No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

Let’s just, and I can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth, wait and see LOOOL. I am on the razor’s edge of completely quitting the game and if this stay like this without improvements I am gone.
But for last time. I am giving Blizzard chance and only and I mean ONLY because of Metzen.


If it was between Alex and Denuser, I don’t blame him. Even in a drunken mess, Alex wrote a better script than Denuser could. I’m still waiting on that canon being used.


Well, at least he saved his face and his hands from lawsuits, which eventually drove Blizzard to ruin with DEI now in full swing. Diversity hire is proven now that it don’t work if person don’t have the talent. We see it with Disney and especially with Lucasfilm, and recently, the biggest flop of all time: The Marvels :stuck_out_tongue:


I went to see the Marvels. They teleported away during a war to discuss their feelings as Captain Marvel’s husbands people were ethnically cleansed for the resources of their planet. Yet you had three superheroes standing in safety, talking about how they treated each other too harshly. The villain wanted a bracelet of one of the heroes, yet they thought bringing her along was a good idea instead of keeping her at home, as her mother suggested.


glad to see more people seeing the horde bias that exists in wow :wink:

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I would rather have the product be good. Problems that happen in America are American problems.

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Truly the blood elves owe thier lives Othmar Garithos and the Dalaran magocracy.
They were so blessed to have such good friends.

I imagine if the Goblins actually fired the thing Bilgewater Harbor would become a watery crater and Aszhara would undergo another round of terraforming.

its an american company … so their problems are yours problems as long as your using their product :stuck_out_tongue: if you have a problem with that the unsub button is over there …

No, they aren’t. As a customer, it’s not your problem, and even if the scandal did happen, that doesn’t mean they should hire even more inept people. The only problem you have as a customer is if the quality is going up or down, just as a shareholder’s problem is if revenue is up or down. I also did unsubscribe for over a year and only came back a few months ago due to the improvements of DF.


it litterly is if you dont like blizzard’s policies then stop using their products its that simple

I dont care about their policy; I only care about the quality of the product. They could hire people from the local jail, and if it went up, I wouldn’t care. I unsubbed from SL not because of the policies or lawsuits but because there was no content, and what was developed was terrible. They can hire all the diverse hires they want if it would make a better product. They can turn the studio 100% South American or Chinese if it gives me a better product.

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Yah from Ms- Marvel hahaha.

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Aware of it since 8 months after launch. It literary pokes your eyes out

I don’t want any. I want normal people who earned their job with a good resime to show for themselves
Just look at what Musk did, not that I like him, but he did good job with twitter. Fired most of teh company and then choose those who have quality and re hired them.

Exactly but they rub our faces in it everywhere :stuck_out_tongue: The world is upside down. Someone have to turn it up again. Let’s hope Metzen is that one :smiley:


Don’t engage with that guy. He will call you a whiner, while he is whining all around forums about horde and forsaken

I cannot control their insane Californian ideology, which has driven them to live in a homeless-infested slum with faeces lining their streets, and frankly, I don’t care.

What I do care about is that we are getting better product value, and we have been getting that after they saw their user engagement tank and reality came to slap them in the face.

American issues are American issues and the less control they have over media output, the better because the vast majority of it now is a stream of low-quality ideology produced by Twitter armchair philosophers thinking they can do better than Oxford and Cambridge Educated 20th-century writers that had been through world wars. After all, they want to tell their fan fiction and for it to be canon, or they can’t get their idea published.

If Microsoft outsourced WoW development to Cambodia or China, you would probably get the same quality for 1/3 of the cost. Heck, they could give the story to an AI at this point.


not sure you should be refererning to the chief twit as anything postive he got his start with his father’s blood diamonds and the companies his associated with was doing great before he ever came to the scene and lets not forget the blunder that was buying twatter and he was fired from paypal

if musk did anything postive for the world its the blue check marker scandal … watching all those fake twitter accounts posting random crap was pretty funny maybe not so much for nitendo and such having mario giving the finger to people

I said I don’t like him but he did good with that move on twitter.
Mostly now I hate him because of his stance towards Ukraine.


Thanks for sharing that link, i’m as jaded and cynical as the next long-term Night elf fan (Possibly even more so), but comparing a still under construction city (Lorewise, not just game-technically) to screenshots of cities that have stood for millennia is more than slightly “Apples and Oranges”, let’s be honest here…

It might even be cool, watching the town turn into a proper city over time.


Yea if anything it would be weird if it instantly became a massive city. It likely will expand over time. Just like, you know, actual cities.

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You do know you are talking about Night Elfs? :rofl: :frowning:

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