According to Ion, emphasis has been on the Dracthyr in Dragonflight. While I understand this new race has been a big project for the team, I would also just like to point out that many other races are still sorely lacking.
During Shadowlands, it was first mentioned that more customization options would be coming throughout the expansion. Blizzard walked this commitment back at BlizzConline 2020. But after receiving lots of feedback by players online, they once again changed course and chose to address some Allied Races which needed a lot of love.
Hence, we got new options for races like the LF Draenei, Nightborne, and so on. Kudos!
So it is disappointing to hear this news (unless I’m misinterpreting it), that Blizzard won’t keep at it with the new expansion. It’s similar to how the Allied Race system was seemingly abandoned before the Undead and Worgen got their AR counterparts, and how the Heritage Armour sets just stopped coming. At some point it just feels like Blizzard loses interest in these features, despite how passionate players are about them.
Lots of Allied Races (and original races) still need lots of love. This is very important in terms of being able to express yourself as a player. For example:
- Kul Tiran, Mechagnomes, Dark Iron Dwarves and Vulpera (among others) have very few options in general. It’s just difficult to create a unique character.
- Void Elves did get a lot of High Elf options from the Blood Elves (although some new hairstyles would be quite welcome). But in the process a lot of people felt like the Void-aspects of the race were entirely neglected. By the way, both Blood Elf and Void Elf players are screaming at the top of their lungs for some ranger tattoos!
- Glaring omissions still remain for many older races, such as Troll beards, upright Worgen and Undead, and perhaps even new body types or alternate voices.
- Several features are present on some races but restricted on others, like the ability to have a facial scar regardless of which face option you choose.
- Some races received some new cool options with the launch of Shadowlands (which is great), while their older options looked so dated that it just feels like there’s more work to be done. For example, Night Elves have many old and traditional Night Elven hairstyles which look very rough around the edges. These older options could definitely receive a glow-up.
- On top of all this, I am sure many players would agree that more options in general are always welcome. It should perhaps be a regular feature with each new patch.
It’s highly unlikely that Ion will read this and change his mind about it. But I just wanted to express how I feel.