No PVP stats please!

i mind doing that on 5 chars. I am fine doing the raid for a few weeks on my main but i am not fine doing pve chores every week on all of my twinks i just want to pvp with.

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Thats how conquest works right now and its bad if we dont have a pvp stat on honor gear.
so i need to farm pve again? because everyone farms pve in week 1 and will have better gear than me because i can get only 1 piece per week.

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Jesus dude you made me log in only because of your nonsense post. I dont get what are you talking about i never needed so many gear sets in gear manager like in BFA . Regural PVE player will get roflstomped in BFA PVP even with his glorious PVE gear if he doesnt have for example versa stacked or right corrupts now. You are talking nonsense. Highend mythic+ DH have bad stats, corrupts, trinkets for highend PVP so you will get still roflstomped (no gushing no fun). So no not even in glorious BFA its not working. Problem is if i wanna play PVP i need to farm PVE to get right stats, broken trinkets, essences etc. Just give us pvp stat or wod itm lvl scaling and we as PvP players will finally shut up and just do what we like most and thats playing PvP. Also PvP trinkets set bonus would be nice since nearly every PVE trinket in BFA was broken.


Cyclotronic blast gated behind pve rep was the peak of pvp design. Kappa.

But atleast you could buy it - 30 atal runs for voodoo and months for claw from raid.


i mean as usually the morons win,blizzard sadly listen to them.
DH and Feral got nerfed to the ground because of these idiot morons winning about being 1 shoted by a DH .

Now prepare yourself,everybody will start complaining about sub rogues

Yep dh is totaly nerfed to death.

You know i was thinking about writing a small addon - every time a dh announce every silly style with this demonic roar, it will play a squeak sound - you know like this clown noses or dog toys.

lmao, prepare yourself for sub rogue era

Atleast they have some binds to do.

DH is played with steering wheel. Gas pedal for charge. The horn button for swifty macro - here you go.

dont you have some arena games to play? you have 1000 games and still are 1800 and you said you are 2700 in one week? hmm


Yeah dude who doesnt love running same mythic+ dungeons 24/7 for voodo/getiku/tank trinkets/azerite rings, waiting for corrupts rotation, farming raid every reset, grinding reps. Or making alt or coming late into 8.3 and realize that you need to farm echoes like mad to be viable. Also in most cases you need to do it in pugs because as PvP player you are not in raiding guild.
And you know there is no point to que if you dont have all this craps because it would be frustrating to play without it. BFA best expansion ever.


I enjoy pve also but ye i understand the frustration. I cant play alts - to much to do.

I dont agree on this, my biggest issue in bfa and other expansions was… that i couldnt be on par in pvp because i had to do pve, but i wanted to get versa and haste gear which is so bad in pve so ppl didnt want me in raid, i sucked for pve because of my low damage even with perfect rotation due to having the wrong stats for pve,

so i had to farm pve just to get pvp gear and no1 wanted me to join with my pvp gear, thats why we want it seperate, i dont wanna be stuck somewhere because i cant play what i want ,

another thing why guild wars gearing system is some of the best, you get your gear from pve, and if you wanna do pvp your scaled up and you just get predetermined gear just like tournaments, every1 is on equal footing and the best build wins ofcourse with some skills, no more gear check from the specifik trinket here and there or highest ilvl from pve,

Idk about that…its blizzard classic move. Make underdog spec op af in beta/prepatch so people got hyped about it and then nerf it to the ground so idiot specs like assa rogue can rule again.

Badumtsssss made my day

Go away dragonslayer i will hunt your kind for all of shadowlands! PAYBACK IS A BITCCH!

The title and topic is exactly the reason why players who started in legion or mop should NOT have an opinion

What are you talking about? Both in legion and in mop pvp was separated from pve. In legion you could actually queue up once you acheived 110 level and be equal to others, cus it had templates.

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Im to a degree angry at your comment, and post in general, but ill try to stay civil. So many of my friends that Id love to play with, have quit the game, due to the amount of mandatory pve stuff you need to do, to stay competitive.

So first of all, we never had a real problem before. If you wanted to pvp, just go into arenas with pve gear and grind the conquest points out. Then buy pvp gear. Sure it might take a bit longer cause youll loose more often, but youll get there.

Second. I dont see blizzard changing the rewards from the weekly stuff either. a m+15 key gives you 475 gear, and literally anyone with 8iq and 4 working braincells can complete this. Doesnt even have to be in time. Id even claim its more challenging to reach 1600 than it is to just complete a +15 key.
Looking at my 2s rating right now, im 2500. Reached 2.6 a while ago even. There are less than 1300 people above me in europe. Yet it still rewards me gear that anyone and their grandma can get. I fully support giving keys in the 20+ range mythic ilvl gear on completion, its dumb that they havent implemented that too. But at 2.4cr in 2s, there are about 3-4000 people in Europe above you. Youre literally in the top 0.something %. Less than 1% of people get that rating. Yet thats the rating you need to achieve to get gear at the same item lvl, as a 15 key. All you need to get a 475 ilvl piece (and the increased residium which helps you get high ilvl azerite gear, none of which you get from pvp) is literally a 15 key, and just complete it. You can complete it in literally 8 hours if youre really that bad at the game, and still get a mythic ilvl piece. And you need to be really good to get 2.4cr in arenas. Really good compared to the rest of the playerbase at least.

This is why having either a pvp specific stat is good. I dont think they have the time to balance it now. But bring back the WoD pvp system, where pvp gear increased in ilvl in pvp combat.

I think your argument is trash. I could describe it in a far more colorful way. You hardly ever pvp, and yet want to be more or less equal to top tier players commiting to pvping.


bring back PvP Specific Stats (Resilience or PvP Power or set bonus )

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I dont think its possible for them to do that this late in development, because they need to balance it. Or, they dont see it as possible.
Bring back the wod system where pvp gear scaled up in ilvl, in pvp combat instead. In my opinion.

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