If you read my post it says I play the AH. That’s something I can do while I’m on the road for work. Doesn’t mean I’m super rich in game and I lose bids quit a bit but at least I stand a change. I’ve been playing wow since the beginning and I’ve always loved it. 20 years down the road though there’s more important RL interests that needs my attention. Of course I’m barking up the wrong tree here and I get it. Wow is for those who can spend their life in game without RL distractions… Enjoy:)
I joined just fine on my freshly dinged 25 last week. Again there’s literally 5+ groups forming every 20 min in the evenings of all requirements.
I asume they will stay 10m until we get to the 40 man raids, but nobody can know for sure.
Anyone who asks for GS have proven they dont know anything about classic, so dont join anyone who asks for GS
Fun to see how this will work out…
Guys, guys, guys and ladies, but it’s the BEST loot distribution if you don’t have time and have some extra cash and you’re asocial and don’t care about ruining the game for others, how don’t you see that?
What’s the problem with putting together a group yourself?
Yeah this is wrong and you know it.
GDKP is the most effective form of pug. Even if nothing drops for me, even if I have to carry a bad player through the dungeon, I am not leaving with empty hands. GDKP is fairer than any of the fecal matter laced alternatives.
And if you, for some inconcievable reason, really really want to put a stop to this, you KNOW the solution: Give us personal loot. But you arent doing this, because you are LAZY. Because you like to shove YOUR RESPONSIBILITY unto the players instead.
Shove your communist utopia in the trash where it belongs and replace the commisar who came up with the idea before they can cause further harm.
Apparently the reason they are restricting GDKP is because it was being used as a gold laundering scheme.
That meaning, people buying gold off shady sites were told to join a GDKP raid with the seller so they could safely transfer the gold to the buyer under the guise of GDKP.
Lol will be funny fighting over refunds now
This is great news. Please push this to Classic Era too, as those servers are also infected with the problem.
Go delete the game loser
It will be interesting to see the tears of GDKP players after the first bans
Well, looks like we got one RMT seller fired up, who’s next?
I feel sorry for all the gold buyers, they will no longer be able to buy their way to BiS
At least the 2head ones…the clever ones will just do it covertly.
This can not be enforced, so don’t worry, GDKP will still exist.
Telling players how to play the game can’t work anyway. If people don’t want to /roll against random grey parser, they don’t.
We will See, i think developers have a better understanding then random ppl Like you
sure they will still exist but as i said: Suggest: NO GDKPs in SOD please do anything to make GDKPs not worth it to form legit anything please - #234 by Mario-lone-wolf
its a matter of time before even the hidden ones just dies
and just as we speak here
1 heavy toxic GDKP defender is already trying to make work arounds for this BS
in this thread
but now we can report them ingame: also please report them here in the forum they are legit insane toxic, saying slurs & etc.: just your average GDKP runner
This just devalue gold in the game nothing else. Removing paying for gear ? Nope.
The only way that they can be sure there wont be ANY CURRENCY that exist in the world for raid gear is implementing personal loot.
Is this what they are going to do ?
Or they tag raid gear and whenever someone trades gold for them or a few hours before and after they snag you
Oh no, how would we cope.