Alliance were asking for the amazingly cool and interesting snake people race. They have an interesting story. A cool desing. Those ancient style. Badass model. And as Alliance you help them so may be logic they join.
But nope, they give us gnomes. GNOMES. The regular gnomes are already a not very popular race …so why not add more gnomes no one asked?
Also we should make them nearly impossible to transfigure on something you like because the weird body parts.
I don’t get why people don’t like gnomes, they’re the best alliance race.
Mechagnomes would’ve been cool if blizz had let us decide if we wanted to show our limbs or not, my mechagnome looks terrible in the same mog that my regular gnome looks great in because of those damn always exposed limbs.
Horde got a completely new race, while alliance got Gnomes with less transmog options. And less haircolors.
I wouldn’t play a normal looking gnome, let alone a freaking ugly gnome like the mecha ones
(sorry gnomes
) I mean this is coming from a girl who plays a blue space cow haha )
On my opinion, I feel them kinda as an insult.
I think that mechagnomes should not be a new race but simple option for the regular gnomes on the character creation, like the black eyes for the Nelfs or the back change on orcs. So you create a gnome and you can give him x robotic parts.
For fat humans more or less the same, when you create a human, you can decide give him the regular super muscular body or a fat one.
But what is an insult is that for alliance on this expansion Blizz ignore our request at 100%. Horde wanted zandalari (awesome models) and furry and they got zandalari and furry. Alliance asked for snake guys and fish people and we got fat humans and gnomes (gnomes!!! XD).
Is if the horde asked for zandalari and blizz give them slim pandarem.
I think that blizz should make a market test before release an allied race. Even if that may ruin the surprise at least will no ruin the mood of players.
If they said it many times please can you provide at least one example?
As far as I’m aware they said they wanted to use allied races to give factions things they did not already have such as how the horde is the monster faction and now has cute foxes.
But they never said anything about player populations.
Once I’m done with power progressions of my 7 characters I will start purging Alliance of mechagnomes (if I can find any). This is why I serve N’zoth.
They are disgusting and they are worthy of getting announced in April 1.
I like gnomes and almost all my alliance characters (6 out of 9) are gnomes. But I hate mechagnomes they are ugly asf. Only thing that I like about them is their racials but I’m scare to level up mechagnome because Blizzard can nerf them to the ground any time. Like they did with LF draneis when I leveled my LF dranei paladin for killing some hordes in BGs upon dying. But then because of the horde QQ both of their racials were nerfed by 50% and now they are not fun.
You can have all elves plus high elves plus the vulpera if you give the horde dark iron dwarfs and worgen
Then why don’t you play one?
I have been clearing Mechagon almost every day since the patch. There is plenty of people there.
I’m sorry, I meant as zone not the dungeon
No, no, no, no.
I seriously hope to NEVER see the Sethrak, or “fish people” in the Alliance. If they do that, they really need to open up factions regardless of race. I don’t want those races locked to the Alliance. I am already finding it annoying that the races I prefer are scattered across the factions.
I meant the zone, not the dungeon.
I have been clearing Mechagon, the zone, not the dungeon. There is plenty of people there.
Maybe I am, I have 7 level 120 gnomes
probably yesterday I reached the wrong shard
happy to know that the zone is not obsolete 
Seven are too much. Go for two, one male and female one for the Gnomes and Mechagnomes!
If I could use the old model I’d make a male gnome but with the new models every face looks like a pervert 
Made the mistake of making my mechagnome a melee so my diaper is showing, I’m hastily trying to level up a priest now so I can use a robe 
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My diaper gnome topic got many upvotes the past week. They simply look disgusting until LV120 - and I got even spit on by Alliance-players. 
I had all allied raced unlocked even if I had no intention of playing them, but these… Even though everything is ready except a Heroic Dungeon I haven’t bothered unlocking them and have no intention of unlocking this disgusting race at least 10 more years.