It seems to me that the Christian foundation upon which the lore of Warcraft was built has all but evaporated. I do not have to cite any examples to prove this. Anyone can notice it in the very air of the setting. The depressive and nihilistic world-view expressed by the lore of the present expansion.
For that reason, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that the number of people playing this game has decreased as the expurgation of Christian themes from the lore has intensified. I would contest that there is a correspondence between the number of players and the degree of Christianity represented in the game. Take Wrath of the Lich King as an example, an expansion filled to the brim with Christian themes. Back then the story was centred on the great struggle between life and death, light and darkness, hope and despair, with knights, crusaders and priests fighting under the banner of the good and true against the forces of evil. That was Warcraft at its peak!
And what has happened since? The great topics of literature, religion and humanism are gone, banished, replaced by cheap mass entertainment and internet-assembled philosophy. Does anyone dare to guess how many people still play this game?
My thesis is this: Warcraft will never recover unless it gains an appreciation for its Christian foundation. I believe that that the story team of Warcraft, largely ignorant of the setting’s debt to Christianity, make the mistake of looking elsewhere for what they already have in their own closet. I am dismayed at how utterly incapable the writers are of understanding and appreciating Warcraft’s dependence on Christianity. Rediscover where you came from before it is too late. Warcraft does not need to return nostalgically to a dead and forever-gone past by recycling old expansions. It needs to return to its roots. Christianity gave to Warcraft its characteristic hopefulness, ingenuity, depths, virtue, cheerfulness, and life. I am not really convinced all people know and believe that.
The expurgation of Christianity from Warcraft and indeed from our Western culture in general is now more or less complete. Nevertheless, our culture depends on Christianity, and this is seen in its very conscious attempt to liberate itself from its influences. Warcraft, created in the final years of the Christian millennium, has now been set “free” of the last vestiges of the old Christian culture and is heading in the same direction that the entire Western civilization has been heading for a while. I observe the eve of the holy faith in the West with great sorrow. But when everything seems to be lost, one should remember that after evening comes dawn — always.
It’s a nice retrospective of what has happened with the setting and Queteron’s take on how it’s tied to the developers removing Christian religion influence with every means possible.
Your comment makes you look intellectually diminished rather than him a lunatic tbh
Also I think that no matter if the reader believes this to be true as in “this was the core theme/ peak of Warcraft” it is true as in: Role play centered around these aspects of duality will be rly good
God damn, I don’t know if I should be taking this seriously or not? But anyways, SL has loads of christian themes in it - It’s basically a jacked together Paradise Lost and Inferno.
Warcraft has a lot more inspiration and references to many of the world’s religions than just Christianity.
We have Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Native American, nordic paganism, Lovecraft. Greek, deep inhale I could probably name more but I think you see my point?
While I agree that Christianity and all the other religions and cultures are all great inspirations when you create a fictional world. Furthermore i do respect all above and people who believe and practice it. But also as an atheist i more personly see religion as just stories and fantasies that are a better fit in a fantasy world than the modern world.
Nah this is just top tier “Muh Christianity, muh Light, muh Nerf” posting that usually comes from the HMPs or Viking RPers in their headcanon islands north of Lordaeron.
“… The fall of the west bros… the west has fallen to those of foreign faiths… but in time… they will learn…” is some top cringe if you ask me.