No Longer The Lost Eu - Recruiting for M+, Raid and Social

No Longer The Lost are recruiting!
EU - Alonsus, Anachronos and Kul-Tiras (18+)

We’re already smashing through Season 3 with Amirdrassil Normal Completed – and First Boss down on Heroic. In fact, we’re the only guild on the realm who have started and completed a boss on Heroic… Very proud, not bragging, promise!

We’re a guild that enjoys pushing KSM and AOTC every season, and have achieved every one so far. Some guildies are already beyond the half way mark for KSM.
People are active throughout the week, and we have a very active Discord Server with plenty of conversation as well as helpful info and support from experienced players.

If you’re someone who plays casually, enjoys the social aspect of the game and likes to push content and/or yourself but in a relaxed and supportive environment, we could be a home for you.
As a community we:
• Raid every Saturday – 9pm Server Time
• Mythic + evening every Monday – 9pm Server Time

We’re looking for any players who would like to add to the community, to hang out whilst gaming, questing, timewalking, mog runs and everything in between.
If you’re looking for Mythics, we have guildies running them frequently. If you’re looking to raid, our core roles are covered but we’re always looking for DPS who know their classes and can push themselves for the good of the team.

To apply or if you have any questions drop me a message in game or Discord:
Discord – hexhellcat
Bnet - Hellcat13xo#2208

Hey what time do you guys raid time finish at?