No more Russians?

Me, since whenever I look there aren’t any good groups. Since you know, there’s an organizational effort and you can’t just spontaneously queue when you want to.

You say ‘this rating’ as if the enemy in that screenshot aren’t 200 MMR higher than you. That’s not a ‘this rating’ issue, that’s an ‘RBG scene is dead and we finally grouped your teams together after having them wait for 20 mins’.

I have. Got a 60% win rate in them, they’re only relevant now for weekly quests.

Name change. Lmsx, go and fanboy over me some more and be jealous I’m infinitely better than you’ll ever be.

How is queuing with friends ‘an unfair advantage’? Isn’t the premise of premade players that you’re just playing for fun?

So is me queuing fully geared random battlegrounds as a r1 player in a BG against people in timewalking gear ‘an unfair advantage’?

So is the fact that none of these people have been banned for queue syncing not enough to register in your brain that it’s acceptable behaviour? :slight_smile:

Oh look it’s the loser that started crying because I called you bad at a video game (which you factually are).

Several people complained about your toxic behaviour.
I didn’t give you any warning, since that one was not my Community.
I asked you in front of everyone what your problem is.
And you ran.


You gave me two options:

  1. be nice to bad players
  2. or leave

I left. I don’t need to answer to or change my ways to appease inferior players.

Do you have a problem reading and understanding English. My whole explanation was about synchronized queueing.

And here you use your difficulties understanding English to once again brag.

Can we all just agree that you are a really good player. We all stand in aww. You don’t have to keep going on and on about how splendid you are, we know.

Synchronized queueing isn’t against the ToS.

Right back at ya.

I am under the impression that you entertain yourself by being toxic to players that are just trying to enjoy the game they love.
And this is the only thing you got.
Otherwise your presence would remain un-noticed and invisible.
As if pointing out that someone is a bad player will automatically promote you to best player world.
Who cares tbh? Let people enjoy things.

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And I am also trying to enjoy the game. Why does their enjoyment triumph over mine? Spoiler: it doesn’t.

Let me enjoy things as well? Just because some people are happy being incompetent baboons and ruin others’ enjoyment of the game doesn’t mean that I have to accept it :slight_smile:

If you enjoy the game you surely don’t need to come here and make war with everyone?

Happily enjoying the game in silence is an option.


If you could read, you would see that I didn’t ‘make war’ with anyone in this thread, and that it was made with me by Fistus. I asked a simple question: where in the ToS is queue syncing prohibited?

Not my problem he got a bit touchy over the fact the answer to that question would be a concession of many of the arguments that are directed at premade BG players.

Stop dispel my vt’s

Getting opponents that are 150 mmr away from you never happens in Arena, right? We waited 3 minutes for this to open. :smiley:

Hey cool, now climb up to my rating and face me, chicken. :smiley:
Or if you can’t find me because I’m not playing at the time, beat a good team like this Eddy guy on high mmr and send me proof.

So far you have still to prove you are a good bg player.

Oh, and I thought you were a R1 gladiator and not just a R1 Legend, disappointing.

And then went on babbling nonsense about playing with your friends is just the same as syncing groups mixed with bragging.

See you in RBGs, chicken.

I don’t even know who u are xD

Let me guess: you changed your name because you pissed of so many people

I think you guys have fed the troll enough for this month now…

It does, when you’re queueing late at night at a high MMR and there’s nobody left and the queue pops after 5+ mins, or when you’re queuing placement games. A 3 minute RBG queue is pretty normative, the bracket is just so unbelievably dead.

Isn’t 2100 MMR RBG’s like…3 wins a row? Pretty sure I was at 2200 MMR with a Boby daily win group rofl.

So far you are still yet to prove you are a good player, period.

More likely to see me in solo RBGs in my placement games before finishing the season astronomically higher than you (like I did in all of the brackets last season where you actually played a considerable amount of games).

Disappointed over somebody earning something you’d never be good enough to achieve in your entire existence. Wild.

Probs because your memory is failing you. You’re the extremely bad Night Elf Male Hunter that threw an Eye of the Storm game and then went crying to ‘community officers’ about me.

You claim to be better in BGs and you have dick to show for it, you realize this doesn’t add up and nobody is impressed by your arena achievements, because arena/shuffle is a different game mode, right?
A game mode that none of us bg players have any serious ambition to push in because if we play it, we do it on the side. How ridiculous would it be if I went to the arena forum and told everyone that I am actually better than the gladiators there because my BG score is higher and I could easily defeat them in Arena, I just don’t want to? That’s exactly what you’re doing and its cringe af.

Now go and beat a team that’s actually good in RBGs instead of wanking yourself off while looking in the mirror for a change. That you did 5 Yolo RBGs of which you have lost 2 doesn’t make you a good bg player.

Also lmao at how you unironically tryhard in random bgs where everyone goes to to chill, flame other players in your team / community and when you are criticized for your toxic, antisocial behavior you would rather leave than to apologize to your fellow players. And now that nobody wants to have anything to do with you, you started this childish vendetta against group players.

I will never cease to make fun of you as long as you keep being so cringe. :grinning:


Well er…thanks everyone for having a big old fight on my thread:) just here to say 4 days no BG against Russians

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“I’m better than you on a video game”
“No, I’m better than you on a video game”
“My dad’s bigger than your dad”
“Ner ner ner ner ner”

All a bit junior school really :rofl:


Puh, sorry, but I can’t recall you or ever throwing a BG in my life :sunglasses:
Anyway, judging by the other answers here, I hope you can find a cure for whatever is bothering your mind and soul so that you don’t have to troll so hard here :smiley: I assume it is trolling at this point, anything else would be just sad

Sadge, this topic got hijacked. To the OP; I faced 2 full russian groups last evening.

Can you show me where I’ve claimed to be better? Your 2400 in an inflated season where you haven’t been close to replicating it since and didn’t even get Hero for it doesn’t mean that you’re good, either. And your negative win rate in solo shuffle where you played an extensive amount of games shows you’re absolutely not any good in arenas either.

The highlight of your rated season so far is being grouped against a team 200 mmr higher than you because they sat too long of a queue in a dead bracket nobody cares about.

Weird, except you’ve repeatedly brought them up and ‘challenged’ me to get certain ratings. Did you forget that or did you write it under the influence like you claimed to have been whilst losing more games than you won in arena?

Does playing with 9 other people standing in the back pressing revival and cocoon when a Weakaura goes off in giga inflated seasons make you one?

My mentality is the reason I am a top 0.1% player, and why you are not one.

Oh no, you think people don’t want to play with me in unrated content which provides absolutely zero benefit! How will I survive? I’ll cry into my r1 title and my Glad mounts that you’d never see in your existence.
(Also a lie btw, I get spam asked to play BGs with the people on my list, which I always decline).

You see, when you’re a player as good as I am, people don’t care that you said some mean words to some incompetent people on the internet.

It’s also really ironic how you criticise me for anti-social behaviour, meanwhile you are the epitome of it, yourself.

Gee I would love to play some RBGs right now with some good players. 6 server time on a Friday night sounds like a pretty good time, let’s see how many people are trying to queue RBGs right now!


Bad players usually don’t know when they’re throwing, which is the exact reason why they’re bad in the first place. All MM Hunters know is ‘Sniper Shot Trueshot go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr’. All good though.