No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

Night Elves (elves in general, see the state of blood/high elves) serve the same role in the narrative as the Trolls do. That being a fallen civilization, only barely clinging to life.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I am sick of it. At this point blizzard should completely delete every race except humans and orcs and be done with it.


Let’s forget about night elves, i want to see how blizzard “hate” taurens, unlike hippie treehuggers that exist in every single storyline since vanilla they are really underutilized race. Even gnomes will be more prefferable

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Said a devolved Night Elf :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah that pretty much covers my feeling on that front. We’ll see, I’ll wait to see what it looks like once finalised during this expansion. I’m not expecting development after tho. They may surprise me obviously.

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They wouldn’t do that, would they? Just leave the village, you know? A village? That needs to become a city for the respective species for what might be the rest of this game’s lifespan. I’m not very confident in Blizzard’s commitment to certain things but they can’t just leave it like this.

Besides, I don’t even know if this is all they get, these might be the first buildings added with more to come.

to build these cities takes some time. give it 5 years and if the german build it 10 years.

It makes sense its a village…the Tree is still a baby!

Just pray the same builders arent working on things that are building Forest Song!

19 years and non one building there :smiley: I blame Draenei

As I said earlier:

Should I add an obvious “In my opinion” I’m going to just start prefacing every post with that now.

That’s not exactly what Darnassus was, and that was a recently built city. There is a clear mix of more simple wooden structures, and stone built ones reminiscent of the architecture from 10.000 years ago. Apparently the night elves still cared for that aesthetical legacy a short while back.

If they go for a combination it’ll already be a great deal more fitting than what the first peeks have shown :slight_smile:

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I think they will make a stone temple but so far seem to be doing housing, which is fair enough. I do wonder if they are going to build atop the tree though and this is essentially a bigger Ru’theran Village; assuming we can trust the devs that it is a WIP.

Ah, stop with your crybabying for immortality. Your kin should never have it in the first place. Mortals shouldn’t be immortal.

Stares at the mortal lightforged into immortality/won’t die of age kek

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I’ve been curious about that myself ever since it became clear there’d be a tree and night elves would live there. I hope so, could be lovely!

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Shush, we are Aliens close to extinction. We had our fair share of issues.

Stares at Turalyon, the human lightforged leader double kek :rofl:

Yeah, they already made an official statement saying this isn’t the whole thing, just the start of it. Congrats for jumping the gun again.


Yeah, he is an exception in the lore. Or have you seen other Lightforged Humans yet?