No more GDKP runs Phase 2 (Experimental Policy)

Guilds have the most absurd requirements tho.

I prefer to just join a whatever run and blast it in 25 min, Maybe 25 min is slow nowdays, i dono how fast guilds clear it, But it was the time the PuG did this week

Not gonna join a guild with a scheduled raid time for this type of content.

There are plenty of people without guilds or just social guilds who PuG BFD to parse. I mainly look for parse runs & runs that check logs and my parses are pretty good for only having done pugs. I don’t know how that is gatekeeping though. If these pugs with ‘high’ requirements were to form a guild then suddenly it’s no longer gatekeeping?

My thoughts exactly.

have never bought gold, its funny how clueless the crybabies are. ‘We dont others to have fun’ I bet you have never done gdkp, yet you act to know so much of it. xD

this shows how sad you people are. seriously, you are joining discord servers etc to report players? mate you will be hosting your hard reserve and gate keeping toxic crap for 1 phase and everyone will realize we shouldnt listen people like you.

Yip, I will report, cry some more kid.

I don’t raid much, but if I do, a pug is more than sufficient. It’s Classic not rocket science.

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the problem starts to get serious when everyone starts to ask for GS and logs just like in wotlk. how are new players and casuals supposed to play than?

At the end of SoD all raids will be 40 man so pugging will die and guilds will be needed. Unless they plan to change something ofc.

Now I treat SoD like retail. Just pug when I can because there’s a 100% chance there will be groups forming or people looking to run, even during the day. With 40 mans I’m going to join a guild if I still feel like repeating the same raids like we did in 2019.

On a different note: the guys that insist on cheating the system and continue with GDKP zre just cringe imo. Blizz stated in a blue post it’s prema bans so people will stay away. Not to mention the discord groups that will dedicate to snitching. Going to be funny to see the drama that ensues.

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How does banning people for asking GS solve that? People can see your GS and kick you from group once inside raid if you’re too low for their group. Would only hurt the one with low GS as he would now stand alone at raid entrance with no group getting killed over and over by the other factions players being forced to spawn at raid entrance for many times while trying to escape the slaughter…

EXACTLY you dont even raid. LMAO and you are enforcing rules for raiding.

I mean this message shows just how sad of a being you are. You dont raid, you have never participated in gdkp, yet you somehow know how they work, How much do you guess an item goes in BFD? interested to hear! Also you really have to use time to join in random discord servers just to report some poeple who arent playing the game the way you want to. I just cant… xD

Good move Blizzard. GDKP is an absolute disease on this game. Glad these people are being banned.


Also you wont find any gold buyers on gdkp discords because GDKP is not equal to gold buying. xD you guys should get out sometime.

GDKP and gold buying literally go hand in hand you absolute joker.


You don’t have time to log on or pug a 30 min raid but have time to sit and play the AH for hours of end to make a ton of coin? Yeah sounds legit. More like you can’t be bothered to get geared so you sit in a GDKP and get carried with your green quest gear with gold you acquired elsewhere.

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oh my god xDDD well lets see wanna have a little bet about it?

No need for a bet cause everybody already knows GDKP revolves around gold buying

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Yo mr have a brain of a brick wall. So… lets take it slow. How much do you think items are going for in BFD GDKPs at the moment?

Probably track the goldbuyers. They find you bought, gold they take your gold and items you bought with that gold and ban you. Since GDKP is also now bannable, if you gave any in that raid, any item, bought with gold, the entire raid could be banned. Alternative, the point of GDK is for everyone to get a share of the gold used, if the raid leader is sending the exact same items to 9 player he Was in raid with (or his or their alts), that is a highly suspicious action.

Some can probably get around it, but if Blizzard spends the first month and come down hard with the ban hammer, (probably temp ban for first offence), it will scare of most people.

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“at the Moment”. The thing is it will escalate pretty soon. So it was the best decision of them to cut out the cancer before it grows

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Let’s just say I know a lot more than you think, and I think GDKP is a tumor that must be removed.

And when did I say “I don’t raid”? I said I don’t raid MUCH. Pay attention. I’ve done everything multiple times up to Naxx with guilds, but I don’t do it often. It seems you’re blinded by your own gold buying mentality.

However, GDKP destroys the economy and creates the issue of bots for gold buying. This is not how the game was intended to be played. If you don’t like the fact that people will snitch and report, then please do cry some more :smiley:, as it makes me happy.

And, yes I have joined GDKP Discords to report, and I will take great satisfaction in doing so. Let me know which Discord/guild you belong to and your character name so I can report you first when this is released :wink:. Neuro, Coline, 1principles, Demon, Tigerfury? Come on, tell me?

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