No-RDF is about socializing, among other things

Just wanted to quote that one xD … it would be nice solution to all those people who think “numlock on flying mount” is social interaction …

and thread named
“cata dungeons too hard?”


Another good one " Gearscore ruining the game "

“solo heigan kill”

The thread itself is about loot rules in RDF but “First id like to say that what Blizzard has down with this particular part in the game has made it almost impossible NOT to find a group. I applaud this!

another thread
“First of all I want to say the new LFG system for Dungeons works GREAT! Great job Blizzard”
(But… I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with the LF Raid system? I have Q-ed for it 5 times now and never found a raid group. Now my thoughts were Blizzard may never make this system work because imo it would kill raiding as a guild (which is almost dead on my server anyway) for the most part. Has anyone had any luck with this system or heard anything out of Blizzard about this system? Your thoughts? )

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Yea but this is Classic already regardless of RDF so that argument doesn’t hold much weight now. Not having it did not improve the above points.

I didn’t know and i think too it’s a good idea.

Most complaints about RDF from the link you yourself provided are “tanking sucks” and “oculus sucks”

(theres like 3 pages in a row about “oculus poping up too often” and “why its always oculus”)

(also gearscore sucks … oh no :smiley: )

So, today, I was sitting in SMC waiting for my random dungeon queue to…queue…and I saw in Trade someone asking for a minimum GS of 75 to run RFC with him.


That page predates the release of Cata (2010.12.07). So they are for late Wrath/Cata beta.

Well of course, things gradually went south and we, myself included, were wondering whether it’s due to RDF. We, myself included, forgot how annoying it was to spam Trade to find a party, often around midnight after the raid. Forgot how during my loremaster I ended up boosted in pretty much every dungeon by a tauren hunter - ending up in their guild raiding later -, because I didn’t find people. I forgot how /who 1-79 often listed less than 50 players.

It’s still possible RDF played a part in the mindset change, but players are different anyway and turning back is unlikely, many of them are a lot more focused (acting professional), while others like me have aged 15 years and thus our preferences changed. Plus, unlike in 2009, there are many services competing for our free time, meaning entertainment standards have increased. (Spamming LFG and watching gryphon taxi for 15 minutes doesn’t meet them.)

We have a wonderful “what if RDF didn’t happen” comparison case.
People tend to find causation in anything. Economy, pandemics, RDF. Sometimes correct, sometimes not.

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You think you do, but you don’t. Allen Brack was correct all along.

They also said “bring a player not a class” and then gave heroism to mages …

Not his best quote but he wasn’t wrong. After all isn’t classic a proof of that in the end? Isn’t fate of Jin’do a proof for that thesis? Monofaction PvP realms while we still cry about protecting wPvP?

Classic and retail are different in so many things.
RDF is just one, but storytelling, combat pacing, resource management…

I played this paladin about two months ago but it felt so awkward, I couldn’t connect with it anymore. Same with hunter, too much thematic change for me.

Plus the obvious “play the last expansion pl0x” approach.

(And probably there is too much negativity on the forums. I wonder how it would be without. Maybe we’d just play and have fun. Some problems we wouldn’t even notice, while others we would take for granted.)

ps.: I am consistently pro-RDF all along since at least BC launch.

Of course he was right.
You think you want social but you don’t.
So you removed RDF for nothing.

Yep, taking a break from the forum is quite healthy. In game there are lot less complains (they are too busy playing). Most people actually enjoying the game don’t come here to comment, they don’t care. Same with reddit.
These can really screw with people’s perspective.

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Most people raid log, don’t use /4 to chat and are unlikely to ever meet or recognise you on even a moderately sized server. We’ve already seen Classic Xpacs starve themselves out of a playerbase through levelling/dungeons dying out, while the pool of endgame geared players constantly shrinks due to life.

It didn’t. Bluntly speaking the novelty of social interaction passed, with the advent of proper social media and people getting computers powerful enough to have something other than WoW open, if not outright a second monitor. That novelty is gone and it will never come back.


Well that was impressive display of statistics, see you on nethergarde-keep wotlk classic horde name Agesolo.

Why thank you. I use Census addon myself since the data is only reliable if it’s gathered.

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This, some people on this forum think that we still are in 2004-2008 when internet was new, yes because many people only get internet in 2004-2006 so it was new and awesome to have the chance to interact with people in a game.
Even mobile phone was new at this time or SMS was expensive and not pratical.

In 2010-2012 we had all Facebook, Twitter, Mobile phone with illimited SMS, Vocal. All of them banalized socials.

But even in 2022 it’s hard for the old stucked Classic community to understand that.

Earthshaker exist.

Mirage raceway exist.

Earthshaker - Alliance dominated so really not exactly a picture of healthy realm considering i am a freaking Horde player. Mirage Raceway… now there’s no data on Alliance side there but from horde perspective not much bigger than NK with same glorious problem - less than 30% characters below Northrend. Also how the actual f is anyone supposed to actually make an educated guess if there’s zero official data about realm population? I found about census project and Ironforge less than two weeks ago since they ain’t exactly advertised

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For horde,
Mograine exist.
Ashbringer exist.

Not mentioning french or german realms as i asume you are not from one of those countries.

Do you freaking hear yourself or do you just love spouting random nonsense? You accuse me of picking wrong server yet you fail to answer one freaking question I asked. How is anyone supposed to make an educated decision if there’s zero actual info about server population? I made my character on NK purely because it was the first realm the client suggested during the last days of prepatch. All servers looked the same at the time with exception of the biggest one. Hell Ashbringer used to be as freaking empty as NK before the mass exodus of the Horde fron locked realms

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