There are no statistics or proper numbers to work with. “I know it” doesn’t count. If we think realistically, the servers will only fill up because of non-RPers who want to avoid the queue or just want to play on a tiny, quiet realm. And Blizzard won’t offer a RP-realm for those guys. It’s not worth.

And no, I don’t believe the thing with the small, german private server. Which server? The biggest private RP project was SH, I worked on this server, and in the evenings there were 80-100 people online in the best times. In the end there were just 30-50. Number of accounts/players is not the same as active players.

And just because there are still RPers on private projects and on Retail doesn’t mean they are going to play on Classic realms. The Classic RP community is still much much much smaller than that.

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Why don’t you just read my post completely? I answered that!

And because you don’t know any project except SH, there can be no other? All right. Our conversation ends at this point!
Keep having fun in WoW.


No, you just plucked something out of your imagination and put it in your post. I read your post carefully, dw.
I just don’t believe the story that there was another and bigger german project. Maybe 10 years ago LaO, but every RP private server was known in the private community. Especially the bigger ones.
Every RP private server was almost dead with maybe 10-20 active players and even SH was at the edge of dying.

That you don’t want to give me the name of this server you are talking about (I asked in my last post) but rather cut the conversation says a lot.


A project with more than 500 players would have got around.

In addition, you do not even come out with the name of the server, accordingly that’s just “hot air”, huh?

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Authentic classic doesnt mean there needs to be language specific server, it has nothing to do with it, theyre just servers

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They said, they want to recreate mostly the feeling of Classic and a babylonic languagemix is not they fealing in the DACHL and Frankophonregion.

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Just imagine the outcry if there were ONLY german RP-Servers for europe and you all clever people would have to play there with your elementary school level german.

Most players of classic are 30+ and many didn’t have to use english for 10+ years if ever. Not everyone works in a multinational corporation


Wouldn’t we all prefer to rp in our own native language?

But considering Hydraxian Waterlords is medium pop, and many here have come not to rp but because there is no que nor layers, I think there aren’t enough people for a dedicated German rp server.

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The difference between “all languages in europe” and “german” is the amount of players. We have 8 servers with 2-3 layers. Census says, 1 layer equals 5000 players. These servers have daily queues of 1000+ players. That’s at least a very conservative 80.000 active players every day.

If we take retail servers as guideline, the need for RP-servers is about 10-15%. These numbers also say germany has a higher need for RP-servers than the rest of europe. If you would have followed the several, smartly torn apart threads in the german forum regarding the lack of RP-servers, you would know that there is a rather high amount of players who don’t play at all because of it.

There is just no valid argument against DE-RP-Servers and all the whiteknighting in the world will not change that


It’s not a matter if we want or need to improve our english skills.
It’s about whether we WANT to use english in our free time.

Some of us don’t, because they almost never have to use it - not everyone needs to use english at work, because they do not work at tourism or international corporations.

Not everyone wants to have huge and crowded rp servers.
I assume, the pve realm could easily be filled with a medium population - there are a lot of non rp players, who like the more friendly roleplaying environment, too. That’s the reason, why we have had support from non rp players already before the Classic launch.


Authentic means “exactly as it was in the past”.

  • Were there German-language role-play servers in the past? Yes!
  • Are there German-language role-play servers today? No!
  • IIs Classic authentic for us without a German role-playing server? No!
  • Have we been promised authentic Classic? Yes!

So was the promise a lie? Yes, that’s how it feels for us!

We have the right to play Classic as authentically as English-speaking players, because we pay just as much money for it!
Or do you think that you and your kind are something better? More equal than others? Like in “Animal Farm”? All are equal but some are more equal?


Yeah, if Ion doesn’t recreate my Classic experience, then he’s lying.

I can relate but there is still one rp server for like 30+ languages. You can’t make 30 servers, you have to stop at one point. Blizz stopped at one server because that is still not overpopulated.

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@All: I am not a CM, but I have touched upon this general topic before. Roleplayers are a minority, even on roleplaying realms (both Classic and BfA ones). It was very close that there would not even be a RP-PvP realm at all. To put it quite simply, there are not enough roleplayers to support multiple RP realms.

German speaking player base is of significant size (my last calculation put it somewhere close to 230 000 on BfA side, which meant more than 25% of my EU size calculation). However, out of that number only a small portion play on Die Aldor and the other German RP realms are probably best described as tiny in comparison to it. Argent Dawn is significantly larger than Die Aldor and despite that fact, Hydraxian Waterlords struggles to maintain “Medium” status… and Zandalar Tribe, while a nice realm, does not have much apparent RP left.

Classic, by my best estimate currently has less than 56 000 remaining players on the German realms total at prime time peak and judging by Blizzard decisions and already published blue posts, the number is still decreasing… :frowning: Roleplayers do not form 15% of the total player base on BfA side (in fact, the probable number is under 3%) and even at 15%… 56 000… equals perhaps 8 400 + a few who are not playing… and to maintain a realm at reasonable activlty level… takes about 16 000. Theorhetically, Blizzard probably could launch a single German RP realm, BUT it would likely max out at “Medium” or even “Medium”-“Low” depending on time of day.

I am not saying it can not happen, but I find it highly improbable, to be 100% honest. Sorry! :confused:


The biggest error in the calculations of these people who are fighting for RP realms is that they count in all non-RPers who want to play on RP-realms anyway.
Sure, maybe a german RP-realm could also get Medium status, but just because of people who want to avoid queues or want to join a quiet, very small realm.

“Die Aldor” is currently the biggest german RP realm, but even there I’ve discovered a lack of consistent Open-RP in the cities for a few months now, Horde’s Open-RP is almost gone. It’s getting less and less and every other german RP-realm is dead. Except for two, which have a veeeeery small playerbase.
And then one has to consider that just a small minority of this RP playerbase even wants to do RP in Classic. Most of the people I know just stay on Retail.

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I feel taking retail numbers for classic isn’t gonna do much good. It’s the only numbers Blizzard has at the moment (Edit: In regards to German Roleplayers, that is), so of course they’re gonna use them, but the people currently playing retail are not the target demographic for classic. Said target demographic are the people who aren’t playing on retail anymore. People like me, for example, who hasn’t really played retail for years now, but came back to play classic (and went to Hydraxian Waterlords, because there was no German RP Server available and my english happens to be good enough for me to feel comfortable Roleplaying in that language).

Die Aldor is fairly low population now. That wasn’t always the case. Personally I feel that a RP Server at launch would’ve had a good chance of drawing in a decent amount of people (Be it roleplayers or players who just wanna enjoy ‘the atmosphere’). Since there wasn’t one at launch, though… the majority of the people who’d be interested in such a server, in all likelihood, left already.

And another edit, because I can:

I feel the main reason for why there isn’t a German RP Server at the moment is not the often cited lack of interest or players, it’s that Blizzard completely botched their planning in regards to the launch. Their data was deeply flawed, as evidenced by them not even wanting to launch a single German server in the beginning, which only changed after there was a huge community outcry. And even then they only went with two servers total for the entire German realmpool, then hastily added two more when launch was approaching. At the moment we have nine, with only one low enough in population to allow for layering to be disabled.

Clearly something went wrong in the planning phase there, and the RP community is suffering from it. Had Blizzard, from the beginning, expected the kinda numbers the German community evidently has, we likely would’ve gotten an RP Server at launch.