No more GDKP runs Phase 2 (Experimental Policy)

Season of discovering how incompetent blizzard is! Hey lets make gold buying even more viable by making people with bis gear to start sell raid spots. That will cost so much money that no avg joe can even get in. Without buying gold ofc. And maybe even doesnt get loot. Also lets invalidate all the work some people have done grinding gold. Thank you Blizzard. Banning gold buyers just isnt an option so you wouldnt lose subsription fees ofc. Very happy how you listen to feedback and lets make community gatekeepy and hr stuff again ofc. Ty.

Also the fact that people are implementing that gdkps= gold buying shows how clueless they are. :joy: BFD runs most expensive item has been around 60 gold for the epic staff. If you cant gather 60 gold ingame I think the issue lies in yourself.

The whiners & baddies have won the battle, congratulations.
But he who laughs last, laughs best.

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People will play the game whether you are selling them gold or not.

People will just also by nature, take the easy way out and buy gold if they dont play in guilds etc to get geared.

It has nothing to do with Blizzard, they are providing a platform to play the game, its the Players being baited by cheap gold, to save them hours of farming to afford crazy priced things, when realistically if no one was doing it and there wasnt much gold available, then prices would stay low, because people wouldnt have all the extra cash to spend.

There’s always, make your own group, Join a guild or other static group.

Why do new fresh geared have to impose themselves on the PuG groups that want decent geared?

gold buyer spotted

lmao i saw 134k gold lifetime gdkp ‘pass’ on his era discord

lol all they have to do is make trading raid gear for any other item cause an alert, do it more than a few times → warning or whatever

Well this is awesome! Pity it wasn’t implemented in Classic before it got completely out of control.

I hope to see this added to the right click report player. And, I’ll make sure to join and watch all the GDKP discord servers to report players.

WTF are you actually trying to say? That you support/participate in GDKP, and even though it’s being banned you’ll somehow have the last laugh?

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Join their Discord servers and when you see them talking there about setting up a GDKP report them in-game. Screenshot the Discord for Blizz. Get rid of the :wastebasket:

We’ll see how it plays out, I don’t know if I will but I have a hunch. And yes, I support GDKP inspite of rarely ever running it.

I can understand you when the raid would be actually hard…

but the BFD raid is hella easy you can clear it with anyone gatekeeping it is cringe.

I’m joining all the GDKP Discord servers spamming in Classic as we speak. It’s very easy to report you to Blizz with screenshots of your GDKP Discord chats. And, in-game you’re REALLY gonna struggle to hide it.

It may still exist, but if I wipe out a few players accounts who spent real money I’ll be super happy.

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Yip, and then you get these :clown_face:s who require a certain GS for this BFD “raid”.

Actually nvm, don’t want to get into this again GDKP vs anti GDKP. You’re awesome.

Call me whatever, but I’ll still take some down. I have spoken to some of the players who have bought gold for GDKP or bought R14 before the honor system changed.

I think this experiment of banning GDKP’s is almost neccesary to see how much GDKP really contributes to goldbuying.


The longer the boss kills take the worse the logs become.

You might not care about that stuff, But i do.

It’s the “Fun” part of raiding in SoD

i do care about logs but i do that stuff in my guild runs. i don’t expect randoms to clear as fast as my guild neither do i expect to break records within a pug. I just don’t think a raid like BFD should be gatekept.

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