No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

don’t matter they abandoned their society and spend 10000 years doing nothing while waiting for the legion while their society stagnated sure they had a few wars but beyond that nothing

every other race but the night elves have accomplished more in their limited existence heck i’d even say the mongrel trolls are a more advanced race

Yeah I slowly get it now. One major reason and culture I loved this game so dearly for since I first set foot on Teldrassil almost 20 years ago doesn’t really matter to them anymore. Suckers for humiliation need a target. And it’s most likely the folk most connected to nature. Not a new concept. The world was built upon the corpse of indigenous people, and arrogant “civilized” leeches clapping hands to it. Slowly getting to a point where I equally stop caring if this game goes to shreds or not. Gonna take some time off at least from the forum because it starts killing my mood again.


The spirit? The spirit of a real estate agent trying to spin a hellhole of a dumpster in a favorable light to the young couple looking for a small but affordable place to settle down?

Kinda the same here. This isn’t the Night Elf place people were looking for, so now all the forum real estate agents are trying to spin it favorably so it doesn’t appear so bad. You gotta sell it!!

“A temple of Elune in the corner and a Moonwells here and there and it’ll feel like home before you know it, believe me!”


They did a job for 10,000 years, which was vital to protecting their planet; those 10,000 years were when their society changed drastically. You can’t abandon your culture and stagnate at the same time.

No other has accomplished more in their limited existence. That’s why high-borne ruins are so important. Looking at every other race, they are also heavily diminished, even the shorter-lived ones. For example, humans have only one state left; Orcs lost their home world, so did the Dreanai, and so did the Gnomes. The Dwarfs fell to infighting and were enslaved by elementals, etc.

You are trying to paint a narrative which is not true.


Okay usually I don’t tend to comment around these because its usually a cesspit but I genuinely feel sorry for the players who are in fact Night Elves.

This really sucks and they honestly can’t expect you guys to enjoy that as a new city hub, My only hope is that you progressively improve your city through patches at this point.


and yet none of this races are living in the literal ruins of their civilization because their leader decided to play make believe guardians of the world rather then rebuild the legion would have come anyway thats kinda the whole point of the burning legion

If this is it, more then disappointed. Let’s just hope it will be developed further.
Saw a vid on yt now with a cow moving around the city, at first he was not attacked by any Night Elf there but finally one did, so I guess it will not be neutral open hub. So far, only good news. Rest of what I see is larger Auberdine pre Cata.

Only thing good that I have to mention for now is new models of Mordent, Broll and Jarod. Hell, maybe Jarod and Shandris could finally get togeather this time and have tons of babys
Would’t hurt one from Malf man and Tyrande too

Also I hope it will have barber and Tmoger included so people can actually stay here without being forced to leave to SW. But on the other hand, Valdrakken is one spit away so don’t see the point of this town


Blizz made a blue post saying the New home “city” is still in Work in Progress.

Calm your horses.


That’s great to hear thanks Ulfaro for the information.


Except for the trolls, Orcs. Dreanai. Gnomes, Dwarves, Blood Elves etc. The whole point of being called a blood elf is that you live in the ruins of your civilisation, where the majority of your population was genocided by the scourge. The Forsaken are the literal embodiment of this due to the scourge.

Also, the collapse of the Night Elven Empire wasn’t due to the burning Legion but due to the choice Malfurion and Tyrande made to not reunify the empire due to the war of the ancients after the sundering, as they had been given a more critical role as they guardians of Hyjal and then even sacrificed that to stop the burning legion again. Only recently did the Forsaken destroy their capital in the war of Thornes, a remnant of the Scourge.

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Look, I don’t know what your deal is, whoever screwed you on realestate but I’m not trying to sell anything here. Just saying that can’t be all of it. And no way that’s a hellhole as you say it is. Chill.

the difference is that we actually rebuild you took a hit to the gut and decided the best course of action was to ignore the festering wounds silvermoon was fully rebuilt in lore its just not reflected in game because blizzard is lazy :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re probably right given the close cultural link. I just hope we get to see the Silvermoon libraries and reliquary then in game once revealed. So far they’ve only been hinted at.

Suramar was an amzing city back in Legion and I’m glad Blizzard made the effort to craft such a detailed urban environment. Otherwise, we may never of got Boralus or Dazar’alor next as well.

Truthfully, they should do more with these cities in future expansions too. Places like Ogrimmar and Stormwind get overused as factional points if intrest imo. They need to change the scenery and backdrop more so the other racial capitals don’t just exist purely for the sake of it.

I’m wondering if they’ll incorporate some aspects of the night warrior into nelf paladin identity once they get round to it. It already has a sort of warrior priest vibe to it. The only problem I can think of is the power is sort of uncontrollable in the sense of causing bloodlust. Either that, or they’ll homogonise night elves with other races in the Tyr’s Guard to give them paladins.

Pally abilities may also need Elune themed alternatives I think via glyphs or some other mechanism? The golden light of most of the current animations don’t mesh well with the night elf asthetic. This is given thier priests already use the same animations as every other priest.

He was gone longer then you think. Movie, project Titan now Overwatch, etc. and then he left. So, probably about 8 or 9 years he didn’t had a major input in the WoW

No, you didn’t. You withered due to the sun well being destroyed, turned to the Fel to offset this and slowly turned into demons. Sunstrider then took what was left of the race to Dreanor after allying himself with Illidan, turned his people into demon hunters, then betrayed Illidan and sided with the Burning Legion.

Then you tried to use what was left of the Sunwell to invite the Burning Legion back into Azeroth and were stopped. It was only due to the mercy of the Alliance and Dreanai that you even got the wellspring of your vitality back.

You haven’t claimed any of the lands back from the scourge, as it is tainted beyond repair and only controls a small portion of land around your capital.


well dont’t be shocked when nothing has changed :stuck_out_tongue: the night elves had it worse under metzen :smiley: but don’t worry im sure anduin will be back to lecture you 10000 year elves on what to do

Don’t forget Tyrande almost sacrificed her life to save that band of ragtags who started to call themselves Blood Elfs. They actually owe everything they have to Alliance and especially to Tyrande because they wouldn’t exist without her :stuck_out_tongue: And yet, they are horde now lol


The issue with it is the animations. We need the light to be silver or lunar-themed. We still don’t see the change with elves. The night elf version of the shadow priest would also be a good use of Elune’s dark side, but we don’t see it reflected in-game, which is a shame.

True :joy:

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While he was there, most important player in game was Azeroth. All races didn’t get much updates and that was ok because we have the world as our playground. Barely later in Cata, when he was already moving away from WoW to Titan and later the movie we started to get this changes and not for the best. And then he quit and we got danuser, bfa, sl and now df :stuck_out_tongue:

he appointed alex so if anything his hands is just as dirty then pretended like he hardly knew the guy

ah the wonderful world of male nepotismen :smiley: