I really hope they put Resilience/pvp power back in the game. The way I used to play the game was like, I’d spam BGs all day, when a buddy or two logged on we’d go arenas, or if even more was on, we’d do an RBG. Nothing high rated, just chilling with friends and feeling that the gear we got made us stronger in PvP, and that the gear we got was the best for PvP more or less. And then we’d do the odd raid here and there, maybe some dungeons.
Since Legion, there’s no point in spamming those bgs. The entire progression is gone, since I get gear thats worse at it, so I’m forced to do raids. Getting the best gear means I have to get into a raiding guild. A raiding guild has set times to raid, for obvious reasons. Not ideal for me, so I burn out, cancel my sub, come back 6 months later, repeat.
Instead of being able to progress the way I used to do, farm honor, get gear that I know will be on par with the majority in that respective aspect of the game, I’m being forced to do PvE content at a higher pace, and at set times than what I’d usually do just to stay on par with people in PvP, then don’t have the time to actually do PvP, Burn out because its not fun, quit, then come back because I need my fix. I’d rather get totally obliterated in PvP for an amount of time but knowing that if I invest enough time in it, I’d get the gear that those people are using to obliterate me, instead of forcing myself to invest too much time in content that I’d normally enjoy at a slower pace, but will burn me out over the course of several weeks if I’m forced to do it just to be viable in PvP.
Scaling is also horrible, just have the progression be there. You don’t scale low geared players in PvE, that would remove the entire point of progression.
Same. It was the best time! I really miss farming bgs all day, but I do not have the time anymore to do so. Busy with mythic plus, raid, visions and world quests.
But to be honest, I dislike the latest BG a lot! That azerite farm island. Was it made by Ion?
Uhm… No. They reduced the ilvl difference in stats by a factor of 10, and increased ilvl progression speed by more than double.
ilvl and artifact level was key for some comps to even work properly.
CC worked as a counterweight, but unfortunately the game didn’t really have that much CC in Legion for a lot of specs and classes. So some needed much higher ilvl/artifact level to work, while others needed less thanks to CC/overtuning in the templates.
People like you just never understood how the templates actually worked, and so you just believed the marketing speech. Which is evident by how you described it.
Yeah, there wasn’t. Means I’m only talking about Legion, which has ended already. Wtf is so hard to understand?
Also, for the record, I never used the word “less” that way in that post. Seriously, wtf is up with you? I never compared the amount of CC between Legion and BFA in that post.
Every 10 ilvl gave you 1% more stats. The gap between stats of a fresh 110 and high geared 110 was around 6-7%. And it didn’t really matter in most of scenarios. Besides that you could still get gear and legendaries from pvp, so doing PvE for ilvl was unnecessary.
That was at the start of expansion and it didn’t take so much time to get every artifact trait back then. In late Legion artifact power progression was account-wide.
Again that was at the start of the expansion.
And which CC abilities were removed in WoD and Legion?
You went back as far as legion so yes. If you were talking about the state of CC 14 years ago then sure, but you weren’t. Hence the statement you made is just ridiculous.
No, you’re just under the mistaken impression that I compared Legion with BFA, which I didn’t.
Except not really. Also, you don’t seem to be aware of this, but most of the expansion had a stat proc from the artifact level, one which you could level basically indefinitely. One which was decisive even.
Also, 6-7% stats? Try more like 10+% stats. Which has always, in every version of WoW, had its own stats weight for each class and spec. It means it scales differently.
Now how much rating did you reach in Legion? Hm? You think ilvl mattered on your rating as much as it did on higher ratings? Hmm? HMM? Yeah, thought so.
I honestly don’t remember the account-wide change to artifact levels, but if it came, then I remember clearly it wasn’t a thing for most of the expansion’s lifetime. The catch-up design was used for most of the expansion, for alts and returning players. Not an account-wide leveling progression.
… You never heard of the “great prune” in the transition from MoP to WoD?
In Legion they increased cooldowns of some, which meant less uptime as well.
._. right back at you, bro.
You earned both artifact power and ilvl much faster from PvE than you did from PvP. Not as bad as it has been in BFA, but still.
Also, don’t even get started on the damn RNG legendaries, which were unique-equipped to 2 legendaries max, both of which counted towards the ilvl in the template.
And instead of you just regurgitating the same marketing speech when Holinka first introduced the templates, it was 0.1% per ilvl. Because of stats weights and the passive-PvE gameplay, meant it mattered quite a lot. On ratings where rating matters, at least. For some comps more than others as well.
Holinka compared this difference to the conquest gear upscaled in PvP in WoD s2 compared to WoD s3, which had a 10% stats difference as well.
So yeah, that’s what they downscaled by a factor of 10, while speeding up ilvl progression by more than double and increasing ilvl differences from fresh to max as well.
Basically they made it look better to oblivious people, even though nothing was really changed in terms of power differences in matchups other than making it more chaotic and less controlled.
So they settled with just tuning the stats in the templates for the class/spec like a rollercoaster, while the gear scaling remained the same throughout the entirety of Legion, while each new raid release made the ilvl differences larger and larger, and the artifact level differences larger and larger as well. Hence the catch-up systems for alts and returning players. They even had to increase the drop rates of legendaries after a while as well.
Keep in mind, 1% more stats overall doesn’t equal just a 1% difference in damage/healing output. It never has. Which you foolishly seem to believe, from that marketing speech Holinka did when it was introduced.
Funny part is, from halfway through the expansion, with the ilvl differences and artifact level differences with the stats proc you could level indefinitely, the difference between a top geared player to a “bad geared” player, was bigger than it was in WoD.
They just made it more convoluted and obscure in Legion, that’s all. Which was clearly enough to fool the people who never gave it much thought.
We need pvp stat and bonus. Pvp in bfa drops very little amount of gear and in most cases it is not useful. I work full time and play wow 5-6 hours a week, I want to spend this time doing things that I enjoy which is arena/bg with my friends. I think somewhere along the way most players and developers forgot that wow is a video-game, we are supposed to play it for fun, not grind chores for hours and hours. In previous expansions grinding was optional for if you wanted a specific mount or gear but since Legion grinding is mandatory for progression.
This is honestly the easiest and simplest solution to the whole problem, because it also doesn’t require a lot of balancing. Trying to add a new PvP-stat so shortly before release is a formula for disaster.
You can still have the upgrade system in place, but it would only further increase the base item level in a PvE-scenario and not influence the PvP-upscaling. Meaning a piece of honor gear would for example always scale up to itemlevel 220-225 in PvP, even though the base item level (let’s call it the PvE-itemlevel) is only 150. You could use your honor to further upgrade the item to PvE-itemlevel 190, but it would not change the upscaling in PvP, where it stays the same.
Add some ranking requirements for conquest and you’re good to go. (Meaning for example the highest ranking players should be able to upgrade their conquest gear to PvE-itemlevel 226, because it’s probably the equal of mythic content.)