No more Russians?

Hard disagree, because Russians only play random battlegrounds to stomp casuals and shy away from challenge.

But good thing they can’t buy next expansion so good riddance.

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They will still play in the next expansion regardless

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“I promise you that I will have a higher score when blitz becomes rated” , you also call other players inferior or “extremely bad”.
Everyone can see how full of yourself you are.
But you have achieved nothing in RBGs and come up with excuses why you wont play strong teams. Building a team yourself from scratch is an option too. Try it maybe, and see how long it takes. You will learn to understand why some people would rather queue up for casual bgs when they have one friend online instead first hand.

Your skill at the arena bracket is the reason why you are R1 in shuffle, not your smugness or your arrogance. I know R1 players who are actually cool people.

Anyway, see you in SRBG in TWW.

They play for fun like everyone else and many aren’t even that good.
If the Russians will ever be gone from the serverpool, you will be looking for the next scapegoat.

Unless they can provide a valid ID document of a non-sanctioned country, there’s no possible way for them to buy/be gifted The War Within, as Russian accounts are under restrictions that can’t be bypassed via VPN.

Yeah but with one big difference - their definition of playing for fun is stomping randoms, and not having any challenge. That’s why the first sync premades were organized by Russian players. For the reasons above most people dislike playing against them.

Of course you don’t have an issue with them because you mostly don’t queue solo.

They’re the scapegoat for faults of whom exactly? Players who can’t or won’t queue as a party? Because sure, when you queue as a party of 2k+ experienced players randoms stand no chance.

I am pretty sure they will just be able to buy a TWW key from MMOGA and similar sites and keep playing. I know a lot of Russian players and none of them said that they will stop with the game because they won’t be able to buy the next expansion. You might be in for a disappointment if you think you will be rid of the Russians by the time the next expansion comes.

The sync premades? Might be that they were the first nation to sync regularly, but what’s the current situation? We have one active sync Premade leader, Larkus, on the Russian servers. Rezal retired and peddles cryptocurrencies now while chilling on the beach. The others like Zado, Nepha, Zendefine, Pandora are all from other European servers. So get rid of the Russians and you will be rid of Larkus and all the others will still be there. If queue sync premade raids are the problem then syncing should be abolished, not the Russians thrown out.

The Russian players are really nothing special. There are a few notable Russian 5 stack premades playing random bgs, and they are not qualitatively different from countless other groups on the other european servers who do the same thing.
If someone is struggling to beat a Russian group with players like Solntseva, Ambal, Alandushok, these same players will struggle against a french team when Carablue’s group is in the opponent team. Or any 5 stack group that contains a random assortment of players from Orillion’s random bg community.
These are just players who play above average by the standards of random bg and they often play in groups. Every nation has their fair share of them and if your team doesn’t have a similar group, your chances with pure randoms are slim. This is not a Russian problem. They should rather nerf groups.

The mentality of many players is a huge problem when facing russians and the best thing anyone can do is to treat them like any other opponent and to just play to the best of ones ability while focusing on objectives.

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The restriction is placed on Russian region accounts, which means if the account is registered in RU region there’s no way you can bypass the restriction - it is not possible to buy the expansion from third party seller or be gifted.
Also, you can’t change the region without providing valid ID document.

The only way to keep playing for them is to buy a new account from a different region, and that means starting from scratch.

Let’s see what happens, shall we?

I don’t agree that groups should be nerfed, just matched more equally.
For example, when you queue as a full stack, you should always expect to see full stack on opposite team (or 3+2 parties).

Sure, agreed. But russian playerbase is so small right now you are mostly playing against parties of 5 which in 90% of situations leads to one sided game.

Agree with this.
My concern with nerfing groups would be differentiating between good groups vs noob groups. Matching them fairly would be the better option, imo.

I have barely touched randoms since the introduction of Blitz, only a couple on reset depending on which weeklies are up at Malicia. I would have been long gone by now again if it hadn’t been for Blitz, I don’t have to face groups of mates or synced premades any more, might still get the occasional 3-4 mates playing together if they have been lucky enough to be put into the same teams on entering but that is very few and far between.

Still think it’s a bit stupid to allow healers to duo queue tho but all in all in all it’s a far more enjoyable experience and way better balanced in most games. Still see plenty of Russians in there but they’re no different to anybody else in Blitz, in fact they’re usually the ones most likely to come and help when I call incs etc.


Blitz is fun! Good addition to the game for sure.

To further destroy the trhead, is it true that Alfredopauly has changed his name to Deutsdudu? xdd.

He was still Alfredopauly after the reset cos he was against us in his premade with Zado or whatever his name is in IOC the other day. Fortunately I only needed to do 2 EBG’s to get the Spark.

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You most likely have played RBGs, there are a lot of Russian gamers with Euro accounts, mostly German servers I believe. Hopefully, the war madness stops and the non-toxic gamers from Russia can return.

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