No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

Atleast you had a proper capital to begin with

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It looks lovely, and a good start for a race that has lost everything. Cities don’t spring up overnight.


So, it’s better to have a home and lost it then never had one? And you are a Troll :stuck_out_tongue: You have Orgrimmar

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Just like bronze age collapse. It makes sense actually.
Btw, let me know if you need soap technology.

Dude, we have sewers, and you are playing cow :smiley: As far as I know, cows can eat and loose the dump in same time hahaha. So you literary unload yourself where you eat lol

Sorry, don’t get offended, just couldn’t resist :smiley:

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You don’t even need the BfA “Night Warrior” nonsense. Back in Cataclysm we got holy bovines because, apparently, worshipping some celestial body was enough justification for Tauren to be given Paladins.

The lore up until that point was very specific about having to worship the Light. Every Paladin race has had some connection to the Light. Humans and Dwarves have already been practicing Light worship. The entire Draenei culture is based around Light worship, Shamans have even been low key considered second class citizens because they’ve been turning from worshipping the Light towards nature worship. Blood Elves have had an entire story arc very specifically about how they need to siphon Light out of an enslaved Naaru because their connection to the Light was severed.

Then Cataclysm comes around and now suddenly the Light is no longer part of the equation. This only tells us that if you believe in something really, really hard you can also have Paladins. Hell, Gnome Priests have proven that you can have a culture built entirely around agnosticism and science and still have Priests.
In that context, the Night Elves’ society and culture is completely focused on Elune worship. Like the Draenei have a Light based culture, the Elves have a moon based culture. If we don’t need the specific Light/Naaru worship for the Paladin class, but simply worshipping anything is enough now, then Night Elves would have already qualified for the Paladin class back in Cataclysm, or Legion at the very latest, with 2 Night Elf Priests being turned into Paladins in the Paladin and Priest class quest lines.


The issue is that we are talking about Blizzard, who are very reliable at forgetting/abandoning stuff they started one patch ago. And given that the village is in a zone that will be irrelevant with the next expansion, I highly doubt they’ll ever touch the village again.
Even more so as we are talking about a Night Elf village here. And considering Blizzard’s track record with Night Elves, I’d say the chances of them ever going back to grow the town are slim at best. If it isn’t finished now, it never will be.


With that I agree. It was a complete nonsense. It led to nothing at the end.
But would be cool if there will be a glyph for Night Elven Paladins when or if we get them which would turn light spells to silver.
And so far, lore about Night Elfs being nocturnal, and less functional on daylight has not been changed

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Rome wasn’t built in a day…

Hopefully they’ll expand on it over the years.
I also hope there is a settlement built in the ruins of Darnassus.


And now you have Stormwind :smirk:

ugh you beat me too it :imp:

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Clean and pedantic cow to be precise.
Look, soap technology is rather simple, it takes grand total of three ingredients: water, suet and ash.
Water is abundant and suet you get from pigs and boars, so we are only missing ash.
Hmm, i wonder where could Night Elves to get some ash to upgrade their civilization, hmm…

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Nope, never that ugly city. Either Dalaran or Darnassus with time travel

I heard the best soap is made out of cow fat :smiley: Too easy man, to easy lol

Suet not fat, and you need pigs or boars.

Yep, but now builders are nelfs. You always see nelf guys are just sleeping. Especially druids are just sleeping. How can you build town fast when guys are just having nice pillow under their head?

:rofl: Nope. Cow fat is definetly the best. And most usable, you can cook on it, make good hamburgers, gulash, shintzel’s , soup :smiley: Damn now I am hungry. Thanks a lot…

Too bad, in modern day if you want a capital you either get a village or Stormwind, we’re leaving the Night Elf focus for Blood Elves now so this is your endgame

Remember, Night Elves are sensitive tree hippies now. They are not, and have never been, proud feral wild people with a detailed and intrinsic society that entwined nature and civilisation.

All they want is to sit in their wooden huts and praise the humans.


Blizzard rarely finish something they started in earlier expansion. New Nelf city will sty unfinished for, well, probably till the end of the game. Same will be with Gilneas, but not Silvermoon. Horde is horde, alliance is nothing as we know

For as long as blizzard never touches them again after this “city” is done, I am fine with that. Someone else can have attention Nelfs got last 20 years, and especially the attention they got in last 5 yers. I really wish it to every race except Worgen

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