No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

I’ll take Darnassus over Bel’Ameth any day. Only thing better that Bel’Ameth have then Darnassus is updated graphics. Nothing else.

Will it be a neutral city or a city only for the alliance?

What is so mindboggling about this, is that they’ve just begun settling there. These other places took thousands of years to build!

Of course, they’re not going to have a massive city built up immediately.


No clue. I watched one cow going through it on yt. No one attacked him till about 10 minutes of wondering around the village. So, it might be neutral or he just did something what cause that guard to kill him.

So, no clue. I am very afraid if it will be neutral city…


No faith from Nelfs towards blizzard anymore. With a very good reason
And by history of them starting something in one expansion and then never finished is well known.
They started re building Forrest song at launch of WoW, 19 years later, absolutely nothing was built hahaha

Maybe Blizzard is preparing us for neutral capitals !

I imagine Silvermoon could become neutral for the Midnight expansion.

I hate that idea. If it happens, then to hell with them


That would be just horrible. Imagine forsaken roaming around Night Elf city… My stomach hurts just to think about that


The ptr is not yet final, it may still have changes. :pray:

Or in Gilneas :smiley:


Horrible, just horrible


I don’t trust blizz anymore. So they actually probably will make it neutral hub.

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I’ll take it.

It looks decent and hope it’s expanded.
I truly don’t believe Eldre’Thalas will be getting anything in the future, in terms of a revamp and being given to the Shen’dralar. It seems Amirdrassil will house all Night Elves, loyal (Druid, Priest, Sentinels, Wardens) and outcast (Shen’dralar, Illidari, Darkfallen.)

I guess I hope that the Quel’Thalas update gives the same, but for the Blood Elves.

So Sin’dorei have a section for their outcasts, like Warlocks, Illidari and Darkfallen.

Right now I am in Amirdrassil with my Horde Main on PTR and all NPCs are friendly… That’s really terrible… I hoped they had a bit of respect for their story…

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Don’t know if I’d compare Forrest song to the Nelf’s new home.

You don’t need to have an empire to have a city. And love of a forest does not exclude love of a city too. The kaldorei empire had stunning forests, and that never precluded cities. And there are many kinds of kaldorei - druids love to live in forest, but many other kaldorei love both forests and cities or just cities or just temples or temples and forests or temples and cities. They are not a village people till now.

Because night elves didn’t build cities during the long vigil for whatever reason -does that mean now they are free from isolation they shouldn’t? neither the Shen’dralar or the Hyjal survivors, or the Suramar survivors built anything. So you would expect a city of those in Suramar, but not those from Darnassus… right.

So you would assume that half only night elf forests and ruins fit the night elf theme, but not night elf cities with their temples and palaces.


So to experience somethign that shoudl be as much a part of night elves as the forests, you need to switch factions and play a sub race group you might not like because of their story, allegiance or decision making.

Move over Draenei, cos the Lightforge truly wield the light, so now you can’t any more and we’ll just focus you on techno crystal, because you can’t truly be a people with strengths in several areas, you have eto be 1-dimensional only, even though you are a main raec… right.

the Nightborne do not replace the kaldorei 's civilization or mages, or their history, they are a part of that history, a sub group but on the other faction, which makes it even more important that the kaldorei alliance faction have their own stuff.

People wanna feel their races are really cool.

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Yeah I mean Bel’Ameth seems to be friendly to Horde. I’m there right now goofing around on ptr… It’s terrible. So bad…

I think Blizzard is just going in the forest and trees for the Kaldorei; because we already have two sets of Elves with large-scale Highborne-like cities.
Everyone, including Mages, Demon Hunters and Darkfallen will just fit around Amirdrassil and have their own buildings within the city.

So, Bel’ameth could be a city, in the forest-like architecture, around Amirdrassil.

The point is: They said something, years passed, nothing happen. Cataclysm came, new revamped zone, they say it is rebuilding, nothing happen. See the pattern?

Not surprised. Not even disappointed anymore. Just meh. 17 days of game time left anyway. This city for me is now make it or break it.
I really have enough