No-RDF is about socializing, among other things

ok bro
Your answer is like back in 2010, exactly as your stuck memories.

While I can confirm that it might take long time to find group for specific dungeon that is not part of the daily quests on realms where one faction is smaller in numbers (e.g. Alliance side on Ashbringer) it is still possible to find the group eventually. Even if it might take way over thirty minutes.

Finding group for old content on such realm is incomparably more difficult though.
You can spend several hours running around doing quests and never form full group with every role necessary. Most players don’t even have that much time to spend in-game.

This entire thing make assumption that Blizzard team in charge of WoW Classic is completely incompetent if they remove RDF from WotLK Classic and allow factions to become very unbalanced in population on most realms.

I wonder what clever response will the anti-RDF community came up with this time to counter my argument.

Just do like Arkoniel did and go back to your PS.

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Yeah what about that, i already told that to the Classic 2019 players, so let me just answer exactly the same they did to me :


I agree with this guy.

What other servers are there? Right now NK is the only realm not tagged as full/fresh/RP that’s still opened. But hey let’s all converge on one, it surely won’t lead to queues, lockdowns and other issues.

Besides you are missing a point here. Nethergarde is far from empty. But like most servers around the majority of the population is between levels 68 to 80 aka in Northrend. Spread the remaining across 54 or so levels and you’ll be left with small pools from which you can find someone to run dungeons. It’s really universal problem that RDF would lessen since it widens the scope.

Shouldnt the RDF andys be getting ready for dragonflight release?

You really want me to retort with “Shouldn’t Anti-RDF Andies sit back at Era?”. There here you go happy?

Also sounds funny when written from a retail toon.


I play on NGK myself and I am not sure I would say that it’s far from empty, purely because half the server, if not more, raid logs exclusively now. I regularly monitor the number of people in the LFG channel via a specific command and the number has tanked (no pun intended) during the last couple of weeks. From there on, and that’s anecdotal evidence on my part, anyone that I have asked about why not levelling any alts they simply responded that they can’t be bothered to do so again, especially when they feel that it will be done exclusively on questing.

That’s exactly the issue. NK itself isn’t exactly empty roughly 2-3k players online at same time per faction but majority of those people are in Northrend. According to wowclassicpop there have been roughly 12k characters in total recorded on both factions. Now 47% of that number are max level and roughly 24% are between level 68 and 79. Meaning only 29% of the characters on the realm are still there populating the remaining zones and spread among remaining 67 levels.

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How your IQ is ?
RDF was created for Wotlk
And Blizzard wanted to create the LFG back in the old day in Vanilla.

Shouldnt the anti RDF be getting ready for the next Classic SOM instead ?

Why? RDF-free wotlk is pretty awesome. Dont need to go anywhere.

RDF-andies seriously think that RDF will solve issues? If people don’t want to queue for an activity, they won’t. If people want to segregate (by gearscore or whatever), they will WITH RDF (will form pre-made groups via LFG channel). I’m not against RDF but I think it’s such a non-issue.

Some numbers are in order it seems. I’ll take Nethergarde Keep as an example since it’s a realm I play on and which I scan to contribute data for census project… Out of around 6000 characters per faction (not players, just characters made, pool of active players hover closer to 2.5k people at once during peak in each faction) 71% is in Northrend leaving remaining 29% scattered on lower level zones. While per realm it often leads to issues forming parties if you widen the pool to all existing realms you gain substantial numbers even if it would still technically be minority. Locked realms would be an issue since obviously those by now would likely all stick in Northrend but remaining realms? It does add up.

Wotlk with RDF was pretty awesome too, for Wotlk players.
Oh wait, you are a Classic ERA player who ask for changes because you don’t like this game.

Well, Classic andies thought that removing RDF will solve social issues.
We explained with many points why it not, but blinded bad faith and denial players they are.

So, you removed a feature for nothing at the end.
Thank you.
This community is cancer and corrupt everything.

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I didn’t do it…

Good boy

Yes, we’ve been telling anti RDFers for ages that they can do this. They retort with “but wah I can’t do this no moar cuz everyone will be using RDF”.

Yes, it’s a really stupid counter argument. They still use it.

Every argument of them are stupid and counterable.

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