WoW is a single game, there’s no PVP WoW and no PVE WoW. You are supposed to play the whole game, not just spam arenas. Introducing a PVP specific stat/bonus means that people who mostly play PVE won’t be able to PVP, because they don’t have the gear. We had that problem in every expansion since TBC until Legion. I was really discouraged to PVP, because I had PVE gear and got stomped on.
Blizzard please please just tune the vendors, so that PVP players have more options to choose from for gear and do not introduce resilience back into the game.
Sry. That small time when my kids goes to sleep and i have time to play, i want to only pvp. So yes, bring something that makes pvp gear REALLY a pvp gear
I don’t think Blizzard will ever add PvP Power or Resilience back into the game. So if that’s the fear, then I see no cause for concern.
Blizzard, more than anyone else, levied substantial criticism of those stats themselves, hence why they are no more.
That doesn’t mean an alternative PvP stat design can’t exist, that doesn’t have the same issues as PvP Power or Resilience had.
But Blizzard do seem to have communicated that they don’t want to pursue a design that includes a PvP stat, so for me that’s the end of that discussion. Their game vision of WoW being a single cohesive game where players can seamlessly transition between the different gameplay aspects, that goes so much against what a PvP stat tries to accomplish.
I think they’ll try to find alternative solutions to PvP gearing in Shadowlands that doesn’t revolve around a PvP stat per se. But we’ll see.
If there are more choices of stats and no pvp stats then pve people will feel forced to do pvp for gearing more efficiently for pve since blizz stated gear will be harder to get from pve. And the outrage from pve players will be insane!
Strangely not having to gear through pvp to access pvp for pve players did not increase pvp participation in legion or bfa did it? They were worse off than all the other expans for pvp participation.
Why did no more pve players join pvp in legion and bfa in 4 years since they did not have to gear through pvp to access pvp anymore? Why did this have the opposite affect?
Me who HATES!!! Pve has been forced to spam mythic+ and raids just to get gear to access those arenas I do a week… Go back to the systems from TBC to WoD. Those worked perfectly. What you want has proved it didn’t work in legion and bfa, pvp participation went down.
Edit: Jesus Christ another guy who NEVER pvp’s is telling blizz to cater towards him incase he feels like doing a bg or arena once a month.
You pvp achivs are literally nothing, you’ve had your account for like 6 years and only over 5k hk’s, and not even 100 arenas done in that time, you literally never pvp. You had all of legion and bfa to access pvp with your pve gear, why didn’t you?
Cause and correlation.
The participation for fishing was probably higher as well, because the general player population was bigger. But just because more people played WoW it doesn’t mean the design of fishing was better.
Linking subscriber numbers to the quality of specific design is a dangerous business.
Then tell me why when making pve gear the best gear for pvp in legion and bfa, why did the participation not increase like this guy claims would happen?
Bfa season1 had the highest participation, but then season 2 pvp had the lowest participation in wow history. I bet in SL if they add pvp vendors with pvp stats, pvp participation will increase massively, despite the claims pve people can’t access it because they have to pvp to get gear… Same way you have to pve to get gear too.
All those people I know who play to pvp quit because they have to pve to gear up. Those people who want to mainly pve and do a tiny bit of pvp on the side don’t even bother to stick around and play pvp properly. Blizzard should not cater towards these people.
It’s like when they added raid finder and lfg instant join without goign travellign to dungs, should of increased playerbase according to blizz, but had the opposite affect.
I am not going to speak for someone else but myself.
But I can try to answer the above.
Legion saw a PvP popularity that decreased a lot over the expansion, because players didn’t feel any sense of reward. The template system eroded that sense of RPG progression that, seemingly, many hold dear.
Battle for Azeroth’s first Season saw the highest ever participation, initially. The Arena gear rewarded from the strongboxes was too good and too plentiful, so everyone played Arena in the first weeks, because it was the best way to gear up.
Subsequently, after changes, PvP in Battle for Azeroth has been less popular.
Some spikes in popularity have occured, for example as players had to acquire the Blood of the Enemy Essence, or farm Essences of Ny’alotha.
So if one was to attribute specific reasons for participation numbers to Legion and Battle for Azeroth, it would be those I think.
And then there’s the fact that the general popularity of an expansion is always at its highest early on, and then just goes down from there. All the gameplay activities will trend accordingly.
I don’t know anyone who quit for that reason, but I had over 10 people on my friends list who only pvp’d who all quit mid legion because of being forced to pve. The last of my pvp friends quit after bfa season 1 for similar reasons. I loved the templates compared to this bfa mess.
Exaclty, getting gear from pvp encouraged people to pvp. They nerfed it and Jesus I’ve never seen such a worse empty season than season 2.
Although I do remember seeing some threads on the forums about people quitting arena due to the corruption mess before they all got nerfed. But I think people are just coming back to wow and ‘dabling’ in arena before pre patch of the new expan and no other reason.
The fact that pvp was the highest it has ever been in season 1 due to gearing proves, you need to have good gearing from pvp to increase it’s participation. Mythic + was just as good at getting gear as from arenas in early season 1, no one was forced to do one or the other.
Please don’t get me wrong - I’m not against gearing in PvP, I’m trying to say that PvE players should have equal opportunities in PvP, just as PvP players can have that in PvE. A stat like resilience or pvp power really makes that needlessly imbalanced.
Atm people who mostly play pvp arent able to play pvp.
100x more bad you atleast can play your favorite part of game meanwhile we cant. As somebody wrote already when i finally get to game when family sleep a want to play what i like and thats pvp atm i have to farm stupid quest lines, instances and pve to be semi viable.
Blizzard cant balance pvp/pve gearing because if it was on par pvers are insta crying all over the place so blizzard taking easy route and fu*k with pvpers as their like to.
And they failed. Or you think this is possible in BFA? They ignore pvp for whole BFA how you even can say this…you maybe believe ION false promises but i dont. Only thing they care is so pvers can play pvp thats all.
I’m all for PvP vendors offering diversity and people should get equal gear, not the equivalent of M0. Perhaps a benthic-like system can solve the issue and it could let you upgrade as you achieve higher ratings.
People don’t want to grind PvE in order to be successful in PvP and that’s fine. Same goes for people who don’t want to grind PvP to stand a chance.
A full mythic raider shouldn’t be stomped by a full pvp set player (assuming both players gear requires the same amount of time and skill to acquire) just because the pvp set has N amount of resilience. The more skilled one should win, not the guy with resilience.
I’m sorry dude but noone here cares. What do you think makes YOU so special that you should be catered to but people who only pvp have to suffer through gearing through pve?
Imagine the gear from the vendor has every stat iteration - No PvP stats.
That means while pve dropps are random - PvP gear can be targeted. This will force pve players to pvp, add the rating requirement and you have the next storm of complains, remember the arena essence with a lol requirement of 1.6k.
The only solution is to devide the gear completely and make it useless in the opposite content.