No new city for Night elves - Bel'Ameth the Capital village

Honestly, that makes quite sense from a design perspective and pattern-wise in Blizzards decisions. For us Draenei there would be sectors for the Man’ari, the Krokuul(?) (Broken) and for all regular Draenei/LFD in the Exodar then…

Yeah this must be quite a pickle for Blizzard.

On the one hand the tree is something everyone has worked for and has a stake in. If you’ve done the quests, played through the zone, and completed the raid, then you probably want to be able to hang out around the tree in the future. Like Hyjal, right?

On the other hand it’s now the domain of an Alliance race, and therefore it should be hostile to any Horde players as faction domains always are.

I wonder how Blizzard will square that.

So they are reducing the kaldorei and limiting them, … because they’ve ported their stuff to other elf races?

So they should limit Stormwind humans because they have Gilneans, Kul’tirans and Undead humans that have all that stuff…

Never mind night elves were created to be the source of all the elven arcane love and nature love, the source of elven civilization and deep forest love.

so the chief nelf race should be the one to cut have it cut… while the sub-race which seems to be losing its identity more and more should keep something that has no meaning.

And I can’t stress how disappointing that is to many players. What you call forest-like architecture is rural architecture. You don’t use the buildings in say Goldshire or Darkshire as the buildings for Lordaeron, Stormwind or Dalaran do you.

Especially when you are given a race that is as intense as the night elves, skills that stretch back 10,000 years, of the finest designs, do you think they would not go all out for a temple and a city bringing to bare their skill - especially now free from the shackles that held them.

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No, because they’re building something where there was nothing during this patch.

So, it’s the opposite as far as I can tell.

I can even talk to quartermasters and buy the Teldrassil Cape on my horde character and interact with all NPCs in Bel’Ameth…

That is sad and it makes me feel like the vibe is off and I hate it a lot.

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And? Forrest song had three tents in vanilla, 3 tents in Cata, and it still have 3 tents

in the way horde will be satisfied

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This doesn’t satisfy me at all. It’s terrible. Should not be a cross faction hub. Idc if I defeated fyrakk, and if it makes sense in the lore. It’s bad and it feels wrong. It ruins the important details.

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And again, as I said.

They’re already building something even after the first patch, so I think you stop with the doom and gloom based on one area that doesn’t even matter.

So many ways. Suramar is a typical example. What did they do with Dalaran and Shattrath? you helped free my home, shouldn’t you be welcome?

The problem with the situation is that enemies like the forsaken who took part in the massacre were now side by side helping to free AMirdrassil and in so doing earn their spot- just like that. Clearly not the same as with Suramar - who has much stronger justification to be open to all, but isn’t… I wonder why.

I do see what you mean - the horde pc helped destroy the night elves in 3 zones, but has just helped the tree come through - what do you do? Let the Amirdrassil decide and then write them to forgive/pardon.

You can’t. If they was not able to re build that small village, how will they do a city. But As it turns out to be now, it will be a neutral hub so they may aswell just abandon it

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Because they’ll put more effort into a city than a small village. It’s just how things are.

This is already a thing in both Stormwind and Orgrimmar. You have Dwarved Districts, you have Goblin Slums, Troll, well I guess slums as well.
And this is a new city, they need to show the game and the nelfs as a people have progressed. Have places for those wizard types of nelfs, places for the wardens and so on. That’s the beauty of a new city. You can built it up to reflect the development of the respective culture.


haha. It would have taken them 20 minutes to draw two buildings and wooden wall with one moonwell there :stuck_out_tongue:
What will be finished by end of 10-2.5 that will be all. Don’t expect anything but tree huts and dirt roads. Pre Cata Auberdine just twice the size

Pretty sure lorewise the only Forsaken protecting the tree in the Emerald Dream is Voss. Simply speaking, I don’t exist in this story. Come to think of it, you don’t actually see many Forsaken NPCs in this expansion as a whole.

So… I had a night elf attack me, as a horde player, with Warmode in amirdrassil and guess who the guards killed… The nightelf… It’s horrible man…

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But the Arcane does have a meaning to the others though.

It’s just the way the lore is and it’s Blizzard’s story. It was always dubious, expecting them to create a Suramar-style city for Night Elves, when the story, thus far has been about the trees, the forests and the new World Tree.

I want a revamped Eldre’Thalas for the Alliance only, but the chances of that every happening now are slim to none and…we just have to get over it.

It’s Blizzard’s story and this is the direction they chose. I suppose they see Druidism as a core and unique thing for Night Elves because the others don’t actually practice Druidism to their level.

was I right or was I wrong? Just another middle finger in Nelf behinds

And Btw, my real name is Nostradamus :rofl:

It’s still ptr, so maybe I’m overreacting a bit and it’s all just temporary…

Doubt it. I have the same bad sick feeling in my stomach I had since I first heared about buning of Teldrassil. Even before it was datamined

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