No one playing Mecha gnomes?

maybe declaring them disgusting is a bit excessive, although when I see the image that Laineth has posted, I don’t understand how they managed to think such look :astonished:

it is not necessary to be rude, if one continues to read the thread completely he sees that I have been corrected :kissing_heart: :peace_symbol:

Thier racials are the only thing appealing about them

And since are decent racials on an alliance race…they will be nerfed soon hahaha

I was hoping for a longer hairstyle for the guys
And option to choose ONE mechaleg/arm.

I tried to level one, but I felt like a torso

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Acording to data count they are still at %0 and I have no doubt their numbers won’t be more than 2000 in 2 years.

Give us Satyr race pre Shadowlands and give Horde Troggs as an equivalent to Mechagnomes in order to compensate this Blizz.

Got bored levelling my Mechagnome :cry: I will just wait for the EXP buff event, otherwise I cba.

So. Boring.

Maybe you didn’t like the race, you can confess because we have %30 warmode bonus for leveling…

Join us, take your place as a Mechagnome hater.

The race has its charm, I Just can’t be bothered with the levelling system and the open world is a lonely world. :upside_down_face:

PS: its so weird having to collect transmog on a class i never played “This appearance has been added to your Wardrobe!” and I go look only to see robot arms and legs.

It’s a horrible system to level in. I’m looking forward to the SL changes and just picking one expansion to go through.

My soul hurts when I see how many useless and bland races were added to Alliance. If there’s one thing I hate the most about BfA is that it made me play Horde more, even though I find the aesthetics of Alliance in BfA better (I mean, Kul Tiras is just beautiful).

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I don’t see any of them, interesting do they have a permanant stealth racial or something?

If I would have to actually choose now and play only AR then I would pick between Zandalari, Void Elf and Vulpera. 2to1 :sweat_smile:

Horde is not much better~
Entire AR idea was poorly executed.

As someone who primarily play Horde, I can give my input. But I’m genuinely happy for those who enjoy the new mechagnomes.

I personally hate gnomes and all modern-esque tech within WoW. I prefer swords & magic over bombs & robots and traditional fantasy races like dwarfs & elves over aliens & robots. The general theme I prefer is dark & gritty instead of cheerful & funny.

I simply can’t stand Mechagon and left the area as fast as I could when I unlocked flying. So no, I have not even unlocked the allied race yet and I’m in no hurry to do so.

lol i have been playing alliance more then what i used to play horde before

There are dozens of us! DOZEN!

You have gnome forum avatar but it still says “Void Elf Warlock” next to it. Even lifeless forums are against Trashgnomes.

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An illusion what are you hiding!.

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Soon enough even the forum will bow before our supremacy!

Not likely. Bowing that low would take some insane spines and limbo skills most people don’t possess.

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